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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v17.0 + v18.0

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I've just something incredibly brave or incredibly stupid n I know it's not a big thing to
Most here but it is to me.

I've just phoned my key worker n asked if I can reduce from 12 mg to 10 mg.

I know I wont notice nthing in terms of withdrawal I understand that. And I've been taking 10 mg sometimes even 8 mg but know that I can go to 12 mg if I want to

So ti actually phone them n ask to reduce is a big n scary thing for me to do.

My key worker said she will contact the doctor n have it changed as of next week.

I've asked if I can do this slowly as I'm frightened of going backwards but hopefully I won't. I'll get some volunteering n what-not to distract me, lots of volunteering n groups if I can find them.


PS: i am doing the right thing, am I???? I should start reducing now as I started subs May 23rd. So it is right, isn't it????


Because by wanting to reduce you are coming to terms with your desire to quit and move into a post-suboxone life.

You'll be fine at 8mg. I had no trouble until i got below 1 mg (started at 16mgs) then things got funky. And remain funky.
I mean, if you wanna start tapering and eventually be off bupe, then go for it. Taper at your own pace. You're really not going to notice any change or have much difficulty until you start getting to around 2mg, and going lower from there.

But it sounds like you're doing the right thing. Keep coming down, stabilize, and come down again. No need to rush it though. Don't do until you're really ready ya know?

Thanks, Mr.scag (and everyone else). I really want off now. The whole thing just feels like a chore.

I keep doing stupid stuff like forgetting where I leave my keys n stuff though i put them somewhere a minute before, things I'm saying n my mind goes foggy at times as well as going hot n cold, switching between hyped like I've drunk 10 coffees to complete fatigue.

I think it's all to do with subs but don't think i could admit it to myself.

I think I made a big mistake going onto subs, I know that now. It was the wrong decision. I basically just delayed the inevitable. But now it's time. I've got to do this to get me back.

I realise now that when my parents were pressuring me n always there, catching me out they weren't trying to control me but to help me. I've spent a few weeks drinking ontop of bupe and I did something out of awareness which frightens me.

I want off this, I'll take it slow as I'm scared, but the sooner the better.

^^^ your on too high a dose evey if your feeling like that try something like 4 mg you can always take more if you need to ;) if I could taper to 2 mg from 12mg then you could too:) I started sub's prescribed 16 but only took 12 mg starting out from a huge dope habit so I needed that high dose at first but right away I realised tapering sub's is easy I felt nothing at all its not until you get to doses under two mgs cause they don't last all day leaving you in withdrawal after 8-12 hours
Can you feel a buzz form alcohol on sub's evey?? everyone I know says the same thing that sub's seem to block the effect from booze for some reason. I don't drink as I want to try to be in recovery from heroin and coke but booze makes me stupid and do drugs without thinking. But at my x-mas party I had 7 or 8 rum and cokes a couple doubles and all I got was a stomach ache not even a little bit of liquid courage like a couple drinks used to give me. I wonder why it foes this for some?

I never had a problem drinking on bupe. Never blocked the effects at all. Didn't alter how the booze hit me at all actually. Didn't feel it anymore or less.
@evey:"I think I made a big mistake going onto subs, I know that now. It was the wrong decision. I basically just delayed the inevitable. But now it's time. I've got to do this to get me back."

I've been waiting a long time to hear this.

@trainspotter: I hear that too, but I get wasted while on bupe. Has no effect on alcohol, or any other substances for that matter, other than opiates ofcourse...
@evey:"I think I made a big mistake going onto subs, I know that now. It was the wrong decision. I basically just delayed the inevitable. But now it's time. I've got to do this to get me back."

I've been waiting a long time to hear this.

@trainspotter: I hear that too, but I get wasted while on bupe. Has no effect on alcohol, or any other substances for that matter, other than opiates ofcourse...

Really? Thanks for your honesty, PKPro.
Took 8mg today.

Evey xxxx

I never had a problem drinking on bupe. Never blocked the effects at all. Didn't alter how the booze hit me at all actually. Didn't feel it anymore or less.

Really eh? Mmm wonder why I don't anymore and I've heard lots of story's from people saying the same thing that they wished they knew before getting on sub's that they would never be able to drink a beer and get a buzz again. I was reading a story from a guy on another site a while ago I forget which site bit he was 7 months clean off subutex and still couldn't feel opiates or feel a beer So he was pretty pissed.

That's pretty odd. I don't think I've read one post on BL or talked to anyone I know in real life, who said they couldn't feel the effects of alcohol when on bupe. There's no reason why one wouldn't feel booze on bupe.. nothing about it blocks the alcohol/GABA receptors. It only targets the opiate receptors. If anything, doctors recommend patients not drink when on bupe because it can amplify the effects of alcohol.
I'm on 8mg bupe and drink beer on occasion. I feel the alcohol just fine, it doesn't block alcohol. Two beers gets me buzzed no problem.

We do not allow substance ID questions here. Please read the BLUA and OD Guidelines.

And welcome to Bluelight. You're more than welcome to pm me if you want any help with getting round site. Welcome to Bluelight.

Would you like any questions answered re suboxone?

Nice to see a new member typing.

Evey :)
Can you feel a buzz form alcohol on sub's evey?? everyone I know says the same thing that sub's seem to block the effect from booze for some reason. I don't drink as I want to try to be in recovery from heroin and coke but booze makes me stupid and do drugs without thinking. But at my x-mas party I had 7 or 8 rum and cokes a couple doubles and all I got was a stomach ache not even a little bit of liquid courage like a couple drinks used to give me. I wonder why it foes this for some?

I drink while taking Suboxone. Drinking on bupe is the same as drinking off bupe. There's no difference. And there's no medical explanation for how bupe could block the effects of alcohol. Not possible.
I drink while taking Suboxone. Drinking on bupe is the same as drinking off bupe. There's no difference. And there's no medical explanation for how bupe could block the effects of alcohol. Not possible.

Well I don't think its a coincidence other people are saying the same thing I've heard theorys that its the naloxone but people on subutex say the same thing they can't get a buzz from booze anymore and it just seems shitty and not worth it at all. The naloxone only has a one hour half life isn't it? So that couldn't be it.
How do you know its not medically possible? The cause just hasn't been found yet but for a lot of people find once they are off sub's alcohol just doesnt do much for them besides give a stomach ache some it takes years of use I suppose and others it can happen quicker. I have noticed a lot of people that say it blocks alcohol were on ridiculously high doses like one guy took 40mg insufflated every day for 6 or 7 years he told me and said after being off sub's for 9 months he still couldn't feel a pain pill or alcohol no matter how much he drank and bepfre sub's he was a drinker he liked it once in a while now he can't get a buzz at all. I haven't tried alcohol since December but I think I was on 12mg at the time still fairly new to sub's and I couldn't feel shit from my 10-12shots of white rum. Usually that would get me feeling real good and real talkative at about drink number 4 and no word of a lie all that happend was I got a little buzz for a minute then it boom went away like that and all I was left with was a stomach ache after that minute it was like the alcohol was ripped out of my body it was weird it had to be the sub that's all I took besides pot I didn't take any other medication besides suboxone I took it about an hour before so mabye the naloxone did play a part it could have still been bouncing around in my body trying to attach to my opiate receptors.
Now I'm on a low dose though I only take 0.3mgs 3 times a day so mabye it won't make a difference now
Mabye I need to try drinking a beer and taking the sub a lot earlier see what happens I don't really like alcohol though I'm just curious to see if the booze is actually worthless to me.
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You never know how two drugs effect eachother, i dont find drinking on suboxone too fun either, like everyone else said I get extremely tired and even start feeling like mild WD symptoms like Ill get chills and shit. But I can still get drunk - just different/not as fun
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