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The Big and Dandy Basic Psilocybin Mushroom Questions Thread (Arch 3-18-07 - 4-21-08)

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Beenhead said:
Seriously does the size of the mushroom matter, Ive always thought once the veil breaks nomore psilocybin is produced, but Ive gotten people 1/8ths before wild, with larger caps and theystill had a good time, obviously with less caps

Im so Confused :(

Size matters when you are dealing with aborts.

Aborts are mushrooms that appear to be growing fine with the rest of the mushrooms in the flush, and then for no reason just stop growing. You have a rough window of 24-36 hours to pick them off the cake (or cow patty, for the more adventurous folk) before they actually start rotting and become inedible. These will look like little baby mushrooms that still have really dark caps - because they are barely formed above being primordia. (I've seen ones that had dark cobalt blue caps. The best trip of my life.) Why do they matter? Because an abort can be anywhere between 2-3 times more potent than a fully mature mushroom. And, due to their small size, it is far more likely that you will consume a large number of them in trying to compensate for the weight difference between them and mature caps.

(I found all this out after I talked to a friend of mine who grows them. The cobalt blue caps that I mentioned, I was lucky enough to get an eighth of them from a really good friend of mine who thought that the bag wouldn't be worth it because of the size- he said that he wanted at least 5 gs; so he sold it to me for a great price. I've done mushrooms around a good 15 times, always at 2 gs or above, and I still have yet to trip harder than I did on that eighth.)
^^ Aborts are more potent by weight. My understanding on this is that a mushroom produces nearly all of its psilocybin at the very first stages of life. Bigger mushrooms may produce slightly more psilocybin, but it's counteracted by the increase in mushroom mass lowering actual concentration. Growing bigger mushrooms really only benefits people like dealers who are selling by weight and not necessarily by strength. An eighth of aborts will fuck you up much more than one monster eighth ounce mushroom.

Or at least that's the way I had it explained to me.
Obyron said:
^^ Aborts are more potent by weight. My understanding on this is that a mushroom produces nearly all of its psilocybin at the very first stages of life. Bigger mushrooms may produce slightly more psilocybin, but it's counteracted by the increase in mushroom mass lowering actual concentration. Growing bigger mushrooms really only benefits people like dealers who are selling by weight and not necessarily by strength. Or at least that's the way I had it explained to me.

That's correct. The veil that eventually breaks and releases that last bit of psilocybin into a fully form grown mushroom is, essentially, what is making up the entire cap of an abort. That's why the caps are a much darker color.

Obyron said:
An eighth of aborts will fuck you up much more than one monster eighth ounce mushroom.

Too true 8(
all this talk about mushrooms =( why are there none going around in mississauga :/
Obyron said:
^^ Grow your own! It's awesomely easy!

Agreed. There are even stores on the internet where you can get premixed, presterilized jars that have really funny disclaimers on the bottom about how they "HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO ALLOW FOR THE GROWTH OF PSILOCYBE MUSHROOMS".
Enhancing a Shroom Trip

Pretty simple. All I'v heard is that you're supposed to digest a lot of vitamin C. Idk, last two times I ate a half-eigth (1.7-2g maybe). I had a minor trip both times. I ate oranges and drank OJ. I think it helped but I feel like my friends were tripping more than I was.

So I've taken to drinking a lot of vitamin C juice (the night before) and then doing them early afternoon tomorrow. Is there anything else I can do to help me along my way?
have a good enviroment to do it in, be around friend that are tripping as well, good music, some weed. more shrooms, of course.
Wait longer between trips. Eat more shrooms. Skip food before the shrooms so they kick in harder/faster.
i know im gonna be bitched at for mentioning this because of the dangers but a low does of an maoi
also wen in amsterdam smart shops told me if i was tripping to hard to drink OJ and if i wasnt tripping enough eat sugar or chocolate so try eating shit loads of skittles or some shit i think OJ will just weaken the trip but im not sure
iunno whats up with eatin ascorbic acid and shrooms. If i had to recomend Vit C with any drug it would be with clonazepam, nitrazepam, ect because of the superoxide free radicals they "give off", but im not all into that health/toxins/antioxidant crap.
diche said:
iunno whats up with eatin ascorbic acid and shrooms.
Persistent urban myth.
Funny that some swear it amplifies effects, while others claim the opposite.
As often, the truth lies in the middle. I.e. it does zip. :D
Making tea from it may help it absorb into your bloodstream faster. More mushrooms seems like the obvious answer to me though!
Merged in theinlive's question about enhancing mushroom trips.

Vitamin C does not enhance a trip. If you're trying to make a tea out of the mushrooms or otherwise extract the psilocin/cybin from them, adding an ackid such as vitamin C could potentially help it extract a bit more efficiently. But that's about it. The vitamin C thing is one of the most widespread drug myths I can think of. Placebo effect can be a powerful thing! ;)

The most important factor for enhancing your trips is to have them in the right setting. Outdoors in nature makes for a powerful experience, as does having only close friends around and having good music to listen to.
what about eating? Should I go on an empty stomach or is it ok to have a bit in me? my metabolism is weird too, I keep imagining that I'm going to digest the shrooms later than everyone else. But I think that's just an unnecessary assumption.
I always prefer an empty stomach.
I also quit eating them after I discovered the advantages of mushroom tea.
^Nothing like munching a fresh shroomy though I must say.... I usually just chew the things- make sure their dry and maggott free though.
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