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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ and Megathread v.1; 2007 - 2010

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^ I had a chat w/ CH yesterday and I tried splitting my doses yesterday, b/c I was taking my dose ONCE daily as well... and I have to say.. I felt MUCH better this morning..
Q: I'm thinking about switching from methadone to bupe. At what methadone dose should I be when I switch?
A: Most places recommend being at 30-40mgs of methadone when switching. That may be hard to achieve since that level is lower than the recommended therapeutic maintenance level. Also, you'd have to wait 36-48 hours before your last methadone dose to switch in order to avoid precipitated withdrawal

is it 36-48hrs after my last methadone dose or BEFORE like i took methadone on the 9th, 48hrs ago, could i take my sub today or would it precipitate withdrawal?!
I pay X for a bottle of 8/2mg for 60 pills. I'm on disability and am on one of those Medicare prescription plan. So its pretty cheap for me. The problem i've been having is like I take my dose of 2 8/2mg pills in the morning at around 5:30am and like say mid afternoon around 3pm I start to sweat big time, its like the sub is out of me and i'm going through withdrawals ...what do I do? Plus I get real agitated real easy by loud noise..Should I ask the doctor for a Benzo to take with it or something cause i'm in college and i'm going to be dealing with loud noise there just no way around..So i'm sorta lost and confused....anyone have an answer?

Don't take 16mg at once.

Try taking 8mg in the morning. When 3pm comes around, try taking another 2mg or 4mg. See how long that lasts you.

Multiple doses throughout the day allow buprenorphine levels to build up on each other in your system.

Plus, you want to save the benzo route for coming off of buprenorphine; trust me on this one. ;) %)

These questions about dosing have gotten me interested in this subject (again). Mostly the ugly_pickle's and CH's.

Now I'm weighing the differences between dosing once a day or multiple times. What I'm mostly curious is how many times a day do you take that microscopic dose CH? I know you've posted it before but I can't remember. Taking such a small amount 4, 6, 8 times a day probably has your plasma levels at a standstill (which is a good thing AFAIConcerned).
It depends on what I'm doing in life - some days I dose 3 times, others 4 or 5. So, my average mg/day level is around 0.75mg to 1.25mg.

It's taken me a while to taper down to here, but I still get just as high as I was before I tapered down. Frankly it was kind of a pleasant surprise. I know that everyone is unique, so while some dosing regimens work for some, it won't work for everyone.

I've almost always taken my sub in one dose, I suppose I'm fortunate that once-a-day dosing works for me. I do wake up a little sore, so I think I'll split my dose today/tomorrow and see if there's any noticeable difference. The dude on my shoulder says it probably won't be worth my time to spread it out, but who knows.
If you wake up a little sore splitting your dose may help - sometimes I wake up with some WD symptoms (chills, goosebumps, feeling very tired) but other days I wake up with nearly no WD symptoms (only runny eyes/nose, and very light tired feeling - nothing too bad). However, if once a day dosing works for you, it might just be the most efficient thing for you. Let me know what you think about splitting it up if you try it out, I'm rather interested. I've met people who say that they prefer once a day, and I've also heard from others who prefer to split it up in 2 or more doses a day, me being one of these people.

Q: I'm thinking about switching from methadone to bupe. At what methadone dose should I be when I switch?
A: Most places recommend being at 30-40mgs of methadone when switching. That may be hard to achieve since that level is lower than the recommended therapeutic maintenance level. Also, you'd have to wait 36-48 hours before your last methadone dose to switch in order to avoid precipitated withdrawal

is it 36-48hrs after my last methadone dose or BEFORE like i took methadone on the 9th, 48hrs ago, could i take my sub today or would it precipitate withdrawal?!
You might want to wait another day or two.

If you can acquire a small quantity of a short acting opiate to buffer inbetween the methadone WD and your buprenorphine dose, this might be the best option.

Some people have probably switched by 48 hours - but I don't know, because I am not too familiar with MMT->BMT protocol. If you are 100% sure it's out of your system by then I would guess you're safe, but most people would still have some methadone lingering in their system by 48 hours (it has a very long half life), so I guess it depends on your metabolic rate, etc.

If you do want to go ahead and try dosing at 48 hours, try with a very, very small dose of buprenorphine to test the waters - so you won't have full fledged precipitated WD's which are rather nasty from what most people have said about them.

^ I had a chat w/ CH yesterday and I tried splitting my doses yesterday, b/c I was taking my dose ONCE daily as well... and I have to say.. I felt MUCH better this morning..

Word man, I'm really glad for you that it worked out.

Feel free to PM me some time with how it's going; for now I have to run in a few minutes and will be back later tonight.
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i have also been waking up with horrible morning sickness. i have been snorting 2mg twice a day lately. i wouldnt call it withdrawal because i can go at least two days before withdrawal kicks in. its like a dizzy sickness and sometimes i wake up puking. i read an article written by a doctor former addict who said if u are feeling slightly sick on suboxone u can take another dose and feel better in 15 mins or dont take another dose and still feel better in 15 mins. in my experience this is correct until at least 48 hrs have passed without dosing. a lot of the time smoking weed will cure this suboxone sickness that weaves in and out of my life;

Suboxone used to make me sick when I would sublingually use it. I think it's due to an inactive ingredient.

povidone K30

I found out that this is soluble in cold water from the link below.

http://www.sciencelab.com/xMSDS-Polyvinylpyrrolidone_K_30-9926650 <-- Povidone K30 Material Safety Data Sheet

It appears to be a skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritant. This would explain vomiting.
liquid bupe

How long does bupe dissolved in water stays stable? (water + few drops of alcohol to be precise)

it won't deteriorate into something like H does right?
^ judging from the alcohol i think he is trying to make a bupe tincture that he can use periodically. I read somewhere on here the sublingual bioavailability of bupe is significantly increased with alcohol so im pretty sure this is what hes going after. I hope he isn't planing to IV bupe with alcohol thats been left sitting around:p
^^(for L&C)not every solution is meant for IV. You are so negative in your posts. Most of your posts are mean. Why?

He's making a nasal spray that he can't refrigerate for a few days and wants to make sure it will stay stable.

According to my experience it will stay stable. Just gotta keep it clean. I keep my bupe in a liquid form all the time for taper purposes but I put it up my bum so I don't worry about germs. I still refrigerate it cuz I can just in case it's better.

And I would say that especially since u r putting alcohol in there it will stay stable and sterile. I mean after all we kill germs with alcohol. Plus alcohol with bupe gives it better BA. I'd do it, but I do anal administration and first it burn like hell for a little bit and makes me want to shit really bad. I can live with that, but then I kinda worry about ass cancer.
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I'm getting on Suboxone soon. I talked to my drug counselor and he's all about it. He made a bunch of phone calls and says my insurance will cover most of it. I find out next week when and where I start. Excited. Tried it for the first time yesterday to get a feel for it, 8mgs had me nodding hard but energetic and euphoric. I know this little honeymoon won't last long but I will enjoy it while I can. Today I railed 3mg and sublingualed 3mg. It hasn't kicked in yet, but yesterday I just felt great. Normal for once. I had no cravings for other drugs (besides weed). It was a great day, I felt alive again and my IBS symptoms were gone (the whole reason I do opiates).
Do you guys know how the move from oxycodone back to sub is?

Ive been taking 100mgs of oxy a day for like 2 weeks if i switch to sub i should feel pretty normal right?

Im just worried about being sick during work but i have plenty of sub....

From what i remember in the past sub eliminates almost all wd
So time for Oxycon10 to vent, thats right, vent.

Listen to this load of crap! So I have been on suboxone since march of 2006. I was originally taking 24mgs per day but due to loss of rx insurance i had to lower my dose. I actually discovered less is more, because I was getting great treatment at 2mgs per day.

So the last 2 and a half years I have taken between 1 and 2 mgs per day. Maybe a day here and there I would take an extra mg, but not more than 5 times.

So I discovered I needed dental surgery. I needed 3 wisdom teeth removed. It was an emergency surgery. I last took my 2mg of suboxone Friday around 10am. I went in for emergency surgery this morning (I'm friends with the oral surgeon). He made sure I hadn't taken any suboxone for at least 24 hours. I told him its been 2 days. He said that was wonderful and went ahead and gave me some versed. That was the last thing I remember.

Well now the novicaine and all that has worn off I am supposed to start taking pain killers. I have a script for #50 Vicoprofen (thats 7.5mg hydrocodone and 200mg of ibuprofen in case you did not know) It says take 1-2 tabs q. 4-6 hrs prn for pain.

Well I've already taken 4 about 45 minutes ago and its not doing anything. Im going to take 4 more here in a moment.

Are you SERIOUS. I have taken 1/12th of the daily dose (ok maybe 1/.8th) of suboxone for over 2 years, and my opiate tolerance hasn't gone down? Not to mention I had to suffer for 2 days with withdrawal...no benzos given....

I called the doctor he said since I'm an addict thats the strongest he can give me and my suboxone doctor agrees.

Well, I just wanted to share that with you and I think its pathetic that my doctor wouldnt allow me to go 5-7 days thats generally recommended without the suboxone and then you switch to a short acting opiate like oxycodone when withdrawal kicks in before the surgery.

I had this problem before when I had another surgery one month after being on 24mgs per day and I waited 72hrs instead of 48hrs and still could not feel anything...not even 40mgs of dilaudid orally.

I figured it would be different this time since im taking 2mgs per day of sub and not 24, but its made NO difference.

Im seriously half tempted to go take some suboxone right now and just deal with precip w/ds for an hour and then take extra.

Either that or go on the street and buy a duragesic patch and wear or eat it.

Why couldnt they just keep me on suboxone like just 1mg per day before surgery and give me injections of buprenorphine????

if you've been on sub that long, it may take more than a couple days to leave your receptors... It's been in your system for 3 yrs!!!

My experience: I was on sub for about 1.5 yrs straight. When I was off the suboxone for 3 days after the 1.5 yrs I totally fucked my back up (perfect luck)... I couldn't feel the effects of oxy for about 5 days.
well i am just going to take my regular dose of suboxone tomorrow so its been 24 hours since the vicoprofen. i took a total of 10 pills today (i'm allowed 2 every 4 hours) and it did nothing...

another option he said today was to go back on the suboxone and supplement it with vicoprofen. i think my doctor is a quack...i cant even imagine WHY my doctor would even suggest taking vicoprofen on top of suboxone because it clearly would have NO effect.

Basically today I felt like I normally would on a 2mg suboxone except I was in pain from the dental surgery...So the vicoprofen did control the withdrawal aspect...

Zolpidem 10mg (woo woo) has been called in for sleep but it looks like I have a long night ahead of me...

I dont want to wake up in pain and mess up the option of taking my suboxone by gambling that the Vicoprofen MIGHT work...this just is not fair.
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