Sex on LSD! :)

^ I always send love !=D

Worshipping you would be a pleasure!=D
fastandbulbous said:
It's actually a discussion about sex on LSD if you care to look at the title of this thread, it's just that you decided this was a moot topic as sex with 'dirty' things like drugs belittles it, then wen't on to proclaim your born again-ness and your relationship with God which has fuck all to do with the thread title, just you using it as a platform to evangelise from (since you ask)...

I was talking about sex and LSD, until SHM said
"As a Christian, believing in only one God, your God, that should keep you tied in knots for a while."

The point I was trying to make about sex and LSD (Er... sorry about an additional 5 pages of irrelevent discussion?!) is that tradition and values of family life are being replaced by self-gratification, as people don't seem to know better. People take drugs and have sex - there brains get damaged and they have children to random people (Not at all to suggest all people are this extreme). It seems a disappointing and depressing attitude.

Taking lot's drugs of drugs and having sex does seem extremely appealing. But would you really thank yourself if you had good health and a loving family, rather than children who don't seem so special to people you don't like and mental/physical health issues?

zophen said:
Saar I will take you on in a debate about religion if you wish to debate it with me !
You choose the thread title BUT it's gotta be in EADD coz I get depressed in T & A etcetera ! It's full of illuminatii who revel in quoting obscure facts to prove themselves as , who knows what, or why, but you know I speak the truth !

I could dig that. You seem more interested in educating yourself than taking sides (Which is very hard to find on forums these days). You will have to make the thread, else I will be accused of forcing unwanted opinions down peoples throats. The title should be "Grill a Christian".

I'm not directly trying to convert anyone. But it is good to let people know that it's not at all about believing in intangable ethereal concepts, restricting your life to religious restraints or denying dinosaurs ever existed.

It's about understanding the spiritual truths to life, which we pick up through our own personal experience, and identifying them with Christian teaching. As an example of this, again to quote from Happyus

happyus said:
sex is not just a way to pleasure but a way for our souls to combine and settle with one another.
happyus said:
i went from knowing that i loved my partner to truly knowing that i did and could see deep into him and realised that he was in love with me too.
Although obviously not a Christian, she has realised the concept of souls, true love and that sex should be an expression of love. All Christian values.

Okay i'm getting very side-tracked again...

lmao, i am most definately not beautiful! but thankyou

Being a beautiful person isn't about the shape of your face but the shape of your heart.

oops sorry, I'm getting side-tracked again.
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You will have to make the thread, else I will be accused of forcing unwanted opinions down peoples throats. The title should be "Grill a Christian".

Sorry but I shall not make the thread at all.
I have my own concepts with which I am satisfied, I see no need to try to *prove* that either you/me/anyone is *right* about xyz.

Personally I see many flaws in christianity !

Also in people including me.

How do you define a beautiful person.

Good question ~ someone who doesn't judge , someone who you are wholly comfortable with ~ a person who gives love I guess!

How do you define this ?
The point I was trying to make about sex and LSD (Er... sorry about an additional 5 pages of irrelevent discussion?!) is that tradition and values of family life are being replaced by self-gratification, as people don't seem to know better. People take drugs and have sex - there brains get damaged and they have children to random people (Not at all to suggest all people are this extreme). It seems a disappointing and depressing attitude.

There are lots of people who indulge in this sort of behaviour/lifestyle that never touch LSD or other psychedelics, so you can't blame LSD for that happening. In fact, the people I know who do use LSD & have kids have a much better attitude regarding their kids than people who've never touched it. That's without going into the realm of people that have been helped by LSD - I had a very negative self image through losing my hand at an early age and thought that people would see me as being horribly disfigured (I was a teenage Quasimodo!); the biggest influence in ridding me of that was LSD (& other psychedelics) as I realized that nobody was any better than anyone else and that how I felt about myself was totally up to me.

Yes LSD does have some negative aspects that colour it's public & moral profile, but then again Christianity & other faiths have got a lot of spilled blood that they're responsible for...

there brains get damaged

No evidence to support this at all; if there was, the prohibitionists would be bleating on about it endlessly
tradition and values of family life

Did these ever really exist outside of the victorian upper-middle classes for a span of about 50 years?

I have my doubts.
sarr, you're missing the point of what i'm saying. i realised all that because i took lsd and had sex with the man i love. if you agree with what i say and what it means to me can you not rationally come to the conclusion that lsd(as with everything in life) may be abused by a few, but by the majority(including me) it is used correctly and can be beneficial, yes some people have developed mental difficulties or breakdowns after ingesting lsd, however some people have faced the same situation after just trying to deal with the world. the human mind is a fragile thing and there are many different causes to it's malfunction. you cannot say that all people that take lsd are wrong, just as i cannot say all religion is wrong because i respect the beliefs of the people around me and am happy with my universe just the way it is, lsd experience and all.=D

church-(as flattered as i am)that picture does not really belong in this thread
i didnt mean to upset you, it's gone. i was just trying to bring the conversation back around.
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i'm not upset with you, don't be silly.....was trying to be serious(but also grinning like a maniac because someone said something nice about me!)