TDS pets thread with added ooomph!

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catfishjake said:
does anyone else think tootsies dog kinda looks like her


I've heard before that they say people look like their dogs.
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These are Fuzzy Buttons babies- they are older pictures but I love them :)

and this was Bittys Beach Adventure! :)

You guys are going to be overloaded with pictures now that Ive gotten this figured out!!! :) I have a bunch of beautiful pictures of Bitty I need to find- I HAVE to pist them.
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sushii said:
wow ocean, our cats do look very much alike!

That photo of the kittens is fantastic. =D
pip had a handful of cuddly babes! I miss the kitties:(
Sushii-When I saw your kitty I was so excited....they look so much alike...:) is your cat a boy or girl?
Everyone needs to post more pictures! I love seeing peoples pets!
^ A girl, but she's enormous - I've never seen a cat as big as she is, male or female. I'll post some more photos later.
Related reading, for those with the time

Top 5 Reasons to own a Pet

and the highlight of the article:
1) Companionship.

Modern life seems to becoming more and more lonely. People live by themselves and gone are the days of big families (well in Western Europe anyway). With a pet you not only get companionship but you get unconditional love. Your pet is always pleased to see you and they never complain. If I am on my own - its amazing how you I don't feel alone when our cat is around. She is part of our family and pets do indeed become part of the family.

Not only that but if you are a pet owner there are usually pet clubs in your area. Even if there are none - take your dog for a walk and see how many people stop to say hello. You never know you may even meet your future partner this way.

2) Stress Reduction.

Playing, walking, petting and laughing will all reduce stress and these things will happen if you have a pet. (Note: I am referring to cats, dogs and small mammals here I dont think you can pet a goldfish).

3) Learn to care about something other than yourself.

Owning a pet teaches you how to care for something. If you don't have children owning a pet could even be a good test run for you. Caring for pet could give you the confidence you need to care and raise a child! I realise there is a huge difference but it can be a step in the right direction to learn how to care for others.

4) Teaches you responsibility.

If you don't care for your pet your pet will die. Owning a pet is a great way to teach responsibility. Again you learn that life is not just about YOU - there are other beings depending on you too!

5) Perspective.

After a stressful day at the office I come home to find my cat rolling around the floor having fun. She loves playing with her toy mouse and seeing her play gives me a reminder that life is more than work. Life is fun. Animals know how to have fun!
^cute. And very true!
In washington state yuou can get a prescription for a cat. We tried to move somewhere that didnt accept cats- the landlord said - if we had a dr. prescribe that cat he would have to honor it- but it is considered therapy....I can see with- My kitties calm me and sometimes put me to sleep :)

Zophen- you keep saying your pictures are coming- where are they?!?!?!
^^ Yeah, having a loving pet is among the mosr therapeutic things you can do. My fiance and and I had a lot of issues a couple of years back and were fighting all the time, and we got two kitties, and they were a large part of the reason that now we hardly ever fight and are engaged. :)

Plus they make being at home so fulfilling and nice. And cuddly =D
^^^More pussy is the remdy to any troubled relationship ;)

My Little Skittlez!!!
hahah ^so cute! skittlez is adorable:)
little bitty overload:)

ocean, noticed you're shooting with an XT? Twinnnss! <3 I have a 50mm f/ 1.8 + kit lens. . I love your kitty :3
Zophen- you keep saying your pictures are coming- where are they?!?!?!

Erm ah , hmmmm ? Once we return I (me that is) shall master the techniques needed and you can all gaze in awe at how blurred outtta focus and downright bad my pictures are. Non of which matters of course.:)
we have had several cameras, but not a XT, heres our newest baby (the pics above of bitty were not takin with this)

^ Mines like a toy out of a christmas cracker compared to that.
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