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Still don't like weed? Part two

Posted By Jesus:
How can you be on a bluelight forum and have a post about hating pot? Pot is one of (if the THE) least damaging drugs out there and you cannot die from smoking it. Cigarettes are more damaging for crying out loud
I would have to disagreew ith you there - as i said in the other thread (and in going on my own personal experiences with the drug and nothing else,) i would have to say that it is one of the more damaging drugs out there, simply because it is so accepted. I have watched it destroy lives, friendships, long term relationships, and more.
I personally do not like the drug, and choose not to smoke it. I do not tell others not to smoke it, but i do choose to not be around them when they smoke. I do not believe that it is a drug that stimulates anything but laziness and thoughtlessness, but, once again, i am not making a personal attack on you, nor a value judgement. I am merely going on what i have experienced. yes i have smoked pot in quantites and at regular intervals. No, i choose not to do it now. There is nothing wrong with me disagreeing with you.
I sound like such a MEANIE in this thread!!

Oh and for the record, I still don't like pot ;)
I just met another (semi-former) huge drug addict who stays the hell away from pot. We're forming an army, once the meth withdrawls die down...
Ok I'm sick of this bullshit...

If you don't like weed... fine, then keep it to yourself. Kitty - just because you don't prefer being high alot of the time doesnt mean everyone is like that. People are different, and some people are naturally laid back... so smoking a lot of weed just fits right in with that. It obviously may not be like that for everyone.

just chill people... and smoke CHRONIC mutha fucka :)
i can see why some drug users don't like weed plain, but when i am doing other drugs, weed NEEDS to be there to enhance it
*CrystalMeth Bunny* said:
I just met another (semi-former) huge drug addict who stays the hell away from pot. We're forming an army, once the meth withdrawls die down...

so are you back on the meth?
RandyCaver - Your posts are stereotypes with no merit. I do feel kinda sorry for you, because I too hate being around mindless stoners that giggle and get the munchies all day long. Unfortunately the thing to blame for this situation is YOUR IDIOT FRIENDS .. not the whole of pot culture and stoner land.

Not all stoners are the same ... nobody can ever tell when I'm high (i don't get red eyes), I don't get the munchies, I don't giggle at Family Guy and listen to Phish ... and I don't only stick to pot. I don't get paranoid, sit in silence or think that the cops are after me ... not all stoners are the same, maybe you need to get out there and meet some more people as your stereotypes are very rigid ... like if i was to call you a candy kid, because you liek ecstasy.
and since when is there something "wrong" with doing a substance everyday? I take responsibility for my actions and I come to bluelight to get away from naive comments such as that one.
Well diego:) My posts were made a year ago, so I'd kind of put those posts in the past ;)

Recently I haven't encountered anybody that's a huge pothead, that's fine....

But, the people I used to interact with DID fit those stereotypes, so it DOES give stereotypes merit :)

No, not all stoners are the same - but when a person (such as myself) interacts with stoners who all fit those stereotypes, and not a one is different, it's hard to understand how there could be anybody who is different!
hahhaha oops just noticed.. sorry ;)

valid points ... maybe we could meetup one day and I will show you that all pot smokers aren't evil :)
i dislike weed..but nearly ALL my friends and loved ones are potheads and/or stoners, so that does not mean i dislike those who smoke it, or the culture. Not at all. Its a purely personal, subjective take on a drug i happen to not be too fond of. But oh yeah, ive had lots in the past....chronic, hash, pollen, BC weed, schwag...im an all or nothing sort of person and so when my well-meaning friends coerce me in to smoking with them, i usually go all out because im not one to do anything in moderation ( ive had really sick episodes with weed too....this one time i sucked down a really smooth joint that was made specially for me by a good friend...i thought it was no biggie..but after i finished half of it, i swear i almost died ..i was bargaining with God in the bathroom of a disco that i would never take drugs again if he lets me walk away from the bar a complete person! LOL. Ive had many funny episodes with the herb....thanks in part to my friends who all smoke like its going out of style, and who force me to join them once in a blue moon (with pictures to prove !)
So yeah....thats all i have to say. Oh and im the official weed keeper of my group ...thats the ONLY thing they will trust me to keep for them for long periods of time LOL.
But yeah, i just gotta admit : thinking about it makes me nauseous. I salute those who can smoke and take big hits off their bongs effortlessly...yep...im a non stoner who hangs out with stoners and it dont make no diff to me at all...(cept i say dude like 9848326 times every ten minutes...seriously.) And I still maintain my stand : i will only smoke if a. i am held at gunpoint b. there is absolutely NO OTHER ILLICIT SUBSTANCE available and im fuckin dyin to get high . c. i am coerced and helpless
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Crystalcallas, was it A, B or C?

I don't like smoking weed either and just like RC I hate stoners, they really piss me off. I think thats part of the reason I don't really like smoking because I tend to act that way. I get all giggly and mellowed out, and then when I stop laughing, I start getting annoyed about it. Pot is just not for me.
^FUCKAH! LOL....um...that was a c. THey wouldnt give me what i wanted unless i partook of the super good weed *according* to my fucked up friends...yeah it was okay....that pic sealed it! One and only.

if you dont like pot, thats between you and pot.

dont get other people involved.

i like pot, we have a great relationship.

im sorry to hear that you two arent getting along.
yeh, i gotta say hooch has never hit the spot for me either. Tastes fuckin terrible however you smoke it, makes me self conscious about what i am saying or doing and generally makes me very lethargic both bodily and mentally.

To all those who love mary jane, good luck to you, i am slightly envious of your ability to enjoy a drug that is so easily accesible.
Everyones thinking too much... just sit back, have a chop and smoke some billies %)