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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v3; 2010 - 2022

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I want to ask a few questions to those who have tried both Methadone and buprenorphine - treatment.

What real difference do you find in those two?

Im on 24mg of Suboxone right now and I get dosed once a day and it holds me good for a couple of hours but after ~4-6h I start to jones for heroin a little. Do Methadone hold you all the day better than Bupe ?
Or do the effects of methadon wear of pretty quick too?

And my last question, the effect I get from Bupe is kind of like a mood-stabilizing feeling and I get a little more energy.
What effects do you get from Methadone escpecially when you have been on it for some time?

Big thanks!
Ive only used bupe for rec use. But it always seems to have a longer half life than methadone. Just my thinking though no fact to that.
But when I was on methadone program i got urges to use all the time until my dose got up high enough. I think its all about finding your sweet spot with either of em. Some one else may be able to shed more light on this than me.

And yes I always got the opiate uplifting feeling on methadone. It helped me live a semi normal life for a long time with work and such.

I want to ask a few questions to those who have tried both Methadone and buprenorphine - treatment.

What real difference do you find in those two?

Im on 24mg of Suboxone right now and I get dosed once a day and it holds me good for a couple of hours but after ~4-6h I start to jones for heroin a little. Do Methadone hold you all the day better than Bupe ?
Or do the effects of methadon wear of pretty quick too?

And my last question, the effect I get from Bupe is kind of like a mood-stabilizing feeling and I get a little more energy.
What effects do you get from Methadone escpecially when you have been on it for some time?

Big thanks!

I have only tried buprenorphine. I have talked to people who preferred one over the other, and yet to others who have enjoyed both. It kind of varies amongst individuals.

I also get energy from buprenorphine, which is one of the reasons I like it.
i've been on both and the energy from bupe i deffinately liked more than the drowsiness of 'done (well, i wasn't drowsy.. everyone said i looked it though).
Bupe is better taken at least 2x/day.
Methadone's morning dose usually holds you the full 24hrs till your next dose, but there are some days that it doesn't.. i donno why.

I have a question about precipitated withdrawals.... so I'm on one mg of sub currently and i currently had a little slip up with roxys.... I took a good amount last night but today ive only taken about 15 mgs I am definitely feeling some withdrawals but its only been 8 hours since I took the last like 5mg of roxy. Is it still too soon to take sub my legs are shaking im gettin some body aches hot and cold... none of the fun stomach stuff left but def lots of anxiety and stuff. How much longer do i need to wait till i can take .5 mg of sub?
I have a question about precipitated withdrawals.... so I'm on one mg of sub currently and i currently had a little slip up with roxys.... I took a good amount last night but today ive only taken about 15 mgs I am definitely feeling some withdrawals but its only been 8 hours since I took the last like 5mg of roxy. Is it still too soon to take sub my legs are shaking im gettin some body aches hot and cold... none of the fun stomach stuff left but def lots of anxiety and stuff. How much longer do i need to wait till i can take .5 mg of sub?

I'm guessing you would be just fine b/c I've relapsed before on Oxy elixir taking 30 mg 2-3/day. I then stopped and when back to 2 mg X2 a day of Sub and didn't notice any WD's.

I want to ask a few questions to those who have tried both Methadone and buprenorphine - treatment.

What real difference do you find in those two?

Im on 24mg of Suboxone right now and I get dosed once a day and it holds me good for a couple of hours but after ~4-6h I start to jones for heroin a little. Do Methadone hold you all the day better than Bupe ?
Or do the effects of methadon wear of pretty quick too?

And my last question, the effect I get from Bupe is kind of like a mood-stabilizing feeling and I get a little more energy.
What effects do you get from Methadone escpecially when you have been on it for some time?

Big thanks!

I'd say methadone definitely gives more effects than buprenorphine for more of the day once you are reasonably far into either maintenance treatment. The dose of bupe you are at currently is almost certainly too high to the point of causing side effects that are outweighing the positive effects of buprenorphine. I'm sure you've seen mentioned elsewhere on BL that low-dose bupe is more enjoyable by a majority of users, so maybe you're not getting the best out of bupe. There is a very good chance you could cut out 8-16mg off your current dose and not feel a difference at all, because the ceiling of the drug is actually somewhere around 16mg for most people (though fairly variable). If you were to get your dose down to maybe 4-6mg or preferably less, I think you would have the best impression of bupe before jumping on the even stronger methadone.

Methadone is very strong, potentially easily lethal, has strong effects on the body's functioning, and so I really don't advise it for many people. However, it is pretty good for certain people who are committed to maintenance and want their daily opiate buzz to be a stronger and more intoxicating one. These people should be very careful though, as they are generally prone to increasing their dose at times when they feel that they are not getting the same level of effect, which leads to huge tolerances that would take months to taper off when ready. Eventually, you will have to come off either drug maintenance at some point (most likely), so keep in mind the w/d from methadone is considered by many to be among the worst, if not the worst of the opioids.

Good luck!
Hello. First post! So i want to try buprenorphine i.v. Im gonna take Subutex about 0.5 - 1mg. How warm water i need to take from faucet, and how much water i need to take? I've been used bupre about year nasally, so no morale-posts okay? How about arteria and veins? how i know which is one? And i mix bupe and water: first put subutex slice to pump and then draw water to there?
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Hello. First post! So i want to try buprenorphine i.v. Im gonna take Subutex about 0.5 - 1mg. How warm water i need to take from faucet, and how much water i need to take? I've been used bupre about year nasally, so no morale-posts okay? How about arteria and veins? how i know which is one? And i mix bupe and water: first put subutex slice to pump and then draw water to there?

Check out the Micron Filtering Mega Thread. I would not suggest using tap water.
Hey gang...

after a previous bout with oxy addiction, and a nice period of sobriety... to chipping... i've relapsed and somehow moved on to H since it's much easier to get lately in NYC.

It's only been about 5 months or so and i haven't touched the needles, but it's getting pretty bad and i'm getting pretty sick when i don't have it.

I have insurance and I'd like to find a solid suboxone clinic in NYC that might also have some outpatient counseling associated with it. Do any of you happen to have any recommendations?

If not i'll just give my insurance company a call and see who they'd recommend. I'm not sure if I want to just detox or do a maintenance program but if they have some folks I could speak with about the triggers I have, maybe they will have a suggestion.

Anyway, thanks guys! I appreciate your help. Sorry if this isn't the right spot for this... seemed like it was worth a shot.

Hey gang...

after a previous bout with oxy addiction, and a nice period of sobriety... to chipping... i've relapsed and somehow moved on to H since it's much easier to get lately in NYC.

It's only been about 5 months or so and i haven't touched the needles, but it's getting pretty bad and i'm getting pretty sick when i don't have it.

I have insurance and I'd like to find a solid suboxone clinic in NYC that might also have some outpatient counseling associated with it. Do any of you happen to have any recommendations?

If not i'll just give my insurance company a call and see who they'd recommend. I'm not sure if I want to just detox or do a maintenance program but if they have some folks I could speak with about the triggers I have, maybe they will have a suggestion.

Anyway, thanks guys! I appreciate your help. Sorry if this isn't the right spot for this... seemed like it was worth a shot.


Did you read the first post? There's a link you can click, and then enter your city and state and/or zipcode to find a list of doctors in your area.

You will want to call ahead so you can get a few things straight before you visit:

1) drug testing - do they do it, or no?
2) do they accept your insurance?
3) copay or full pay if you dont have insurance
4) memorize your appointment date and make sure to be good and sick with no dope on hand when you go in - this is the best way for you to succeed kicking dope.

Either way best of luck quitting and let us know how it goes.
Hey Captain H,

Yes, I should have noted that I have been to the bup doc listing site.

It's just that there are quite a few clinics near me in the NYC area and I'd be interested to know if someone in the NYC area would recommend a specific clinic with good outpatient counseling facilities as well as staying on top of medication.

Thanks for the questions to ask.

wil switch roa change results?

Usually I snort the subs n I feel it but the past few days I don't really feel anything at all with the amount that should make me feel something. I do ra sometimes. Will taking it sublingually change my results if I start doing that rather than my normal method? Thanks
Thank you all for your replies!

Yeah I have read that lower doses of Bupe often goes better for people.
I started at 8mg/day when i first got into my maintanence program but it didn't hold me the whole day, a couple of hours later my mind was racing with thoughts and I was beginning to want heroin.
So my doc upped me to 16mg, was on 16mg for a couple of months but same thing it didn't hold me, and now 24mg since last week.

My doc told me that 24mg actually is the highest you want to go, going above 24mg really doesn't do much more good for the patient.

My main problem is that the Suboxone effects wear of pretty quick and i start to feel jittery and start thinking about heroin. Just to clarify I don't expect to be 100% well and thought free of heroin but the bupe ain't holding me.
And everyone in the program has to complete 6months were you take your dose once a day @ the clinic. Then after 6months and if you have behaved, no dirty urine tests you get to take home doses. I got about 3-4 months to go before I get to take home. (I got a couple of extra months because I got in some trouble)

Anyway, im pretty lost right now on which way to go, to stay on bupe and hope it gets better or to switch to Methadone. But if the Methadone doesn't work any better its gonna be such hard time to switch back to Bupe..

EDIT: I appreciate every response you make so just respond more if you have an insight into this dilemma!
^ I found just the opposite. As CH said it's an indivdual thing. Subs lasts longer for me but doesn't have the same good effects as methadone. I always felt pretty lethargic BEFORE dosing methadone... and don't feel that with subs. I most always dose once a day. Subs is more of an even keel while meth was like a roller coaster. I always like a good roller coaster ride... but then some get dizzy and sick.... and even throw up.
Thank you all for your replies!

Yeah I have read that lower doses of Bupe often goes better for people.
I started at 8mg/day when i first got into my maintanence program but it didn't hold me the whole day, a couple of hours later my mind was racing with thoughts and I was beginning to want heroin.
So my doc upped me to 16mg, was on 16mg for a couple of months but same thing it didn't hold me, and now 24mg since last week.

My doc told me that 24mg actually is the highest you want to go, going above 24mg really doesn't do much more good for the patient.

My main problem is that the Suboxone effects wear of pretty quick and i start to feel jittery and start thinking about heroin. Just to clarify I don't expect to be 100% well and thought free of heroin but the bupe ain't holding me.
And everyone in the program has to complete 6months were you take your dose once a day @ the clinic. Then after 6months and if you have behaved, no dirty urine tests you get to take home doses. I got about 3-4 months to go before I get to take home. (I got a couple of extra months because I got in some trouble)

Anyway, im pretty lost right now on which way to go, to stay on bupe and hope it gets better or to switch to Methadone. But if the Methadone doesn't work any better its gonna be such hard time to switch back to Bupe..

EDIT: I appreciate every response you make so just respond more if you have an insight into this dilemma!

I kinda had this problem. If you have the option, Go to smaller doses, like 4mg or 2mg and when you start getting cravings, just take another 2 mg. You can feel the slight "lift" from it and it satisfies your urges. You can end up taking 2 mg like every 4 hours or when urges strike, and you're still at 16mg a day, but you feel way better, i guess in your case you could even do 2mg every 2 hours. The craving thing is what is tough, but having the option to take something really satiates that.
I would highly recommend trying this.
anybody know how many days in a row you can take sub for fun without withdrawaling? i know it dont take long
i personally don't like taking my suboxone sublingually because it takes nearly twice my regular intranasal dose to reach the desired effects. i have recently been shooting my suboxone doses, and while i can use smaller amounts, it wears off too quickly and i have to redose more often. i haven't yet tried suboxone rectally, but i've heard and read that it is the best route of administration for pills (especially if you don't IV).

truly it is all a matter of preference. just so we have more info (if you don't mind sharing it that is): what is your normal intranasal dose like? your rectal dose? how frequently do you dose? how long have you been using suboxone? has your dosage changed at all since you began using suboxone? what about the effects has changed for you recently (what is it you are trying to achieve by switching up your route of administration)? sharing this information may help to get better suited replies and suggestions for your specific situation.

also, i believe this thread should be merged into the bupe megathread. mods?
^ I found just the opposite. As CH said it's an indivdual thing. Subs lasts longer for me but doesn't have the same good effects as methadone. I always felt pretty lethargic BEFORE dosing methadone... and don't feel that with subs. I most always dose once a day. Subs is more of an even keel while meth was like a roller coaster. I always like a good roller coaster ride... but then some get dizzy and sick.... and even throw up.
holy shit tell me about it. I swear methadone is the most unpredictable thing. just like hdoubleOH said sometimes it lasts 24hours, sometimes it doesnt. I fucking feel perfect some morning others im in full w/d sweating feelings gross wanting to purge waiting for my next dose. I always feel lethargic to like your saying which is why I WANT OFF of methadone and I want to detox and try bupe out and see if it works for me. I just have an issue with vomiting
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