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Shitty Morning, would you wait?

i have done mushrooms with codeine and cannabis and had a powerful trip on some p. subageriosa 1.4 grams dried. Even saw albert hoffman in the carpet that night radiating divine light scaring away this cartoon devil was some crazy fucking visuals. So take that oxy whenever you want.
i have done mushrooms with codeine and cannabis and had a powerful trip on some p. subageriosa 1.4 grams dried. Even saw albert hoffman in the carpet that night radiating divine light scaring away this cartoon devil was some crazy fucking visuals. So take that oxy whenever you want.
Maybe not visuals as such in the standard sense. Possibly either real vision or a projection from your own imagination and past.

Or a combo. Like, a real vision with symbology. Devil is himself orvwhat he represents and you fear he may still hold over you, to a slipping degree if anything now.

Or just another taunt by him. It's like when you cut of an old friend, they just can't accept it and keep throwing bait or intimidation to see if they canngetva response, basic acknowledgement, and by that- a degree of power and influence.

The Hoffman image may have been more than a plain hallucination. Like a vision, or symbolic representation of the conquering force you discovered and built inside of you, realising and exercising your power and choice, hekped by the Hofmann molucule.

The fact Hofmann appeared tells a lot. It's like saying to you, yeah you had this dark force deceptively invade your life when you are in pain.

But now there is a new guard. That is just the interpretation which strikes me as always not intended to be at all patronizing, we know ourselves best, only that fear, regret and guilt can cloud our judegement or confidence and trustvin what seens to be the sensible meaning.
How would I set an intention for peace and happiness. I worry that I carry a lot of anger, I’ve been researching a lot of Carl Jung. And I recognized “the shadow”, perhaps as they said I need to quit it all otherwise things can come to me during the trip that was unnecessary. That being said I’m still thinking about only a gram
The fact you are being so thoughtful in preparation tells me you’re up for it. That is intentionality; you are pre-thinking and pre-setting already.
Do write your ideas before, during, and after the trip.
The before-notes can help shape the trip and create that intention or set.
The during-notes can be helpful to keep you as an observer and remain objective, not overwhelmed.
The after-notes help integrate the experience, solidify memory, and make great reading months or years later. Plus we all love trip reports here!
A gram is likely going to be a fairly soft, toe-dipping level - you’re not likely to be thrown into anything one can’t handle at that level, even with PE Cubensis.
The fact you are being so thoughtful in preparation tells me you’re up for it. That is intentionality; you are pre-thinking and pre-setting already.
Do write your ideas before, during, and after the trip.
The before-notes can help shape the trip and create that intention or set.
The during-notes can be helpful to keep you as an observer and remain objective, not overwhelmed.
The after-notes help integrate the experience, solidify memory, and make great reading months or years later. Plus we all love trip reports here!
A gram is likely going to be a fairly soft, toe-dipping level - you’re not likely to be thrown into anything one can’t handle at that level, even with PE Cubensis.
I forsure am taking notes. I have an outfit ready that abandons my normal dark attire, bright shirt comfortable clothes, all chores are done. I need a shower and one last smoke of weed so that it has time to wear off cause I’m not trying push this. Just gauge the potency, learn and grow from whatever comes. I have a piece of paper, in front of me with 6 positive words I wanna gain. But I keep meditating and thinking about the word peace. I’m ready to meet the shadow If he wants to talk and I have klonopin just in case but I think it’s time I’ve waited and prepped as much as I can, to the point of over analyzing. It’s time to let go, I have a loved one around. I wouldn’t say I’m as happy as I could be but I won’t dwell I have to let go and let grow. Thank you trip you giving me good vibes for this. I’ll definitely try to take as much notes as I can I’ll need y’all’s help interpreting. I know I got this one of my first experiences was 10-14 grams can’t remember. I made it and other then weird feelings I’m not use to I wasn’t paranoid, I’m looking at it like this. I’m taking a substance to learn, my body will do the rest I just have to accept it. Atleast with one gram i can find out if this is for me or not. I keep thinking of laughter and happiness. And I’m looking forward to the after part where creativity and openness is boosted. I think things are as they should be I just need to jump from the plane.
It’s time to let go, I have a loved one around. I wouldn’t say I’m as happy as I could be but I won’t dwell I have to let go and let grow
Good insights, just trust and it will be rad! If not, ride it out for 90 minutes and the peak will be over and you’ll be down too soon anyway. But it will be fine, and better than fine. Just enjoy😉
Good insights, just trust and it will be rad! If not, ride it out for 90 minutes and the peak will be over and you’ll be down too soon anyway. But it will be fine, and better than fine. Just enjoy😉
My ego is holding on too much, I know exactly what to do the days have been about as good as they can get, yet I remain stuck in this frame of mind that keeps reminding me remember last times. I’ve always overdone it and this literally is the smallest dose I have ever taken, yet is the most significant. I don’t know if I will or I won’t. I keep saying well if I have already tripped hard before what’s the point now. Mainly when I smoke marijuana, I get an on edge rush and it deters me from taking mushrooms, currently trying to curtail my oxy, kratom and weed usage.. as I’m really not trying to influence anything. Does anyone else find this the same, especially after your first trip that certain amounts of marijuana can induce the same feelings of come ups of marijuana. It’s strange it’s been 10 years since my last experience yet I can associate it with my trips before. I’m wondering if klonopin would help me ease into my first experience. And If so I have to increase the dosage. I don’t wanna blunt it just be ok with psychedelics and not so scared of them. I feel good regardless I’ve got until pretty much 6 pm to take it so I can have a trip sitter to watch over it they have to go to work. And I’m afraid to try it without them and I know this is all my ego and that’s all it’s not even fear it’s my ego wanting to remain in tact and stuck in its ways and I don’t want that I’m tired of living a mundane life cause of my fears and insecurities, I’m tired of no peace I just keep thinking about thoughts that make me happy and I’m loading up on green tea and triple calm magnesium just in the off chance I’m ok. Would you refrain from a klonopin mushroom combo guys if I can’t do it any other way. Maybe .5mg to a gram of shrooms ? Or would that blunt it too much ?
Yes, weed can do that, once a person has taken psychedelic. But it can only go so far.
Maybe you already got the message and for now, maybe it’s time to hang up the phone.
If you’ve already done large doses in the past, you’ll likely not find anything novel in a 1g dose.

So, if it was me in your same boat, I’d maybe split it into 6 - 10 actual microdoses and see how that works during the curtailing of the oxy and kratom.
Maybe there’s someone (other than yourself) who wants to see you get off oxy (or would want to, if they knew), and that can be the reason to dive headfirst into the mushroom, taking on the chin any “punishments” it sees fit to dish your way. It’s in the inevitable comedown and return to normalcy where the strength is gained.

Or, just store them well . . . and wait for another time. :)
Yes, weed can do that, once a person has taken psychedelic. But it can only go so far.
Maybe you already got the message and for now, maybe it’s time to hang up the phone.
If you’ve already done large doses in the past, you’ll likely not find anything novel in a 1g dose.

So, if it was me in your same boat, I’d maybe split it into 6 - 10 actual microdoses and see how that works during the curtailing of the oxy and kratom.
Maybe there’s someone (other than yourself) who wants to see you get off oxy (or would want to, if they knew), and that can be the reason to dive headfirst into the mushroom, taking on the chin any “punishments” it sees fit to dish your way. It’s in the inevitable comedown and return to normalcy where the strength is gained.

Or, just store them well . . . and wait for another time. :)
Well I got enough to do all of it, but I’m probably going try small 1 g dose just to see where my heads at, worst case scenario it’s as much as an edible I got klonopin to kill it. I still wanna microdose I just wanna see if it’s of any service wish me luck. Lol
i did so much extreme doses of psychedelics that if i smoke weed these days its a full blown extreme trip that induces utter confusion anxiety paranoia with intense visuals and extreme headspace
i did so much extreme doses of psychedelics that if i smoke weed these days its a full blown extreme trip that induces utter confusion anxiety paranoia with intense visuals and extreme headspace
No mines more sorta just the paranoia that Joe Rogan refers to, it actually makes me feel like I need to get my shit together. It’s a waste in itself as I’m smoking just to smoke. Tired of blowing through money with weed and oxy, and I’m not afraid of what I’ll encounter in my consciousness I just only remember the intensity of the dissociation I faced. And a couple times my setting was off, it’s not really like that here. Sometimes things can be annoying or negative but that’s only how I process it, not even hats going on. My SO kept asking if I was going do it yesterday, but I psyched myself out of it and ended up not doing it. I’d just like to revisit them. Now that I’m older, I respect them and I’m generally in a better mind frame then I was as a 17 year old. I do have anxiety but generally only when I’m using other substances does it seem to get out of control as baseline I’m able to control my emotions, bipolar wise I don’t really get manic Thank God. My ego is afraid of what it knows I wanna do it it. I wanna shed myself, I wanna shed the mindset that I’ve had for a while, where depression is all I see and I react in anger and anxiety and drug abuse. I see my opiate usage as an extension of myself, I don’t wanna face my feelings, opiates help so much with that but my dose keeps increasing. I’ve talked with my psychiatrist, confirmed it’s okay with him but we never talked macro doses only micro, I’ve been researching Jung, to understand what my mind my show me as far as psyche, shadow, etc etc. so that I can acknowledge it within the trip and integrate it within my life. I wanna change but it’s like my ego or my shadow has too much control, I can’t tell which cause it just keeps wanting to resort back to numbing instead of exploring. And now I’m debating my dosage.. 1 gram seems enough to see a glow but that’s not what I’m trying to encounter is everything looking fun or maybe I am, maybe I just need a mental break and exploration of who I am cause I’m 29 years old and have no idea what the fuck I want out of life. Such a sad excuse from my dreams as a child.
My advice , yes.

Mushrooms don't like me though, my mindset has little influence on it. But the feelings after they stop working would be a reason for me to take em more often.

Profound relief of feelings of depression.
Do you think lower doses provide this? I would say I’m depressed but I also have racing thoughts that go negative quick. I’m about to say fuck it and take a gram and play the sims. If no one comes by..
Enjoy with some lemon balm tea - a natural anxiolytic. Maybe have a cup a half hour before shrooms.
Got some of that yesterday. Yogi stress relief. Took a klonopin last night. Hoping that will carry over today yet not blunt my gram
I know you weren't microdosing, but that's why my ideal MD timing is immediately after waking, maybe with tea or coffee.. before breakfast, showering, whatever. Definitely before any social interactions, even online. If I dose ~.25g at 6 or 7AM then by the time 9 or 10AM rolls around I've passed any come-up and am much more prone to verbal fluency, even-handedness, solving problems without anger, minimizing conflict, etc. I feel like it's worth starting the day out early just so the crest can be ridden unbothered and the actual day can be spent in the 'afterglow'. Definitely no internet, news, etc. during the come-up.

For me, dosing much higher should be on a day and place where there's no chance in hell of running in to anybody, getting important calls, feeling the need to interact online, needing to receive packages, risk of someone coming to the door, etc.
Impossible here, I won’t divulge to much but I’m thinking doses of 2g or higher. There’s always some kinda package arriving but it’s usually dropped at door, if I can avoid a nurse coming by though that would be perfect. Thank you for your response
Funny enough I have been so busy but pencilled in my first trip in 2 months tonight. Just a little 4-ACO-DMT. It would be my only time before Christmas (maybe). Came home, cleaned up a little the last few days and have the house to myself. I really have been busy caretaking and working. Yet it is cloudy, drizzly, foggy today. I had told myself a few times I will not trip if I can not see the mountain out my kitchen window. And today the fog is so thick it is pretty schmeazy out. So I had to abort too. It is not worth doing just because it is there or I finally have time. I need a clear night, stars, distance , air. Fog not cool. lol My shoulder and back hurt a little too so it will be a couch night and no trip.

I always feel like I skipped my exercise for that day, or didn't do my inner work and feel a little guilty when I abort. LIke I didn't do my Yoga or something. Like I am a chickenshit too :D But I for sure have aborted quite a few times. Had an LSD trip back in the Spring and realized an hour into it what was bothering me. I had a toothache and didn't pay attention enough to my nagging body until I started tripping.. Luckly the trip took off and the toothache was not the theme of the night. But looking back I should have waited. The toothache of course went away with no issues but damn did it hurt that night. My last few thought out trips were nice though.

Ok so just a little gabapentin and weed tonight. Edibles as well as a smoke goes well with them. Maybe a book, a TV binge watch. Maybe even read and respond to some posts here or answer a few PMs I have been meaning too. But no trip.

I hope things are better OP. You did the right thing waiting. Plenty of things to do in this dimension for recreation as well as mind expansion.
Yeah they are and I’m having amazing support for it by family, Significant Other, psychiatrist.. it’s almost as if everything is lining up I just gotta take the plunge. I’m not frightened of psychedelics, I just abused them as a teen, which led to experiences I wasn’t mentally, emotionally ready for and it was kinda a waste ideally the best time to trip shouldn’t of been while I was staying in a seedy crack motel, that I got so my PO could verify an address especially 11 grams. But I made it. And i know I’m mentally strong enough to make it through that I can do anything. I have a powerful mindset, it’s almost to powerful I fear making more connections like that with psychedelics cause with my analytical nature seems like that would be idk too much, but regardless i grew these for a reason, and Terrence McKenna claims that if you can successfully grow them you are ready for them, as growing mushrooms teaches you patience cleanliness and attention to detail, I’ll link some of the videos here. If a mod can combine this with my Psychedelic Spiritual Journey thread I think this has became relevant enough to be combined