The Bad - 5/18/02 - The Asylum, Springfield, MA

Ok, So I have been really busy to be on BL since the party. I had a good time, felt like everywhere I turned I saw a BLer. The good thing about that was they were all cool BLers. heh. Music in my opinion wasn't bad. I had no fav sets of the night. I think every room had it's moment. I really did dig Odi's side room set. I haven't seen him be so into his set like that in a while.
Probably cuz it wasn't what he is usually into.
It was really good seeing Chrissy, Luke, Jess and Lauren again. Even though I didn't really chill with you guys too much due to wanting to wander a lot. Nice meeting The Welcome Matt. Cool time hanging with some of the APC.
As the AP goes, it wasn't really sketchy. We were just caught off guard by the people coming in, I guess. but after saying "shh" several times (due to Ralph =P) It wasn't a bad time.
Teddy, me smooth? So i steal that title from Dave (DavidSmooth)? heh. Also, Teddy, you KNOW Connell doesn't get tired =P
Pat, ur a cool guy in person, but a dick on the computer. haha. j/k
Paul, we'll definitely be taking you up on your offer in the future. Good hanging out with you.
Steve, one word: Flipper. =P
Stamford Crew: Joe, Pat, and RalphMouth (lol)=Cool Catz
FUCK IT, I am going to Starscape!
Next party after that is probably Oasis due to me wanting to see Swamp and Total Science.
teddy....why the fuck didnt you come get me when they were spinnin garage upstairs, it would have been a much better night, not that it was a bad night, i had a blast. as for the AP, well....i just really needed to pass out. anyway, nice to finally meet chrissy and buzzy, u guys definetly have to come up this way more, see yas at starscape :) pleasure to meet scaryraver as well. im tired now and have to study for a damned physics test....yuck!
pshhhh... starscape
I'll be at the river rave and everyone going to starscape will be jelouse of alllll the fun i have 8) who needs other BLers there it's not like they go to the meet ups anyways :p
well, i must admit i'm impressed. i had a blast at this party, and if it wasn't for working an 8 hour shift right before i drove up there, i probably would have stayed til the end.
i really liked having the rooms switched, but i saw some *confused* candykids wandering around :)
i saw some of you, but because i too have a tendency to wander, i didn't meet all of you :( maybe i'll catch the rest of you at The Ugly... i'm off to finish catching up on my sleep
WAAF SUCKS! /me wbcn all the way ;)
Opie and anthony ROCK and all roker is a fat ass that eats sushi? whats up with that. (if you ever listend to waaf or wbcn back in D day you know what i'm talking about)
some of us don't need meetups to make it seem like we have friends. haha sorry, i know that was low. you kind of gave it to me though.
[ 21 May 2002: Message edited by: AngelicK ]
i didn't go to the meet up spot anyways glowworm i think came running up to me like 20 minutes after when i geuss the meet up was suposed to be and was like damn i for got about the meet up and i just laughed
I never went to the meet up!
I lost track of time due
to some distractions by my friendz.
Maybe next time I'll go to the meet up.
I figured no one went. Maybe next time!
Scary your a nice guy. Keep it jaded!
^ no one ever goes to the meetups, we find eachother anyway ;) most of the bl'ers who go to the asylum know everyone already so if we go to the meetup its like all of us migrating from one room to the next.
and teddy: I always get down like that ;) just gotta get me motivated.
lol @ ralph the mouth
I look foward to causing more controlled chaos next time, this time well sneak in like ninjas undetected from the roof tops, maybe drop in like wesley snipes from a plane ;)
Whoa.. I forgot allll about Blue light cause I've been so damn busy. I've been working my ass off paying back the hole that this party left. All of my possible rides crapped out at the last minute.. sooooo Greyhound came through once again and only cost me $50.00 to get to Springfield!! Woot!!
Anyway.. the party was awesome!! I finally got to meet some BLers. I meant to meet up with people at Boo.. but just didn't happen. I've forgotten the majority of the people that I met. But I finally met Scaryraver.. even though he lives 10 minutes away (if you speed on 93 :) ) and Mr Jamal. You people are kick ass!!
Anyway.. I am saving up for some partying next month. I'm so broke. I'm gonna try and make it to Tru Dat and One Nation. Headed back down to NYC is gonna be a road trip and a half.. but def. worth it.
For the people that I did meet and can't remember your names my AIM thing is Prof PoohP Pants
I think one of them was gloworm, or glowshow, or something.. :) you guys seemed nice and I would love to keep in touch!!
See you around!
The Matt :)
PS- My night was complete when I got to teach a hippie to spin flag poi!!
[ 28 May 2002: Message edited by: The Welcome Matt ]