Sex on LSD! :)

Life is a culmination of the evolution of matter/ the universe and the biggest 'sin' is in not making as much of it as you can.

heh heh. You know what? I was saying the same sort of things to Christians on this very board a year or 2 ago.

I feel that's at the heart of your being born again - a fear of death/what happens when you die.

No. Like SHM, you have absolutly no understanding of what I've experienced and so are making presumptions to suit your own ungodly hypothesis.

I think most people on this forum are too fixated on their partying lifestyle to consider these things. Which is fine.

But I shall say this since I've started:

Earth seems a strange, insane, random place. It can be very real, or very distant. You don't quite know why you're here and what to make of it. Science presents us with more questions than it does answers. I can't tell you why there's tsunami's, painful illness etc It can be very ugly. Yet it can also undeniably be exquisitely beautiful. Some people mean nothing; others everything. It all seems a random mess and that you'll never find the answer to it all... so you may as well fill it with as much drugs and fun as possible.

However, I do know this. There comes a time in your life, when events make you really consider what's relevent to you. Times you feel you've "learnt" something and there's a little more going on to life. A time where events in your life seem to add up. A time when your eternal desires are not possible in your mortal fleshly state and you really have to consider the possibilty of life after death. You might understand what I'm saying one day...

After applying this to Christ, and then being lucky enough to experience countless, tangible and unmistakable religious experiences I can safely devote myself to it.

When one man, Jesus, manages to make 2/3 of the world religious 2,000 years later. It's only logical to consider the thought of something more going on; that he had supernatural help. I can testify this happens and add myself to the millions of Christians since his birth.
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DMT4Blood said:
Had sex on acid for the first time ever on saturday! What can i say! ..... Without doubt, one of the most pleasurable, loving, empathetic, powerful, spiritual experiences of my entire life. Pure ecstacy! :) Every movement was a mini orgasm, every thrust was an injection of love. We grinned from ear to ear the whole time. Very tantric! Slow, gentle movements. (We'd remain still, letting energy build up, then releasing it in a single movement). This made the slightest movement unbelievably powerful & orgasmic! This went on 4 a good while but we never came! Even after we had finished it still felt like i was inside her & she felt the same. At that stage we used telepathy to pleasure each other!! It was crazy!!
Saying "i love you" never felt so good!
What an experience! What a trip overall!!
I was on 3 Alex Grey Hoffmans. My girlfriend was on 1. =D

sounds quite unlike my sex on LSD/2C-B experiences.

we fucked dirty, filthy for hours, no 'love injection' that's for sure. but then, you're probably a hippy.
When one man, Jesus, manages to make 2/3 of the world religious 2,000 years later. It's only logical to consider the thought of something more going on; that he had supernatural help.

Oh come on man!

We have had sun worshippers, water worshippers, a pacifist pagan religion which worshipped nature and all her cycles.

In the Far East there were/are the Buddist, Taoist disciplines which promote oneness with the universe, the cycles of death and re-incarnation.

The Native Americans who lived in harmony with the land and, again, the seasonal cycles.

2000 years after the apparant "death" of your christ all that has transpired are countless wars, crusades and inquisitons.

All that has taken place is the subjugation and oppression of two of the "harmonious" beliefs outlined above. The chief days of celebration from the Pagan era are nowdays rebranded in favour of "christian" values and idols.

The very conflicts we have today are echoes of the ones that began 2000 years ago. Almost like a "footprint" of discord magnifying out over millenia into something that will tear us apart for millenia to come.

There may well have been a man called "Jesus Christ". He may have been a great leader of men, an inspiration to many. He may even have been a divine entity - Who knows???

But if there was a "Jesus" it is not his word that christianity has carried for 2000 years. It is the word of men. And all men are flawed motherfuckers.

Including you and me.

So, my way will never be your way in life, and vice versa.

But you, based on your percived religious experiences, have no right to "pass judgement" as it seems you have on others.

Not camp, drug users, abusers. Not anyone.
When one man, Jesus, manages to make 2/3 of the world religious 2,000 years later. It's only logical to consider the thought of something more going on; that he had supernatural help. I can testify this happens and add myself to the millions of Christians since his birth.

Fuck, for a religion that;s supposed to be based on humility and sacrifice for others there aren't half some smug, self satisfied, verging on arrogant followers who look at the 'rest of us' with a very condecending attitude and a patronizing style of communicating...

Not a very Christian attitude eh?

Ans thatt's one of the main reasons for having little to do with it; anything that attracts so many hypocrits needs to be looked at & approached vary cautiously (pref. with a cattle prod or a big, long sharpened bamboo stick! =D)
fastandbulbous said:
Fuck, for a religion that;s supposed to be based on humility and sacrifice for others there aren't half some smug, self satisfied, verging on arrogant followers who look at the 'rest of us' with a very condecending attitude and a patronizing style of communicating...

Not a very Christian attitude eh?

I never patronised anyone. I've only stated my thoughts, mentioned I can relate to the unbeliever and having tangible experiences.

Where do you get these things from?

But you, based on your percived religious experiences, have no right to "pass judgement" as it seems you have on others.

When have I ever passed judgement?

Oh come on man!

We have had sun worshippers, water worshippers, a pacifist pagan religion which worshipped nature and all her cycles.

In the Far East there were/are the Buddist, Taoist disciplines which promote oneness with the universe, the cycles of death and re-incarnation.

The Native Americans who lived in harmony with the land and, again, the seasonal cycles.

Yes. This is because, as you correctly pointed out, man is fallible.

Out of most of the big religions (Islam, Judaism, hindu, Jehova's) Jesus is involved. Obviously He is very central to Christiannity.

But point taken. With so many false beliefs throughout time, it does seem typical of man to make idols and beliefs which vary greatly and it does make the whole thing hard to believe. This is why my personal faith is based not just on the theory, but, like many other Christians, very real religious experiences.

If I selected a religion on theory, it would take a life time to look into all of them properly and then draw an educated choice. And even then you may get it wrong.

2000 years after the apparant "death" of your christ all that has transpired are countless wars, crusades and inquisitons

You really think that's ALL that has transpired and all Jesus achieved? Or do you only want to know about the negative things?
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You miss the point.

The point is that you refuse to accept that another religion may be the "true" religion. You refuse to accept that Gay people can feel love. You dismiss religious/ spiritual movements tens of thousands of years old as the fallacy of men- in favour of a church invented for political/empire building purposes.

You justify this by saying:
But point taken. With so many false beliefs throughout time, it does seem typical of man to make idols and beliefs which vary greatly and it does make the whole thing hard to believe.This is why my personal faith is based not just on the theory, but, like many other Christians, very real religious experiences.

A Wery Weal Weligious Experience eh? Direct line to the big fellow in yer head is there? Telling you how to handle each situation? Do all christians get this when they are reborn? Or is it something you have to collect tokens and send off for?

As for the texts. At best each tale is metaphorical. The old testament is largely ripped off the Koran. The new one was written by some random guy's quite a few years after the time of the alleged christ. Given the culture in that part of the world they were also stoned at the time.

P.S: Do you believe the world is under than 10'000 years old by any chance?
When one man, Jesus, manages to make 2/3 of the world religious 2,000 years later. It's only logical to consider the thought of something more going on; that he had supernatural help.

Christianity is the Borg.
Slightly off topic but can anyone answer the following questions.

Why did God make Pluto, Uranus etc? What is the theological reason for the sulphurous mass that is Venus?

Why did he choose Earth as the one for human life?

What was he doing BEFORE he did all this? (I'm particularly interested in this one).

I'm serious (sort of). I demand answers.
inonzi_prowler said:
sounds quite unlike my sex on LSD/2C-B experiences.

we fucked dirty, filthy for hours, no 'love injection' that's for sure. but then, you're probably a hippy.

Maybe you had no love to inject into your partner! Or maybe your way of showing your love for your partner during sex is by giving them the best penetration & orgasm possible. Fucking to cum was the furthest thing away from my experience!
Me & my girlfriend fuck dirty all the time. For me, having sex on LSD was such a spiritual & empathetic experience that it was impossible to maintain the same priorities & desires that I would have during regular "fucking". And why would i want to?! What we experienced gave us more joy & pleasure than we've ever had fucking dirty!
I don't think experiencing these feelings makes me a hippy! I suppose it depends on how much you love your partner and on the way you both show your love for eachother..... along with the way LSD affects each of your brains individually ofcourse!!
As long as you both enjoyed it inonzi prowler, thats all that matters :) Its good to hear other people's experiences. Most fickle drug in the world! =D
StoneHappyMonday said:
I'm serious (sort of). I demand answers.

Why do you think? Seriously, see if you can come up with a good hypothesis.

Now that you've done that, see if you can think of some way of testing your hypothesis.

Done the test? Collect your data and see if it supports your hypothesis.

O, wait, hang on a sec. That's science. Woops!

jude101 said:
The point is that you refuse to accept that another religion may be the "true" religion.

That, sir, I certainly do.

The old testament is largely ripped off the Koran. The new one was written by some random guy's quite a few years after the time of the alleged christ. Given the culture in that part of the world they were also stoned at the time.


Perhaps it would be better for all if the discussion discontinued at this point.

P.S: Do you believe the world is under than 10'000 years old by any chance?
Probably not. Due to the fact the bible generally speaks in parables, I think one would be quite silly to consider Genesis as a scientific journal.

We may as well hear it then saar!

Because I used to be the most sinful person on this board (Except for Dr Suess, of course. That mohican was just WRONG.) and now I'm reformed and occasionally say things like "Trusting no-one is as big of mistake as trusting everyone..." or "Everything has beauty in it".

Why did God make Pluto, Uranus etc? What is the theological reason for the sulphurous mass that is Venus?

To quote from some scientist off Channel 4, "There is nothing in the Universe just there to amuse physicists - everything seems relevent in the creation of life."

Why did he choose Earth as the one for human life?

Would you believe in God if your planet was called "Uranus"?
Perhaps it would be better for all if the discussion discontinued at this point.

I guess there's no point in preaching to the converted, is there?
Perhaps it would be better for all if the discussion discontinued at this point.

The 'agree to disagree' statement generally comes from a person who's talked themselves into a philosophical/intellectual corner and can only see it getting worse - most born agains I've met seem to have the desire to go on & on (& on & on & on...) about Jesus & salvation etc regardless
fastandbulbous said:
The 'agree to disagree' statement generally comes from a person who's talked themselves into a philosophical/intellectual corner and can only see it getting worse - most born agains I've met seem to have the desire to go on & on (& on & on & on...) about Jesus & salvation etc regardless

Yeah, but at least he called you ungodly!
MrM said:
Yeah, but at least he called you ungodly!

That's a term for someone who doesn't believe in God. Am i not allowed to use proper English now?

If anyone wants to discuss maturely i would happily go on and on and on. But when someone describes the new testament as been written by a "few random stoners", I can't see anything particually constructive happening from it.
It was written over a perion of @ 250 years and some of the contents were removed in the 4th century (as I recall) by the *Roman chuch*
Which leaves us in a quandry as to how authentic it actually is , doesn't it ?
What I actually said:

As for the texts. At best each tale is metaphorical. The old testament is largely ripped off the Koran. The new one was written by some random guy's quite a few years after the time of the alleged christ. Given the culture in that part of the world they were also stoned at the time.

And yes, the word "perhaps" should have been used between "were" and "also", O God of selective quotation. (Did Jesus use cannabis? 'Ancient wines were always fortified, like the "strong wine" of the Old Testament, with herbal additives: opium, datura, belladonna, mandrake and henbane. Common incenses, such as myrrh, ambergris and frankincense are psychotropic; the easy availability and long tradition of cannabis use would have seen it included in the mixtures . . .')