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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Scariest Films Ever?

colors said:
some stuff that hasn't been mentioned...
-mullholland drive

That movie's got some pretty creepy moments. And the atmospherics kind of make it very unsettling at times. The scene at the beginning when the old couple are driving off in the taxi makes me feel uncomfortable. And also the scene where the guy gets up from his interview at Winkies and goes out behind the building. That image makes me gasp every time :(

But having said all that, I found Inland Empire a lot scarier. Particularly the final 'manic' scenes where Laura Dern flips her lid. That terrified ME.
Only film that ever scared me was 'The Andromida Strain'... it STILL scares me. No gore, almost no visuals... but scary (I was 7 when I first saw it and never quite got over it).
tribal girl said:
Inland Empire a lot scarier
awesome can't wait!!! it's not playing my city yet :|

check out Posession (81) http://imdb.com/title/tt0082933/
its based on a Lovecraft story and it's probably Isabelle Adjani's finest hour ... there are some great scenes or her freaking out
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colors said:
awesome can't wait!!! it's not playing my city yet :|

check out Posession (81) http://imdb.com/title/tt0082933/
its based on a Lovecraft story and it's probably Isabelle Adjani's finest hour ... there are some great scenes or her freaking out

I remember seeing this when I was 8 years old.....i wasn't that freaked out ;)
It's not even called that. It's called House Of 1000 Corpses

damnit, your right! I was uhhhh, thinking of something else.... I think..


oh man, I love the scene where that chick ^ is torturing the cheerleaders. goddamn thats sexy...... and I have some issues.....
ghtto_cwby said:
Is it really good because I just seen Hillside Cannibals last night and it sucked really bad. I also watched The Last Horror Movie last night and that sucked really bad to. See what I'm doing is renting scary movies ever weekend so thats why I need all the recommendations I can get.

hmm is "cannibal holocaust" good... its exploitation, grindhouse cinema. you mentioned you were lookin for "gore" i challenge anyone to recommend another movie that rivals the gore in cannibal holocaust. its wild man. and surprisingly reviews are actually positive. but i think it should be viewed just to see far it goes, belive me it lives up to its reputation.. just make sure u get the 25th anniversary uncut version.
lostpunk5545 said:
Event Horizon... The emptiness of space freaks me out...

Yeah this movie really scared me too... I hate all that dimension crap because I don't understand... "a dimension of chaos" ugh
tribal girl said:
Scary? no :|

Funny? yes =D

hahaha, let's just settle on scary/funny.

Dario Argento for the win... props for having a really hot daughter as well.
In Mulholland Drive, they capture the psychosis of a real nightmare perfectly when the two old people (from the other reality) are chasing her into her bedroom. I had to shudder, as would most people who've ever had those overwhelming night terrors where they wake up screaming.

A shitty movie that has ONE part similar to this (effectively; my roommate STRONGLY disagrees): The Grudge 2 (*has f&t pass revoked*) - when the school counselor turns into a ghost.... that face... made me keep the lights on for about a week at night, just imagining her coming out of closet door and seemingly rising in height as she comes closer....
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Axl Blaze said:
hahaha, let's just settle on scary/funny.

Ok. We'll have to agree to disagree I suppose %)

Axl Blaze said:
Dario Argento for the win... props for having a really hot daughter as well.

I think I can agree with you 100% on THAT one ;)


She rocks! :D
A movie I saw as a child...

It was about a bunch of humans/ I think they were cops, dressed all in white with flame throwers, who went around burning homeless people who lived under the city. Great movie, just can't think the name of it... hmm, might have been Italian made don't know. But it was very scarry and heart breaking as they burned both adults and little children:\
goatofthenever said:
^"The Crazies", perhaps?

Interesting movie, but the movie Im refering to, people are not infected... they seem to be only targeted bc they are homeless and live in the sewers... The police/ military declares war on them and starts burning these people... and they fight back, spectucular epic fights ensues.... I remember watching it when I was kid like 3x a day, oh childhood:)
The Shining tops my list. Also Mulholland Drive and Mothman Prophecies.
Alien when it was released to theaters.

holy shit: restores my belief in the theater as a worthwhile experience.