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Recovery The 2022 alcohol support thread

I am not gonna sugar coat I am drinking again. Hopefully only this bottle over as long time as possible following knock-out by mirtazapine and 15 hour sleep and then getting on weed again for as long as is necessary. This drug is some fucked up sweet shit.
Withdrawals are one thing, disgusting but not soul-breaking as was cutting year-long daily benzo use. But what ultimately triggered this, were other health conditions.
Rolled through so much booze and beer today and drank water, milk and coffee after meal.
Milk was disgusting as always. I need juices and NA-beer to my fridge.
I know I can be sober and feel sort of o.k. most of time, this month has been rough because I had week-long trip outside the door of my apartment.
I had to resort to getting 2 mg alprazolam and I chew piece every time my sympathetic nervous system gets bad. I wish kindling/rebound won't be too bad, after all I may win anyway if I can stay off booze, it fucks me up so comprehensively. I have highly fluctuating intention to quitting so drank 10 hours ago again after being whole day without.
Fuck it's great to be alone for several consecutive days. Little by little I have again succeeded stopping drinking. I feel my trauma triggers and anxiety but I don't need to and sometimes even don't want to care about it.
I have no idea what I am gonna do when I am around people again, but I guess I'll figure out something.
I am utterly bored how shortly alcohol gives any relief
Yeah alcohol is a very poor drug, imo. Gave it up over 20 yrs ago.
I imbibe once in a while... maybe once a year or two. But when I do; I freakin DRINK.... Absolut all the way baby straight up and cold af.
Yeah, I used to be pretty satisfied with it for long. beer with meal and after work and weekly careful intoxication. Even if I were somewhat alcoholic, it wasn't that bad anyway in practice.
Now it is all in amnesic trip after I quit benzos and that doesn't even satisfy me and horribly long recovery times to semi-functional... and never reaching baseline really.
Has same kind of qualities than full-blown methamphetamine addiction what I have read about people writing about it.
Hi, long time, frequent blue-lighter, but my first time posting on this thread :)

I was severely addicted to alcohol for 7 years; currently been sober* since July 2018 :)

What do you guys find is the best way to get rid of those cravings that seem to randomly come every few months?

*I have had maybe 4 or 5 "slip-ups" during that time (the last one 2 years and 5 months ago), by which I mean like a binge, but always lasting hours, the longest being maybe 36 hours. I count them as slips, not relapses, due to how extremely brief they were and that fact that I didn't ever continue drinking or get addicted or dependant again.
I very occasionally have wine on the few times a year I go to dinner with friends and on Christmas Day and New Years Eve, but it's always controlled, two glasses is my limit that I stick to very strictly, and these occasions never tempt me into drinking-drinking again.
The only answer I've got and everyone's different but usually for me if it's a really hard day i take it a day, hour, minute at a time...i know it's a cliche but it works. I think of facing people/having to lie if I do. Also remind myself of how unwell it made me/how powerful it is, and the fear of going back to that motivates me against it. I think about all the positives that comes from not drinking atm and remind myself of how hard it was to stop and how much the cravings have gotten easier (they were almost unbearable to begin with now on a good day I can be around it and people drinking and not bother). I remind myself about how i was in hospital with withdrawal symptoms and how much strain it put on my heart and I'm only young. I also know that anytime I've tried to have the occasional bottle of wine or whatever in the house has led me to becoming dependant again (got sober twice before longest before this time was just over 4months) I also tell myself and maybe even tactically delude myself that the time may come where I will be able to manage a social drink when out so it's not like I'm depriving myself forever(but who knows what will happen and I've been thinking bout this more recently and how realistic this goal is) but- all I know is I'm better off without it atm and the thought of not drinking forever is too much so I don't like to think like that lol. I'll treat myself in some other way which is important and vape loads of green which I also find to be important. If I'm that bad I may scream into a pillow, sing, cry, take a zoplicone and go to sleep, stay in the house if I can that day away from shops and people if I cba, cuddle/talk to dog lol etc... or even talking to someone about it to get shit off your chest, seeing a friend/family member to take ur mind off it. I also play instruments. Theres many ways to try and distract yourself/get through the cravings altho I'm not sure of good tips on reducing the actual intensity/regularity of them but I think if you can fight through the cravings it gets easier over time, for me at least. I have to watch for impulsivity or if I'm really unsettled one day or for days it but that's when I tell myself that it will pass and always glad not to have fallen back into old habits when it does. The impulsive moments I have come close I don't know what stopped me - probably an element was because I have a tendency of: if I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it right and it wasn't the right situation lol. There's Campral which can help cravings I think, I also take high strength CBD oil which I think helps. There's also a drug called naltrexone but I'm not sure how it's usually used and what it's used for other than it increases people's likelihood of staying sober/managing their alcohol use. Where are u when u get the cravings and is it a particular time place? Also congrats that's a long time you've got under ur belt 😀🎉
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haha yeah I guess I am gonna keep on decreasing my life quality every now and then with some short breaks for a year or two at least.
Also I guess my liver is ticking and such. Though with this consumption it is not necessarily ever going off particularly as weed protects liver from alcoholism.
fuck man ya never just get tired of it? just askin cause talk about toxicity and all.
I will not pass up ice cold absolut vodka. :)
well, it is not that awesome always really even tho it is not sctrictly every day thing but I am just so borderline not interested about being awake in the first place and such that I don't mind too much if drug is shit.
i get it ya gotta hate to love it
i drank and still can (well not with the bdz).
i have had my fill. it wasnt short lived and there was always a crisis it seemed. IDK
Hasnt been any crisis that has not been "sorted" for lack of a better word since i quit.
got some frozen absolut? ill be dere bro and drink it all straight up. maybe some water after a few shots.
i went off tack i think.
drinkin has caused so much damage to my "formative" days and still cannot get the privilege to drive. Oh a lot of damage was caused in different ways but past that... almost i think
cant blame the alcohol but could eliminate a possible hostile mindset that canhas come with abusing the fuck out of it. lol i got stories. checkin a cab for weapons and shit out there. something wanst right. poor cab driver. lofl
but love the "feeling" of freedom i guess? Maybe why I do tbdz so.....
best to all
I can actually sit on significant amount of delicious home-brewed wine without drinking any for few consecutive days without having weed.
Decreasing caffeine intake has helped.
I am planning to go out and expose myself to human interaction next week but I am going to be with friend while at it.
This progress is very good because being drunk and being hungover are some of the least functional states to be in.