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So my house got raided :( my story so far and a warning to others

glad to hear you can get on with your life without any serious fuck around.

Guess they were looking for a meth lab, they seem to have a fetish for the things after the commissioners son was involved with one.
Im a bit of a chemistry enthusiast, but i made the stupid mistake of ordering one piece of glassware from the us. A sep funnel. It took forever to arrive, and 1 week after it did, CIB rocked up with a warrant and cleaned me out of everything fun i have.

No. 1 mistake there bro. Never ever order glassware from the U.S. of A. CIB, I take it that you're from Brisbane?

The took all my glassware, which was a distilation set up, dropping funel and sep funnel. Except for the still head adapter. think they may have accidently missed this bit, because Im fair sure when you buy a distillation setup you need to sign a statutory deceleration for the still head adapter. they took my hot plate stirrer, and left me with my retort stands.

Suspicion of negaging in making a controlled drug? Maybe? I dunno.

Now, pretty sure they were looking for a meth lab, which i certainly was not doing. there is a slight possibility that one of the flasks they took contained a quantity of gbl though.

GBL's no worries. Just say thta you are a personal user/addict.

also they found my stash and took
4 ounces of shrooms
6 bags of "unknown substances" which may have been 2cb, mxe, lsd and doi
3 1/2 clonaz
meth pipe
also took
empty gel caps
Why? lol.
a tin of dmaa caps
Why again?
Say that your scales were for cooking.

I was at work while all of this happend and so they have left me with a recipt for everything they took and a $300 fine for the weed and my bong.

Now im just waiting to hear something, presumably after they test all the unknown substances they found.
anyone know how much shit im likely to get in for the shrooms, and the gbl, if they work out what it is.

and how long do they usually take before they come a knocking on the door again.

Since they have been, i have been sure to clean out everything they didnt find because im pretty certain they will be back.

and the moral of the story is, dont order glass ware from overseas. It was a stupid mistake, and guessing i will be paying for it, but the waiting game sucks balls.

If i dont get locked up, ill keep updating this thread to let people know what happens
be safe.
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The CIB is undertaking an investigation during their workdays...

read the thread correctly yo. NO Conviction :)

With that amount of drugs, he'll get a 2 month jail sentence or a Gould Behavior Bond/Parole/Curfew/Criminal Record.:\
dude, seriously, read the whole thread completely. He already said he's been to court, and got a NO conviction.

Hi Charles Bronson and welcome to Bluelight. Here is the OP's post where he states that he had no conviction recorded:

Just a bit of an update for everyone following this thread. Had my court date. No new charges. According to the paperwork, the police attained a general search warrant based on the sep funnel i attempted to order from the US. Outcome of the case was a No conviction recorded, and a $350 fine. all property forfeit to the crown. So I think things worked out pretty well for me. I think my lawyer may have had something to do with it tho. getting a good lawyer if your in trouble is definately worth it.

Stay safe people.
^ Heh heh. Charles, I put quotes around the text in your post so that it is easier to comprehend. :)
Man it sounds like you got very lucky - ordering a sep funnel was a stupid idea as was having all of the other associated paraphenalia laying around but I know people can get lazy/arrogant over time if they don't get busted.

As for proper equipment....well the mildly worrying thing is that whilst not easy it certainly is possible to make PMA using only a few jars and no watched/controlled chemicals - no distillation, no fancy glassware, not even a seperating funnel!.
Through experience, read the warrant carefully as it will state the reason for the search. If you're dumb enough to send incriminating messages on your phone, immediately disconnect the sim card.

Also, you did the right thing in the interview, no comment to all questions makes them have to do all the work to prove intent (with the glassware). Refusing to make a statement is in no way an admission of guilt, but know that they will try every trick in the book to scare you into confessing.

Lastly, the most obvious, hide your drugs. You never know when this can happen. I would also suggest getting the glassware sent to a drop house or a friend who holds no illicit substances.
SoWhat! said:
Through experience, read the warrant carefully as it will state the reason for the search. If you're dumb enough to send incriminating messages on your phone, immediately disconnect the sim card.

Disconnecting the SIM card will do nothing; telecomms are required by law to keep messages for two years, and they will still have your information on file.
Increased terrorism laws are being used in the drug game also... sickening how much power is given to the police/ asio these days.
Disconnecting the SIM card will do nothing; telecomms are required by law to keep messages for two years, and they will still have your information on file.

that is correct ^

rather than disconnecting sims, why not get new sims? like the americans like to call erm "burners"

i swear the Telephone companys invented prepaid phones/sims for the gangstahs lol
Disconnecting the SIM card will do nothing; telecomms are required by law to keep messages for two years, and they will still have your information on file.

It prevents other messages from being sent after the phone is seized and therefore can be viewed by the cops, you can't always tell customers immediately after you've been done can you?

If you disconnect the sim all they have is the evidence already present on the phone. A family friend used to be a Senior Detective with VicPol, when they seize a phone its called "spiking". Once the sim is cancelled nothing further can be obtained.

So yes it will do something, but feel free to stick with your theory, 2 years of SMS records shouldn't intimidate you in the slightest as it shouldn't have one incriminating message on it.

Regardless, there are many ingenious yet so simple ways to communicate via text on a phone that doesn't involve the transmission of an SMS type data file from one phone to another. If you're gonna deal, deal smart.

I got done by a snitch, i was never a big dealer but id get drugs i enjoyed and then some for everyone else. Treat your phone as a police prosecutor in court, if you're arranging a deal, a phrase such as "sweet to catch up?" is MORE than enough. None of this "can i get 10 tickets off ya mate." Some busts make me laugh due to the stupidity of it.