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The Big and Dandy Basic Mescaline/Cactus Questions Thread (Archive 3-19-07 - 4-12-08)

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I would seriously give ANYTHING in the world to find some pure mescaline. I've never heard of it even being in the same city as me, and believe me, I looked hard and still look but it's unlikely I'll get to eat peyote or mescaline until burning man!
Ismene said:
Shelf-life is no problem, as long as you reboil it any nasties will be killed.

Freezing should work.

BTW, have you actually tasted san pedro tea yet? Before spending too much time reboiling and freezing, take a sip and see whether you think you could drink a cup of it. I spent a week "preparing" san pedro once and then took one sip and threw the rest in the bin.

I finished cooking it up tonight. I tasted a drop on my finger and my god, it was the worst thing I have ever tasted. I figured it would taste like it smelt, but no. It tasted like pure overpowering chemical poison.

Now I have a large fist sized bit of dough sitting in the fridge. It looks like a dark green rock cake. I gave up on the idea of drinking any of that. I just hope I didnt go through all those hours only to have stuffed it and have it not work.
Ill report back how it goes in a day or 2. I plan to have some mdma also later into the trip if all goes well.

Hey guys, I've got a nice amount of Peruvian torch dried chunks on the way, and have an AMAZING woods spot picked out, with no people for at least a mile in all directions. It is a beautiful large clearing in the middle of thick forest. My best friend and I are planning on (probably just chewing em up like shrooms) for our first time.

I curious what your guys opinions are regarding what time of day is best for this occasion. The lowest full moon of the year is in a couple weeks, which should make for a really bright night; but when I shroom I get the most out of the day because I love to see all the colors of nature..in contrast I've heard the visuals with mescaline are the best in the dark... sooo... what would you guys do? try to time it half and half? all night or day?

As always, thoughts appreciated
So whats up with all the white stuff on the cactus chips? Should I break off the white parts and just keep the green, or would that be wasting product?
The Hoff Bomb said:
How does mescaline compare to LSD and 2c-substances

To start, I've done petoye once, acid 3 times, and shrooms and morning glory a bunch of times.

For peyote I would say that the trip was very sacred and you can really feel it in your body. It almost felt like I was back in an ancient day. That being said, it was also a much easier trip than lsd the visuals were kind of relaxing and funny I remember I couldn't stop laughing for a very long time after it kicked it. I felt very creative and I actually started writing ideas down and poetry and songs and stuff like that which I've never really even thought of before. The breeze outside was nice, it is a must to go outside if your'e trippin on mescaline.

LSD is a little harder on the mind it makes me really paranoid, not as calm as peyote was. The visuals were a little stronger and felt like they were leaping out at me and stuff. I felt really thought provoking and I kept asking crazy questions to my friends and stuff. I danced a lot and kind of switched moods really fast, one time I even started completely freakin out on ppl for no reason at all. I liked it better being in a nice cozy room with a few friends just making conversation.

Quite a few differences for my experiences but I liked them both very much I would have to say I liked mescaline better because I wasn't as stressed as I was on lsd.

It looks like I'm never going to find a supplier for 2CB or 2C-anything here in England, so, since it's number one of the magical half-dozen, and it was Huxley's focus in DOP, I'm going to do what I planned I would do before I die anyway. I'm going to plant a couple of Lophorphora Williamsii (Peyote) cactii.

The oldest I seem to be able to buy are probably 5yrs old, 5.5-6cm diameter (£30 each from a pretty obvious website) which isn't *too* bad I don't suppose, but how long before it's ready for religeous comsumption? A year? or more like another five years?

I know people do grafting and things to help it grow faster, but what about adding some anabolic steroids into the compost? Would that accelerate growth?

I've got the book Peyote: And other psychoactive cactii, but I haven't read it yet. Hopefully that'll give some clues.

Regarding setting: if it's a 10-hour trip, I wonder if me and gf will get a bit restless stuck in the house. Would you recommend we go camping in some woods somewhere for the weekend or something?

peyote is a natural drug. I did it three times, all three times in the forrest. I sat under a tree for four hours and i never felt so much peace before. Even thou i dint hallucinate much(i only saw the floor moving like waves), ive never gotten any better 'feeling' experience from any other drug.
whiteblotter said:
not sure about the growing time, but your trip time is waaaayyyyy off buddy. i know alot of people who say they've never had a mescaline experience last less than 20-24 hours.
Honestly, most of the things I've read are saying 6 - 12 hours. I guess at the end of the day it's going to be dose dependant. I'll allow for a good 24 hours anyway.

and weather or not you get restless in the house depends on you. You must have experience with other hallucinogens so you can get an idea yourself of if youll be able to focus and chill out or not.

My only experience of other hallucinogens, other than trippy pills, is a bad trip on half an acid 10 years ago which left me having cold flushes for days afterwards like someone was walking over my grave. I'm expecting this to be much more positive, but possibly easily-influenced by, for example, fear of neighbours knocking on the door when it's daylight and I'm still quite off-baseline. For that reason I think it'll be an away trip.
A little clarification: in terms of duration, synthetic mescaline < san pedro < peyote. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that San Pedro and Peyote contain MAOIs that prevent the breakdown of mescaline.
dude if you freaked out on half a tab of acid peyote may be a lil much for you.
carl0s said:
I'm going to plant a couple of Lophorphora Williamsii (Peyote) cactii.

The oldest I seem to be able to buy are probably 5yrs old, 5.5-6cm diameter (£30 each from a pretty obvious website) which isn't *too* bad I don't suppose, but how long before it's ready for religeous comsumption? A year? or more like another five years?

More like another 10-15 years. And you'll need a minimum of 6-10. You won't even get threshold effects from 2.
drew345 said:
dude if you freaked out on half a tab of acid peyote may be a lil much for you.

I think you're less likely to have a bad time on peyote.

There's a funny story in "Lame Deer: Seeker of Visions" where some hippie guy comes along with a vial of acid tabs and gives them to an old Indian peyote shaman. He tells him - "here, fella. It's modern peyote - in a pill." The old guy eats the whole vial full. He says, later, that he hasn't been able to get the ringing out of his ears to this day.

There's a limiting factor with peyote. You have to eat it, and it's gross. Hard to take too much.
Dragynfyr said:
So whats up with all the white stuff on the cactus chips? Should I break off the white parts and just keep the green, or would that be wasting product?

That would indeed be waste. The inner skin (the green parts) contains the highest alkaloid concentration, but there is some in the white tissue as well, especially the white tissue closest to the skin. There are also low concentrations of the good stuff in the inner white tissue and even the woody core, so it's not bright to ever throw away a bit of the plant.
Dragynfyr said:
So whats up with all the white stuff on the cactus chips? Should I break off the white parts and just keep the green, or would that be wasting product?

Correct. If u notice when u make a transversal cut, u have the peel, then a green layer and then the rest is white. What i advice u to do is to peal the cactus carefully, cut the green in 'chewable sizes' dry them out and then eat.
If u dont want to wait until it dries, u could blend it with any citric and then drink it. I think u get the best experience with dry cactus, plus u ingest way less in order to get a good trip. When u ingest the cactus fresh, u need about 20-25 centimeres of cactus just for urself. On the other hand, if u eat them dry, u can eat until u start throwing up or until u think u've had enough.
I took 340mg of 3 year old white tan mescaline hcl last night in dreams which had been finally cleaned using a mortar & pestal, funnel stuffed with cotton and ice cold anahydrous acetone & distilled water for the rinse of the cotton after it had dried overnight. (Took 240 mg at first, then bumped it up 100mg about 1.5 hour later) The cleaning process is described by Ekstaza in a thread entitled "mescaline extraction made easy" on the web & here.

It was by far my FAVORITE method of taking it.

My friend took 120mg. And we both had a very very pleasant time.

The tan mescaline was divided into 20mg portions (equivalent to taking about one peyote button) in tiny gel caps and placed on a paper plate. Each portion was taken every 10 minutes with water until it was all gone. Using purified mescaline and taking it slow eliminated nausea for both of us. So it was consumed over the course of 2 to 3 hours. Next time we will speed it up and taken it over the course of 1.5 hour. We were just being cautious as we both have had weird stomach feelings with very brown mescaline taken all at once in the past.

There was absolutely no nausea for either person.

This is just as good or better than acid in dreams (and I've taken over 200 acid doses over a decade ago). It would work very well with acid as well. I found it more colorful though, like 1.5 to 2 hits of good acid but with an underlying invincible sense of peace. Pupils were large.

The state of mind was so beautiful and colors were so damn pretty...music was a whole nother world and can't even describe how good it sounded in words...each person was totally coherent to all that was going around--I felt like I was in heaven it was that good. At one point colors seemed to be pouring over surfaces and a rotating fan rainbow of colors was seen in the dark. Light visuals were seen as overlays that covered surfaces and melting of boundaries if you stared hard at one object. It is so mellow and beautiful. I could stare at an object and all of it's surroundings seemed filled with energy and constantly on the verge of changing or disappearing, wanting to melt into other scenery, just amazing. Afterimages were persistent and long lasting. Patterns & colors and edges of color all so beautiful. This IS the way things ought to be seen. Music was a whole soul experience. Instead of just my ears hearing, all of my senses seemed to encompass the sound, and instead of hearing the music -- I was the music. I just wanted to get lost in the sounds & voices it was so beautiful.

I've taken six everclear extracts of cactus over the last two months, and this just blew it away do to their being no nausea, no cramping, etc. The 5th everclear extract had me puking 3 times in 3 hours (most likely because lemon juice and tartaric acid was added) and both ends erupting, the 6th everclear extract (no acidic additives) had 2 hours of background nausea so couldn't really enjoy it. If you use the everclear extract (1 or 2 shots of dark green liquid)--I recommend mixing it in ice cold orange gatorade with crushed ice and sipping it slowly over the course of an hour or more to reduce the nausea. I had no nausea using the first four everclear extracts--but I also drank it really slow and it wasn't very concentrated (threshold experiences--only soaked the cactus for half a day in the drinkable alcohol).

This purified stuff taken slowly over the course of 1 or more hours was just amazing and no stomach problems or nausea. My friend also said it felt like acid and was nice & mellow. She said she was tripping even off 120mg (about like 1/2 hit of acid).

Foaf's tek was used 3 years ago, and the funnel process with stuffed cotton or #102, #103 slow crystalline filter paper for cleaning, mortar and pestal, strong vacuum buchner funnel, ice cold anahydrous acetone (water taken out with epson salts) is a great method that I finally used several years later to clean up very brown sanchez--this experience just blew me away with how well it worked, and I feel amazing the day after, renewed and refreshed--except for a slight headache, but that is probably because we were up till 5am in the morning.

Tip for reducing mescaline nausea from PIHKAL page 260:
Shura said, "I've discovered a way to avoid the nausea, you'll be glad to hear. If you sip your drink over half an hour, instead of taking it all down at once, the nausea doesn't present a problem. So take your time, sip it slowly, and the inevitable doesn't have to be inevitable, after all!"
Page 259:
"I think I'll go for two hundred, and see what happens. I can supplement later, can't I, if it's too low?"

Shura said, "Yes, certainly, supplements should be effective for probably as long as a couple of hours into it."
Cleaning brown mescaline into a white tan powder (with my own dream additions/improvements shown in *):

Cleaning (from Ekstaza's tek):

1) Put a cotton ball in the spout end of your funnel so that it can filter. *I like to use 3 to 4 cotton balls and a buchner fuunel setup by placing the funnel into the hole on the rubber stopper of the flask & attaching a strong vaccum so the process is fast.*

2) Mix some *ice cold anahydrous* acetone with your extracted alkaloids. You can use a mason jar so that you can swirl it around easily. You want to get every piece of Mescaline washed with acetone, so mix it in good. *I use a mortar and pestal -- add 2 grams of brown mescaline to the mortar and pestal it for several minutes (grind it very well with the acetone). Mescaline is highly insoluble in ice cold anahydrous (made dry with epson salts) acetone.*

*How to make acetone anahydrous: Take a quart of acetone and place in a jar. Take 500g of Epsom salt and place in a 300 deg oven for 4hrs. Remove the Epsom salt and immediately place in an airtight jar. Now add three table spoons of the dry Epsom to the jar of acetone let stand one day then freeze till ice cold.*

3) Next, pour it into the funnel with a clean dry jar to catch the liquids. Use acetone to wash loose needles, that remain in the jar, into the funnel.

4) You will notice some color draining through with the acetone. Wash like this with fresh acetone until little to no more color is draining through. Put the funnel somewhere to dry. *I let the funnel with cotton dry overnight--I also evaporated down the acetone to see what the impurities looked like--it evaporated down to a somewhat greasy dark brown impurity like sticky powder*

5) Once all acetone smell is gone from the funnel and it's contents you need to pour some hot water into it with it positioned over the evaporation dish. The hot water will dissolve the crystals and allow them to flow through the cotton into the dish. *I now use 3/4 cup of lukewarm or room-temp distilled water for even cleaner mescaline as hot water tends to dissolve a small amount of the discolored impurities that got trapped in the cotton.*

6) Evaporate as before. The resulting crystals will be considerably whiter and more pure. This is not only for aesthetics, but also it makes for more accurate dosing. *I place the pyrex dish of water under a fan for three days, and then am left with a dish covered in crystalline like whitish mescaline in patterns over the entire surface. Scrape it up with a razor blade, also like to add that there is considerably less (ie, no) nausea using the purified mescaline over the dark brown mescaline (at least in our case).*

7) You can put this powder in capsules to facilitate simple dosing with pre-measured amounts in each capsule. *(I like to divide it into small 20 to 40mg doses in tiny capsules and take them slowly over the course of an hour or more--eliminates nausea for sensitive people). Some nausea is inherent to even the purist of mescaline, but letting the stomach adjust to it by taking it slow resulted in absolutely zero nausea for both of us, and I don't like to get sick or puke if I can avoid it.

Don't forget the Source--Mother earth deserves all the credit.

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Do San Pedro cacti grow in the wild anywhere in the United States? If not, do people buy it online?

I'm just curious where people usually get it, especially living in a climate where it usually wouldn't grow.
^^^San Pedro is not a native NAmerican plant, but yes you can order it online.
Mescaline--Ways to ingest

Also known as Peyote, Peruvian Torch, San Pedro cactus.

I just wanted to know how you guys got it down, certain methods you used, was it effective, etc.

I have a really sensitive stomach, but I REALLY want to try this. I did MGS about a week ago (crush seeds, soak in water for 30 minutes, strain seeds out, drink water), about 10 minutes later, I threw up despite my best efforts to keep it down.

My last resort would be to use gel caps. Um, how much gel caps would that be? Lolz. Oh and extracting mescaline is out of the question because I don't have all the chemicals and etc needed.
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