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The Benzodiazepine Thread v. IV

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Seems odd to put powder in a. .... oh wait, no it doesn't. Liquids draw way more attention, don't they.

What ratio do you use PG/etiz?
Seems odd to put powder in a. .... oh wait, no it doesn't. Liquids draw way more attention, don't they.

What ratio do you use PG/etiz?

Try dosing half a milligram of powder ;) the liquid is just so you can measure out doses easy. Most of us don't have scales anyway near accurate.

You can go with whatever ratio you want but I like 1mg of etiz per 1ml of PG. And yeah a 65ml bottle would draw more attention compared to 65mg of powder.
1mg of etiz to 1ml per PG leaves lots of room for error. That's a pretty safe conversion rate, probably the only safe way to go with benzo powder.

I am going to do the same with the remainder of my phenzepam tomorrow. What do you do to ensure fusion of solutions?

I know there are lots of pages on this on BL, but I'd like to hear your technique is that's OK....
1mg of etiz to 1ml per PG leaves lots of room for error. That's a pretty safe conversion rate, probably the only safe way to go with benzo powder.

I am going to do the same with the remainder of my phenzepam tomorrow. What do you do to ensure fusion of solutions?

I know there are lots of pages on this on BL, but I'd like to hear your technique is that's OK....

I just use a pyrex dish, dump the powder in, make it as crushed up as possible with a spoon or something, measure the PG and put it in, stir for a while, put it into small plastic bottle and shake it up until all the powder is dissolved.

Sometimes I'll have to add a little bit of heat to get it dissolving (with pyrex dish on electric stove low setting, or in the plastic bottle microwave with cap off for 5 seconds at a time until it's warm)

Just make sure you label is clearly (or just - POISON) shake it up well before you use it.
Thanks for that. That was my plan, too. It's worked with other things pretty well before, but with phenzepam it needs to work properly. So, wish me lcuk! (oops... type... bad omen)

I've also written 'poison' and drawn and skull and crossbones AND taped the cap shut with previous solutions. It's worth the hassle of cutting it open and re-sealing for the peace of mind.
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Good luck :) Let us know how you go. Never tried it with Phenazepam but it's meant to be soluble in PG so should be all good.

Keep in mind VG isn't the same. AFAIK Etizolam isn't soluble in it.
^Thanks for that. I was planning to use PG, but I also have VG and didn't know that etiz doesn't do so well in it. Interesting.
^Nobody here can help you source drugs. This is not what BL is for. Read the user agreement before posting.

And this is an Australian thread.
^do you mean PG and VG? they're not drugs, just an medium used to make benzo solutions.

unless of course what you were referring to is actually UA'd or deleted now :)

just thought id mention that.
And not just benzo solutions can be a good way to store lots of different powders, stopping oxygen breaking it down.

Anyone know the lowest active dose for seroquel, i usually break 300mg tablets into 6 smaller bits and it seems to give me what i nees if im all out my normal goto benzos
so i rlsgot out of hand and decidedto give theclonaz a try. 1 (2mg) nothing.......2.....3...... all up i had 24 (thats 48mg) of clonaz and nothing. when itcomesto xannies and certtainly now clonaz (even tho ive never gone a long term streak with kpins) tolreance isfucked. i know my body , no needfofr lectrures. so now i have 800 kpins just sitting there.....
sounds like you are pretty high to me homie :)

seriously though be safe mate.

just dropped 1mg of alpraz and some sparkling ale to get me through this oxi withdrawal.
LOL Classic how many times I have had people typing all sorts of typos and gibberish to me absolutely insisting they felt nothing off their huge dose of benzo's.

In the name of HR don't take 48mg of clonazepam, that is way too much. I am pretty sure most benzo's have a high LD50 and that on its own may be relatively unlikely to cause death (I could be wrong!) but it is a crazy and un necessary dose none the less.
Yup, indybreaker you just made your tolerance to these handy tools ridiculously high.

Please be careful mate, you've had issues with alprazolam in the past, remeber the pain you went through after that?

^do you mean PG and VG? they're not drugs, just an medium used to make benzo solutions.

unless of course what you were referring to is actually UA'd or deleted now

just thought id mention that.

The OP deleted it ('seminolecowboy' was his handle, dude just vanished with one post?)

Heh, I nearly said sorry then because I was quite hectic that day, and after tents post I thought I'd read it wrong.

But no, the OP was posting against guidelines.

I know what PG is, and Halif explained in this thread VG not long ago.
^ For me probably diazepam yeah, that is assuming I will be chilling out around the house or taking the day relatively easy. If I have to do shit then alprazolam or bromazepam are both probably slightly better choices.
LOL Classic how many times I have had people typing all sorts of typos and gibberish to me absolutely insisting they felt nothing off their huge dose of benzo's.

In the name of HR don't take 48mg of clonazepam, that is way too much. I am pretty sure most benzo's have a high LD50 and that on its own may be relatively unlikely to cause death (I could be wrong!) but it is a crazy and un necessary dose none the less.
what jibberish my rls means Restless leg syndrome.and my space bar doesn't work that well
I never said your post was jibberish, I said "Classic how many times I have had people typing all sorts of typos and gibberish to me absolutely insisting they felt nothing off their huge dose of benzo's." There was at least a handful of typos in your post, so I don't feel this remark was off point, also, your space bar may not work that well but it seems to be working a LOT better minus the 48mg of clonaz in your system. ;)

The only point I was trying to make is that it seems many people swear up and down they feel nothing from benzo's, even when it is quite apparent to me that they are intoxicated. In your post you claimed to get "nothing" out of a ridiculous dose of clonaz, I would ask you to compare the post you just made with the post I referred to in my previous comment and tell me that is honestly true.

Am not and was not having a go at you or trying to insult you, I just found the post kind of amusing (aside from the fact you took a crazy dose of benzo's!) and made a comment to that effect.
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