TDS pets thread with added ooomph!

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Aren't they?!?!?!?!? I can never get mad at him though, he's too good of a guy!

edit- sorry about the weird'dumb test' and 'twitter' crap...not sure what is up with imageshack......
^Here are a couple postcards for ya OD:)
Bitty is taking over the pet thread:)

^Here are a couple postcards for ya OD:)
Bitty is taking over the pet thread:)

These ones look like there should be thought bubbles coming from Bitty. She is definitely thinking SOMETHING in that fuzzy head of hers/his
hahahaha She was.....she was thinking- "how long are you planning to take photos of me? I can only pose for so long"
She loves to be the model......She was posing- she'd move her head, sit in one position, then changing....looing at me, looking away:)
She likes the camera for some reason:)
Fuzzy Buttons does not. She reallllly dislikes it. She will turn around, turning her back to it:)
"Bitty is taking over the pet thread"

she wouldnt have it any other way, and once she got it she wouldnt stay.
^Her name is Litty Bitty. She is our older kitty. She's a papa's girl.
Bitty's other names- Big Bitty,BooDoo,Boogan Doogan,Doo,Pretty Bitty,Biggie,
Billy (which it is unclear of she likes or not, my husband and I disagree on this),and Pretty Bitty the big fat kitty :) hahaha
Our other kitty is Fuzzy Buttons (not pictured) but like me, she doesn't like the camera being pointed in her direction:) Occassionally she will tolerate it and I might get a shot of her- but she doesn't like it for the most part. Fuzzy Buttons has even more nicknames:)
Pretty Bitty the big fat kitty :) hahaha

Hahahah I was gonna say Mr. Bitty may have to go on a low-calorie meow mix diet here shortly! :)

This is one of Zena's old toys. It used to be this singing squirrel thing that when you pressed his foot would do this little dance and play the song "hot stuff" Zena however thinks it's something alive because of the song and dance so she proceeded to crush his plastic skull to where his head just flops to the side, and pull out the eyes/nose.
Can't help it. I'm pic crazy for my dog. These ones fucked his eyes up:


ocean- i <3 how ur perfect white kitty is playin w/the perfect white flowers!

overdone- awwww man i kno i dog that looks jus like yours; cutest ever.

here's poohie showing me some love:
Pics of my friend's wild crazy furbabies. I just love them...


haha face plant!


Bob avoiding the camera while holding the can for some perspective on how lil they are.

"I'm bored with your Bluelight drama."
ahaha pillthrill that last picture is awesome. Kitty dosen't look too amused!
Becky, I like it!

Zena showing off her underbite...
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