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Harm Reduction (Social) OD Social v.6 (VI) - It's okay eat fish, cos they don't have any feelings

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hey tokenname I hope you're doing well! you haven't been on aim in a few days. hit me up soon okay?
hey tokenname I hope you're doing well! you haven't been on aim in a few days. hit me up soon okay?

Hey TC! i hope you're doing well too...
I've been super busy...
and not feeling good..
you know why...
but i will asaic...:)
Love the thread title...

Three wisdom teeth coming out of my head on Monday. My dentist has never written a prescription for pain medication...I wonder if I'll finally get lucky? :) (I don't ask for 'em...)

Looking forward to not having 3 slowly rotting teeth to brush in the back of my head. The 4th one got impacted and taken out a few years back. Can't wait to be off these damn antibiotics...I hardly ever drink but I'm craving the taste of a good beer because everyone keeps offering it to me! >(

Found a new connection today...couldn't help myself when I was presented with a hell of a deal. Tonight I dine on oxycodone and steak, I might have an infected wisdom tooth with a gaping hole in it but I'll numb that sucker up long enough to enjoy some real food for the first time in days. ;)
Hey TC! i hope you're doing well too...
I've been super busy...
and not feeling good..
you know why...
but i will asaic...:)

I hope you're hangin in there, must be some rough water you're sailing through, I think you'll be ok soon though, as soon as you figure out your cannabis situation things will all come together <3
I'm doing great just hanging out in Detroit still I have two weeks left here ugh :) its cool tho a change of scenery is always nice...Miss ya

What happened with the socials thee so slow now:(
I am on tramadol it's making me feel weird as fuck... Ever since I did meth for three days then adderall for two days i have had a really fast heart rate and it's been giving me panic attacks so I did this heroin and it slowed my panics down but now I'm sober an just on tramadol and my panics are back fucking sucks my heart is racing so fast for no reason...

Imgoing to give my body a break from drugs and just work out so I can get my strength an heart back in shape... I have been working out but the drugs are making my heart even faster when I work out even though it's been a week or so since I did the speed my heart won't slow thefuck down.

The other day if was beating fast and I got dizzy and felt drunk and i kept feeling like something was pushing on my chest it was weird and I couldn't breath and ever since then I keep freakin myself out cause I can slow my heart down....

And it's so scary I can't sleep ugh
Definitely lay off the drugs. I'm currently not using any drugs besides my prescribed medications
Tramadol has an annoying stim edge to it. Maybe try some propranolol, since it sounds like your anxiety is triggered by physical symptoms. It's not abuseable so you shouldn't have too much trouble getting it.
My mom actually gave me propranolol and that was the day of the adderall morning and a few hours after the prop I started feeling really lightheaded while driving ad started shaking y vision got blurry and unfelt drunk and disoriented and like my chest was tight and on fire and my heart was jumping and I pulle the car over and tried to walk and come out of it and I almost passed out but I sat down and concentrated on my breathing for a hour till I fell asleep and when I woke my chest hurt and I felt short of breath and ever since then it's been hell

So I got some heroin and it made me feel better I know terrible way to feel better but it's all I could get and it took away te pain in my chest and slowed my heart down a bit but didn't stop how hard it Is pounding. I really feel like I fucked up something when i stayed up on that meth / adderall binge and then too the prop for a massive migrane... Also I kept feeling like I ha to burp for hours before that crazy panic episode(at least I think it was a panic because I'm still alive)

So for a while I'm staying clean to get my body and mind right! I made some really stupid choices and I definetly learned from them.
Tramadol has an annoying stim edge to it. Maybe try some propranolol, since it sounds like your anxiety is triggered by physical symptoms. It's not abuseable so you shouldn't have too much trouble getting it.
Ugh I forgot it had stim effects FML no wonder I'm awake at 4:22 am
My mom actually gave me propranolol and that was the day of the adderall morning and a few hours after the prop I started feeling really lightheaded while driving ad started shaking y vision got blurry and unfelt drunk and disoriented and like my chest was tight and on fire and my heart was jumping and I pulle the car over and tried to walk and come out of it and I almost passed out but I sat down and concentrated on my breathing for a hour till I fell asleep and when I woke my chest hurt and I felt short of breath and ever since then it's been hell

So I got some heroin and it made me feel better I know terrible way to feel better but it's all I could get and it took away te pain in my chest and slowed my heart down a bit but didn't stop how hard it Is pounding. I really feel like I fucked up something when i stayed up on that meth / adderall binge and then too the prop for a massive migrane... Also I kept feeling like I ha to burp for hours before that crazy panic episode(at least I think it was a panic because I'm still alive)

So for a while I'm staying clean to get my body and mind right! I made some really stupid choices and I definetly learned from them.

Woah hold the phone, you really need to see a doctor. Don't take any more blood pressure medication from your mom, it's really not something you want to be mixing with methamphetamine.... See a doc hunny
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