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Bupe Subutex Has Gone Generic

Thank you, Mandatory! Yesterday, my doc switched me to the generic subutex. My script is at Walgreens, where they are going to order it for me. I may be couple of days before I can go pick it up. Basically, my doctor does not like to prescribe Subutex because of "the Narcan issue" as he says (yes, he calls it Narcan, lol). But he said he had no problem writing it for me, since my sobriety is correlated with the cost of the drug (I've had to cut back because the subs were just too expensive). But yesterday, I did test positive for Methadone, as I was trying to stretch out my suboxone so I could pay for my doctor and my script. Since I don't have insurance, it's been pretty tough. In fact, on the doctor and pills, I have spent over $10,000 cash over the past 16 months. That's a lot of money. I will report back with my experiences on the new generic when they come in. Thanks for the support. And BTW, I am the first patient he's got who has been put of Subutex. So that's pretty cool.

Why not get health insurance if you could afford $10,000 in the first place?

And, surely part of that $10,000 was for the UA's, am I right?
Why not get health insurance if you could afford $10,000 in the first place?

And, surely part of that $10,000 was for the UA's, am I right?

Actually, my parents ponied up the ten grand to help my sorry ass get sober. My mother cashed out one of her IRA's out of the bank to pay for it. Supposedly, that IRA was set up for my wedding. I guess you could say I was definitely "engaged" with opiates! Maybe I should clarify this. I do have health insurance, but it is for part-time employees (I work two jobs) and does NOT cover any Sub doc or the medication. When I went to get my generic subutex filled, they did take my prescription discount card. We'll see how that works out. And yes, I pay about $35 a month for UA's. Every month.
I'm surprised my doctor didn't continue to give me UA's. Only on my very first visit, I said well you're going to find the obvious (opiates) and marijuana, he said 'smoke all the weed you want' LOL So for some reasons I love my doctor, on the other hand I'm LIVID that he doesn't understand that the bupe itself is what deters me from using other opiates! If my damn printer worked I could print out all this info and PROVE it to him. There are so many reliable sources just in this thread that prove it.

(sigh) Either way, he switched me and that's all I cared about. Oddly enough, he said I am the first person he has prescribed Subutex to, rather than Suboxone, so it sounds like I'm going to be his test rat, you know to see how it works out for me. I'm assuming it will be fine once I switch, I have about 8 days left of the Subox, so I'll let y'all know how the switch goes.

I've read a lot about how some people thought the naloxone (which my doc also calls narcan?!) caused them depression and serious mood swings. I have had the WORST mood swings I've ever had in my life in the last 4 months, even more so than when I was smoking OC 80's. Bizarre I know..so we shall see if that eases up, maybe I'll be able to taper off Xanax at that point, since that's the only thing that seems to control the psycho b*tch mood I've been in since being 'clean'. Lol. Anyone tried Wal Mart yet? I've been trying to call the dang pharmacy since yesterday and the phone is always a busy signal. Figures.. curious since they seem to have some of the cheapest generics. =D
Thank you, Mandatory! Yesterday, my doc switched me to the generic subutex. My script is at Walgreens, where they are going to order it for me. I may be couple of days before I can go pick it up. Basically, my doctor does not like to prescribe Subutex because of "the Narcan issue" as he says (yes, he calls it Narcan, lol). But he said he had no problem writing it for me, since my sobriety is correlated with the cost of the drug (I've had to cut back because the subs were just too expensive). But yesterday, I did test positive for Methadone, as I was trying to stretch out my suboxone so I could pay for my doctor and my script. Since I don't have insurance, it's been pretty tough. In fact, on the doctor and pills, I have spent over $10,000 cash over the past 16 months. That's a lot of money. I will report back with my experiences on the new generic when they come in. Thanks for the support. And BTW, I am the first patient he's got who has been put of Subutex. So that's pretty cool.

So glad your doctor switched you too. Sounds like we're kind of an exception, since a lot of doctors have MANY EXCUSES why they will not allow a switch! God, I hope it saves you some money! It's so funny, sometimes I think it would've been cheaper to keep using rather than paying mad money for sub. Nah, I like being 'sober' a whole lot better! Lol Anyway, I will also report how the subox-subtex goes for me as well. :)
Im lucky to have a forward-thinking doctor who trusts me. On my last visit he was nice enough to inform me about generic subutex so I made the switch. $75 for (30)8mgs at Walgreens.

My doctor implied that he was reluctant to prescribe it to some of his patients because he believes the nalaxone to be a deterrent. He would rather prescribe a generic suboxone (if it existed).

Either way im very happy because my bills just got a lot easier to pay.

I would say you are a lucky duck!! Lol, most doctors don't even know there's a generic available yet. My doctor is under the same delusion, that the blocker is in the Naloxone. I guess all of us 'trustworthy' patients will just have to prove this to the doctors! Thanks for the info about Walgreens, sucks there isn't one in my town. Next town over there is and that's where I'll be heading if Wal Mart is a no go!
one more update, just got off the phone with Wal Mart, this is in Cali, he said no listing in his computer for Subutex at ALL...WTF?? So basically he told me to try a different pharmacy. Wow, tons of help he was. Lol Walgreens it is!
didn't realize the generic subutex has talc, sucks for nasal when some of the powder goes into the lungs i suppose too. hence your statement.

it that generic = additional talc a general rule of thumb? (i.e.: brand name OC is sooo much smaller in size than the TEVA footballs)

That's just what people have said, I can't say for sure 100%. It should say in the pamphlet you get with your prescription.

Others in this thread have said it doesn't contain talc.

Generics can have the same ingredients, some have different ones. It's hard to say.
Everyone is correct about Walgreens, the cheapest by FAR for generic, I was told today that it would be $65 for 45 from Walgreens, and that is without ANY insurance and NO discount card! The $20 discount card should make it quite a bit cheaper too. I can't believe how pharmacies prices vary for the same thing, Rite Aid told me WITH their discount card it would be $307 for 45 GENERIC subutex... WTH?? I don't understand how it can vary so much...8o
wow... what part of the country, if you dont mind my asking? that's certainly cheaper than walgreens in south florida. i have no idea why prices vary like that from pharm to pharm.

im also hearing rumblings about lack of availability for the generic. guess ill find out tomorrow when i get my script.
wow... what part of the country, if you dont mind my asking? that's certainly cheaper than walgreens in south florida. i have no idea why prices vary like that from pharm to pharm.

im also hearing rumblings about lack of availability for the generic. guess ill find out tomorrow when i get my script.

I'm in Northern California..it is real strange it's so different from state to state and pharmacy to pharmacy. I have no idea why?
Everyone is correct about Walgreens, the cheapest by FAR for generic, I was told today that it would be $65 for 45 from Walgreens, and that is without ANY insurance and NO discount card! The $20 discount card should make it quite a bit cheaper too. I can't believe how pharmacies prices vary for the same thing, Rite Aid told me WITH their discount card it would be $307 for 45 GENERIC subutex... WTH?? I don't understand how it can vary so much...8o

Holy shit, man. that's ridiculously good news for me to hear. $65 for 45-8mg????!?!?! that's a fucking blessing! i'm paying about $85 for 10-8mg subs right now.

If anyone has already gotten them and had a chance to try them, please let us know how it goes, cause i'm very interested in if they'll have the same effect, exactly.

I remember asking my pharmacy like a month or two ago if they had any idea when they'd become generic since i'm paying out the ass and they told me "probably a couple of years, if ever" lol, so this is awesome.
Holy shit, man. that's ridiculously good news for me to hear. $65 for 45-8mg????!?!?! that's a fucking blessing! i'm paying about $85 for 10-8mg subs right now.

If anyone has already gotten them and had a chance to try them, please let us know how it goes, cause i'm very interested in if they'll have the same effect, exactly.

I remember asking my pharmacy like a month or two ago if they had any idea when they'd become generic since i'm paying out the ass and they told me "probably a couple of years, if ever" lol, so this is awesome.

i switched from suboxone to generic subutex 2 weeks ago and i find instead of taking 4-8mgs/day im now taking 8-12mgs/day. my doctor said most of his patients who switch also reported a need to increase their dosage slightly. he said it most likely has to do with a difference in absorption.

but i just picked up 15 for $35 at walgreens without insurance... cant beat that.
i switched from suboxone to generic subutex 2 weeks ago and i find instead of taking 4-8mgs/day im now taking 8-12mgs/day. my doctor said most of his patients who switch also reported a need to increase their dosage slightly. he said it most likely has to do with a difference in absorption.

but i just picked up 15 for $35 at walgreens without insurance... cant beat that.

So I guess it's a good thing that I only take 8 mgs now and am prescribed up to 12 mgs a day. Ugh, I hope the 8 mgs still works for me!
i switched from suboxone to generic subutex 2 weeks ago and i find instead of taking 4-8mgs/day im now taking 8-12mgs/day. my doctor said most of his patients who switch also reported a need to increase their dosage slightly. he said it most likely has to do with a difference in absorption.

but i just picked up 15 for $35 at walgreens without insurance... cant beat that.

Did you mean you're having to take 8-8mgs a day from 4-8mgs? cause my doc has my perscribed 60/month right now of the 8mgs. but my boyfriend and i usually share that and usually just take half of one a day (4mg for each of us)

When i was switched from suboxone to subutex i actually dropped my dose DOWN....so i was just wondering how the switch would be from non-generic subutex to generic
when i was on suboxone i took anywhere from 4mgs to 8mgs total in a day. now that ive switched i take anywhere from 8mgs to 12mgs total in a day. this might change, it might not, but my doctor is okay with me taking whatever works for me.

i dont know how the switch will affect you. but i know its so much cheaper that its certainly worth it. and even if you do notice a difference like it not absorbing as well, you can use the alcohol method detailed on this board to effectively double the absorption.
found this, it might help the talc discussion.


it says these are the inactive ingredients:

Ingredient Name

Cool, no talc. I was surprised when someone said it did contain talc here on BL. Now we know.

I don't think that's 100% the same as the name brand pills...but the majority of the ingredients appear to be the same.

When i was switched from suboxone to subutex i actually dropped my dose DOWN....so i was just wondering how the switch would be from non-generic subutex to generic

It sounds like you're tapering when you switched from Suboxone to Subutex - and your tolerance is probably going down as well. When you switch to generics you might get by on an even lower dose.

It's insane that people take more of the generics though...I am glad I have the name brands if that truly is the case.
Let me ask this question. Walgreens still has my prescription for Subutex. They called me and said they could not order the generic. They said it was UNAVAILABLE. What the fuck man? Am I going to have to go back and get a script for Suboxone? Why would it be unavailable here? Or are they just dicking me around? This is in the state of Georgia. I'm so fucking pissed about this business. I'm going to fight over this $200 difference because that's bullshit. Anyone know why they'd say that????
Let me ask this question. Walgreens still has my prescription for Subutex. They called me and said they could not order the generic. They said it was UNAVAILABLE. What the fuck man? Am I going to have to go back and get a script for Suboxone? Why would it be unavailable here? Or are they just dicking me around? This is in the state of Georgia. I'm so fucking pissed about this business. I'm going to fight over this $200 difference because that's bullshit. Anyone know why they'd say that????

Get brand name Subutex if you can *at all* afford it. If not, then find a pharmacy which does have it or will order it.

Best of luck.
^^Still, I don't understand why they won't do it, when it's obviously available at Walgreens.