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Benzos The Benzodiazepine MEGA THREAD - Direct Benzo Questions Here

Try taking a short acting benzo instead to reduce the hangover effects
Like? having quite a rough day + could really do with a benzo right now. But apprehensive as i have a job interview on Friday and need to be sharp.
Thanks anyone
Benzos like Diazepam/Valium can make people short tempered or aggresive at times--ive experienced myself and seen many others go through it as well, its kinda paradoxical, and I could only speculate on the physiological causes, but it def happens... Just remember its the drugs making u react like that and u normally would never act that way and ull be fine...

Diazepam is very long lasting and more sedating than the other short acting benzos like xanax, so it will make you groggy and sleepy for a few days after you take it. Large doses of most any benzo will give you this lethargic sleepy hangover feeling, but valium especially. So combined with the mdma+speed hangover, u will def b sleepy for a few days.
Try taking a short acting benzo instead to reduce the hangover effects and wait as long as possible to dose so that you won't need to redose/take more throughout the nighti--the longer u wait b4 dosing the stronger that dose will feel

Benzos made me more short tempered than any other drug. I think its because they quiet your brain down, in response your brain becomes more excited so as soon as the benzo wears off you are hyper sensitive.
So is Temazepam the only benzodiazepine which actually improves sleep quality (if it does)? Yet it eats away organic brain matter? haha

No benzos improve sleep quality. They can help you sleep if you are suffering insomnia but the sleep wont ever be as good as natural sleep/;.
I have never heard of anyone hallucinating off benzodiazepines...

I'm sorry but lorazepam does not produce a "psychedelic mindset". Far from it.
Actually Tricomb, I have a lot of experience with Ativan and benzos in general, and everytime I took Ativan More Recently on like a crash, I would see things move around on phone, in air.....Kinddaaa like ambien but a lil More annoying...
I was on 10mg Lorazepam daily. 5mg for breakie. 5mg for lunch. Its the most addictive benzo out there and m,ost certainly not something id take everyday, its more a situational drug. Never had any hallucinations of it though.
Actually Tricomb, I have a lot of experience with Ativan and benzos in general, and everytime I took Ativan More Recently on like a crash, I would see things move around on phone, in air.....Kinddaaa like ambien but a lil More annoying...

I bet this only happens when you take them after a stim comedown.
If this is correct then some visual disturbances are a normal side effect.
eg. when I would take zopiclone after a meth binge I would get a few minor "visualizations", but I knew the reason why this was happening and it was kinda cool, not annoying at all.
I bet this only happens when you take them after a stim comedown.
If this is correct then some visual disturbances are a normal side effect.
eg. when I would take zopiclone after a meth binge I would get a few minor "visualizations", but I knew the reason why this was happening and it was kinda cool, not annoying at all.
It wasn't always after stim comedowns. Ativan is the only benzo that really makes me feel very slow. I had this happen on or off stims but everyones different. I used to purge after taking the smallest amount of Any benzo. It was weird. It doesnt really happen anymore though.

I want to know what everyone things about Librium as well and I really would like to know how XANAX XR is? I may trade my night time dose for an xr xanax and some non benzo sleep med.
So is Temazepam the only benzodiazepine which actually improves sleep quality? Yet it eats away organic brain matter? haha
Temazepam was awful for me imho. I would rather try Serax or something. It wasnt something you could take everyy night and if I.did it would keep me up and give me terribblleee rebound. It would def help and did at first but soon stopped. The only thing I liked about temazepam was the fact it gave me a warm comfortable relaxed feeling and my brain would stop racing with the anxious thoughts
The problem is, that flunitrazepam is one (maybe the most) very euphoric benzo, but you have to stay clean of it for 3-5 days to feel like you felt the 1st day you took it. I've been on this situation a lot of times, for example, it was Monday, i took 3x2mg (at that time they were coming in 2mg pills, there weren't 1 mg pills), i was getting very high and enjoyable, so the next day (Tuesday), i took 3 pillls, they didn't gave me the Monday's feeling, then i took more, but nothing:|, the same expierence you described..long time short, after a lot of tries, i figured out that only when i was staying out of the fluniz for 3-4, or maybe more (for better results..) days, and after these days, the flunit. gave me the feeling i wanted to get..so, (that's just my opinion..). I think you don't get the effect you want, cause you consumed them the previous day, but as i already told ya before, that's just IMO..I think that if you don't get them for some days, you'll get the feeling you want. I hope that i helped you a bit..And don't NEVER forget:DON'T TAKE BIG DOSES OF FLUNITR., IT'S A VERY STRONG DRUG, AND I DON'T RECOMMEND ANYONE TO TAKE IT..STAY OFF OF THEM, IT'S THE BETTER YOU CAN'T DO..


Unfortunately, flunitrazepam is NOT the most euphoric benzo. A huge research paper done on this comparing every possible benzo found that triazolam followed by temazepam were the most euphoric benzos based on self-administration rates on every single mammal they tested the benzos on.
Unfortunately, flunitrazepam is NOT the most euphoric benzo. A huge research paper done on this comparing every possible benzo found that triazolam followed by temazepam were the most euphoric benzos based on self-administration rates on every single mammal they tested the benzos on.

Pity that such a short-acting one is the most euphoric (from the findings of that study).
So is Temazepam the only benzodiazepine which actually improves sleep quality? Yet it eats away organic brain matter? haha

Organic brain damage is caused by long-term high dose abuse of temazepam. This is the medical literature on the subject:

Abrupt withdrawal after long term use from therapeutic doses of temazepam may result in a very severe benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome. There are reports in the medical literature of at least six psychotic states developing after abrupt withdrawal from temazepam including delirium after abrupt withdrawal of only 30 mg of temazepam and in another case, auditory hallucinations and visual cognitive disorder developed after abrupt withdrawal from 10 mg of temazepam, 5 mg of nitrazepam and 0.5 mg of triazolam. Gradual and careful reduction of the dosage, preferably with a milder long-acting benzodiazepine such as clonazepam or diazepam, or even a milder short to intermediate acting benzodiazepine such as oxazepam or alprazolam, was recommended to prevent severe withdrawal syndromes from developing. Other strong hypnotic benzodiazepines, whether short, intermediate or long-acting are not recommended. Antipsychotics increase the severity of benzodiazepine withdrawal effects with an increase in the intensity and severity of convulsions. Depersonalisation has also been reported as a benzodiazepine withdrawal effect from temazepam.

Abrupt withdrawal from very high doses is even more likely to cause severe withdrawal effects. Withdrawal from very high doses of temazepam will cause severe hypoperfusion of the whole brain with diffuse slow activity on EEG. After withdrawal, abnormalities in hypofrontal brain wave patterns may persist beyond the withdrawal syndrome suggesting that organic brain damage may occur from chronic high dose abuse of temazepam. Temazepam withdrawal has been well known to cause a sudden and often violent death.
What a world. It seems like everything that actually works has either some debilitating side effect or is legally unattainable.
I find it extremely hard to believe that triazolam ranks among the most euphoric or addictive benzos. It's not really anything more than an ultra short acting hypnotic. I can't remember one recreational experience with triazolam, it's way more of a functional drug IME.
you said it yourself - it is ultra short acting and hypnotic = you cant remember
I find it extremely hard to believe that triazolam ranks among the most euphoric or addictive benzos. It's not really anything more than an ultra short acting hypnotic. I can't remember one recreational experience with triazolam, it's way more of a functional drug IME.

You obviously have not done triazolam.
I obviously have my man. It's a knockout in a pill, it doesn't have any euphoria. It's not really even typical sedation, more like being shot with a mega-tranquilizer. Seroquil type I mean.