The Bad - 5/18/02 - The Asylum, Springfield, MA

well i'll be sporting the black ufo's and white button down shirt with my kickass black sweater vest the the red satanic star and goat talked to teddy might get him to go tonight! :)
ill be wearing dark blue big jeans
and a lil dark blue top that says puma real big
and dark blue pumas :)
I'll be wearing my usual cock ring with my black pleather "fuck me" pumps.
wait, 90's uk hardcore better than breaks? sorry, but i highly disagree. actually, i'd rather puke than listen to any type of hardcore over breaks. just my personal opinion.
i'll be there tonight. i'll have a black vest on with prolly an army green turtle neck under it. either jeans or khaki ufos on with it. not too sure which yet. i usually have my brown hair tied back with a navy or meroon bandana as a headband and hoops in my gauged ears. holla if you see me. aight, i'll shut up now.
peace - kristin
Yeah I'll be there too, you can find me in the main room most of the night most likely, or the middle room... I'll be wearing khaki UFOs, burgundy sleeveless turtleneck, and black ecko zipup hoodie, with a blue bandanna. Say hi if ya see me.
Peace ~Katie
yellow sweatshirt or a black long sleeve with blue big jeans, im being lazy tonite ;)
first one home and posting. well i had fun hanging out with the with marcey's hot friends :) met the welcome matt for the first time, wich is about time seeing how he live 20 minutes away. it was definalty nice seeing teddy, glowworm, jamal, angelik, cold shot, jungle faeire, buzzy, and connel... am i missing anyone? i don't think anyone met my ride xbeatfreakx i could be wrong tho.
at least 10 BLers at this party should have gotten a pic oh well. you guys see the flyer for "TRU DAT" ? fucking awsome garry colmen and night rider i laffed my ass off! well i'm going to be spending the week bouncing around NYC and mass going to some outlaws so i prolly won't get a chance to post un less i bring the lappy with me wich i'm sure i'll have to... time to shower.
just got back in. had a good time. loved danny the wildchild and ming & fs's sets. i definately had a good time people wise. saw tons of people i haven't seen in a while, which was kinda surprising cause there really weren't too many people there. i really liked the amount of people in attendance though. it was nice to be with my crew as always. nice to get to see a lot of you others as well. it was good chillin with steve and paul afterwards too. sorry about the sketchiness guys. oh and paul, i have your blue lipstick for you whenever you want it. but yeah...all in all a good time.
well, i like drum and bass and all, but not all night long, and it didn't help that they were spinnin breaks everywhere else except in the e-closet, and i'm not goin in there.
the reason i had a blast at this party was for the people that came out, great seein new faces, and awesome chillin with the crew.
just wish i coulda stayed longer at the AP, but there def was some sketchiness goin on, I had flashes of poor little me in trouble so I bounced, but oh well, till next time
well, what can i say, I had a blast at this party. The ammount of people was lovely, enough people to keep the place warm, but empty enough to dance just about anywhere. The music was on point for most of the night, when i first got into the asylum there was a someone spinning really good breaks in the jungle room, but god knows who it was. ming & fs was straight until they were on for like two hours, danny tha wildchild was great except by that time i was tired and didnt really feel like moving. My original ride left around 1:30 cuz she had work this morning, but thanks to paul I was able to stay and hang out with everyone afterwords, which was a good time. Kristin, dont worry about the sketchiness, we crept through the back door on the way in and out ;) coldshot crippled me before he passed out, and uhmn i guess thats it. It was great seeing the usual people, teddy, katie, kristin, the kevs, jamal, etc. plus the new faces i met, glowworm and i finaly met JF even if it was for a brief moment. Now i get to study for my psych final tommorow, yay! take care everyone, great night.
Good party, good people's and music. I'd say going to this party at the last minute was a good idea. Got to meet a whole bunch of new peeps, had a conversation w/ Odi and Buckler which was dope, and ended up in a motel admiring AngelicK's blue lipstick. Teddy (nice lip-ring ya got there)Katie, Jamal, it was nice wispering together while telling Ralph to shut up. Angelick, mad respect for letting us chill in your room, next time ya'll can crash at my place.
the party itself was awesome:
Teddy, after insisting he definitely wasnt going, changed his mind at the last minute(yay!!!). Got to see most of the APC (Dave punked out), and met a few more BLers. Was LOVING the fact that there was breakbeat all nite, especially odi's set in the side room. All in all i had a good time.
The afterparty was, well, sketchy. sorry we had to leave so early, but i just had a bad feeling about it :(
[ 20 May 2002: Message edited by: Glow Worm ]
well i wrote up a long post, only to have my computer crash, *le sigh* so ill keep this one short
this was my first party at the asylum, and i had quite a good time :) saw some old faces, and met a lot of bl'ers that id love to actually spend more time with than a random hello im _____ so i will definitely try my best to get my ass up there in the future, and hopefully i will see you all at starscape :)
well, the music... odi and kazpas set was disappointing, but ive seen them a million times. ming and fs were good, but ive heard that set already (being as it is probably difficult to put together such a tight set) but nonetheless they got me moving. the highlight of my night was hearing some of odi's oldskool set --which was most likely not the hardcore youre thinking of kristin (thump thump slam your head into the person next to you hardcore) but early 90s uk rave tunes. (check out the live sets on i absolutely love that music, and im craving more :)
i hope that all of you had a good time, and like i said, i hope to get to know you better :D
*be safe*
Okay, 10pm Sunday night and I'm finally awake... Had an awesome time at this party, just the right number of people there for it to be fun but not packed in, and there were def. some good peoples at this party. :) Loved chillin' with most of the APC, also nice seein Steve again and meeting Paul, Chrissy, and Buzzy. Yeah the AP was kinda sketch, but still had a good time before passing out, just wish Kev and Sara could've stayed longer but totally understandable why they had to bounce. Ming & FS were the highlight of my night (week, month, etc...) as was Danny the Wildchild, and Sage was damn good too (right Kev?). Well, I think I'm not partying again till Oasis at least, just frequenting Energy and (finally, now that it's summer) The Rinse. And on that note, back to sleep. :D
Peace ~Katie
Can't say I really had a bad time at this party, can't say I had a blast either.
I'm more of a house/techno cat. I tried to keep an open mind though.
At times, I felt like a fish out of water. At others, I found myself sitting and paying attention so as to take in the whole picture and really try to "get it". The whole sound, the scene associated, various rudiments and styles etc etc... In short, it's starting to grow on me.
I actually found some sets I enjoyed. My faves being the two-step acts, Slippy and the awesome tag-team set upstairs playing some awesome 2-step with a more UK garage feel..... (/wishes more people were into garage/ really is the HOTTEST music)
I really enjoyed Ming & FS and thoroughly enjoyed watching Steve and Katie do their thang on the dance floor. (and then shamelessly make fun of me for not knowing some cheesey rap's all good though. LOL)
If anything, this party was well worth going to because of the awesome people I've had the very fortunate opportunity to know/meet.
Jamal: smoothest dood evah!
Kristin: Shizza Phizziza...thanx for puttin' it all togetha'!
Katie: Guess I just have to listen to more rap.. hehe
Sara: Glad I came. Sux you and Kev left so early from the afterparty.
Kev N: Glad you were in a better mood after the whole Muni ordeal.
Kev: Now THATS what I call rocking yourself to sleep! lol.
Pat: Kewl seeing you again. You've earned your cool points back.
Connell: Don't you ever get tired of running around?
Paul: Definitely a mad chill kat... we gotta chill some more, man.
Steve: Didn't know you could get down like that. Cool chillin' wit ya as always.
Paul and Steve's cohorts: Sorry I don't remember all your chillin with you all afterward.
Chris: I've seen you at SO many parties... glad I got the oppurtunity to chill with you and to find out that your from my neck of the woods.
Luke and Chrissie: Very nice to have the pleasure of meeting you two again. I look forward to seeing you guys at Starscape.
I remember meeting others, but unfortunately, I don't remember your names. Please forgive me.
The afterparty, in my opinion wasn't all THAT sketchy. We just adjusted ourselves accordingly and nothing came of it regardless as to how awkward the situation was. It ended up being a very relaxed and chill setting. I had a great time winding down with all involved.
[ 20 May 2002: Message edited by: Speekah Phreekah ]