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The Big and Dandy AMT Thread - Part 1 (Archived)

i definaetly think aMT has an addictive potential.. but only to the point of psychologically craving it.. i find that i can get a little sensitive the day after a huge dose, but a small dose leaves me waking up feeling fine, if not better than fine :).. that is why i think amt is a sort of drug where you could take it a few days on the run without much tolerance issues, though i ave repeatedly tried and found a 3 day gap brings back full effects.

Has anyone tried 5mg daily? i find its a real confindence booster aswell as perking you up for the day and i dont find the insomnia that bad off such a small dose especially when taken in the morning.
Does rectal administration potentiate this chemical? 1.5x? 2X? I'm going to test the waters with a 5mg rectal dose soonish...but I want to know if I can go about my daily life, interacting with people, driving short distances to friends, eating, sleeping (at T+12 hours). Also does it dilate your eyes at this level?

thanks in advance.
I find myself quite drawn to AMT because the effects are so beautiful and pleasurable. At times I have used it up to 4 days in a row, at high doses due to tolerance from using it so often. All I've ever noticed was some physical fatigue afterwards. But that doesn't mean it's safe. But it does FEEL safe to me. I've never had anything more than psychological craving for it, but I definitely get that.

S_S, rectal admin doesn't seem to potentiate it to me, jsut makes it last shorter by a bit and come up smoother and faster. 5mg will be threshold, and you should be able to go about your day. Actually, 5mg for me was pretty annoying because it was so threshold, but that was a long time ago.
I tried this for the first time with one of my friends a few days ago. He took around 35 MG and I took around 50 MG. I had already taken a few small doses to get a feel for how it would affect me. Sadly, I did not really "trip" off my dose, but I think it was because I didn't fast before the experience. All I felt was the mdma part of it, which I have to say was quite nice.

I really like this compound and I can't wait to experience the other parts of it. I just wish I didn't waste a dose like that, unless I need a higher dose next time.
AMT isn't particularly psychedelic to me... you may have not received full effects, but don't expect a full-on trip at any dose.

Well, it's psychedelic to be sure, but in a more subtle, emotional way.
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I dunno man... I've had some pretty intense trips on AMT. Nothing on the level of 2C-E or LSD... but they are intense in their own right.

Keep in mind its a tryptamine. I have yet to see a tryptamine that won't smack the smile right off your face if you tempt it too much. ;)
AMT was alright, but the length coupled with nausea (for me) have probably sealed its fate to the "been there, done that" category. I didn't find the effect interesting enough to put my body through that again.
How much did you take? Oral, I'm guessing?

I do not get full effects until around 40mg. Length is the biggest downside to me. Its been so long since I've tried it I don't have a good feel for the nausea anymore. A number of times I was vaporizing it (retarded move, don't do it), and that seemed to cause much more than just eating it.

I always smoked pot on it though.
/\ I've vapourized and/or smoked small amounts of it. Fairly instantaneous alteration of mood and (perceived?) body temperature (heat) along with mild body rushes that lasted a few hours. That's 5-8mg approx.

The reason I use only rarely is the durationand the fact that I seem to get some sort of physical and/or emotional (hard to really differentiate) crash approx. 2 days later, coupled with a certain sadness that I couldn't hold on to the beautiful world view it had suggested to me while I was under the influence. Energetically it left me quite depleted last time I used.

I'm one of the few who don't get any nausea, btw. I can even eat (though only modest amounts) a few hours into the experience if I need to.
is this an ok place to ask about 5-meo-amt or would another thread be wiser?
i cannot find much info on it and would like to hear from someone with experience.
i really love aMT vaporised it seemed to cause an irratation of the lungs that lasted alot,, though i did experience an alteration in senses along with body rushes similar to what ximot said, though even at higher vaporised doses i find its much more speedier (not as visual).. i tried snorting a few times, not worth the pain,, tho u do get a good rush from it quicker than eating.

I find that with time, i found the comeups shorter but after regular use it seems to diminish the come up time, which for me isnt at all that bad, because the come up for me is the most uncomfortable part of aMT :D .. though i do love the energy boost from it =D

5-MEO-AMT 8( tbh i would definately try it, around 1mg say and work my way up, after all i love aMT and magicalkat seemed to rate the stuff =D Its just getting my hands on it (which i dont think will be too hard, everyone hates it :D
Vaporizing smaller amounts I could see as being pretty tolerable. I was always sucking down 20-40mg, which takes some dedication. It probably took me 15min at least to get it all out of a base pipe.

I would feel a slight head change immediately, but nothing really psychedelic. The stuff never really hit me for a good 1.5-2 hours, and then it would just "happen".

I'd never smoke it again though. I'm not sure why I ever did to begin with. I like it much better munching 60mg or so.
7mg oral is a very nice dose... I think it could be a very useful chemical.....I never felt like I was that under the influence of a chemical......I just felt happy (moreso than usual) and carefree.....very natural feeling, not forced on me at all......I was in a mood where I felt like I handled the input stimuli in a more positive manner than if I had not taken the 7mg of AMT.

My pupils were not dilated but strangely they were pinned from T+3-5 hours and now are slightly dilated T+9 hours.

Will try 10mg next as a daily supplement and see if there are more drug-like effects manifested....but first am going to dose 30mg at a trance party and see what the higher doses are like.....
How stimulating is a-MT at 7mg? I'm very sensitive to stimulants (where anymore than 5mg of amphetamine is too much) and that's one reason I've avoided a-MT.
No peripheral stimulation at all to speak of....a little bit of tingling in the head, arms, and legs....

A bit of stimulation in thought...conceptually ideas were verbalized more effortlessly...but yeah if you react like I did you shouldn't expect a stimulating experience at all....I probably could have taken a nap this afternoon easily.
Yeah MGS, I'm sensitive to stims too... and AMT isn't cardio-stimulating at all... Its odd. It makes you have a shit ton of energy... but there is no CNS stimulation to speak of...
Oh, btw, I didn't fall asleep until t+14-15 hours....I didn't feel stimulated, I just couldn't fall asleep (I'm pretty sensitive to things that keep me awake, even coffee late in the afternoon will keep me awake). Something to bear in mind depending on what time you want to get to bed....
AMT reminds me of MDMA a lot more than amphetamine. It can be a little stimulating on the come-up at higher doses, but once you hit the peak/plateau, I find it to be quite relaxing, much like MDMA. After the first few times, I found I could even force myself to sleep pretty easily after hour 6 or 8 (not that I wanted to except once).

Of course, I can sleep extremely easily for some reason. But still, my point is that it's really not very stimulating in the traditional sense. It gives you plenty of energy and keeps you awake, and stimulates the thoughts and emotions, but your heartrate probably won't increase much, if at all.