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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Scariest Films Ever?

I'm looking for the scariest of scary movies.

I haven't seen a movie in a really long time that really just scares the hell out of me and I'm having a hard time finding some.
Does any body have any suggestions? If you do it would be greatly appreciated.8o
what scares you? it's not appropriate to recommend gore if you're desensitized to gore... it's not appropriate to recommend psychological thrillers if you aren't capable of suspending disbelief and becoming engrossed in a film. sometimes non-horror films can scare the shit out of someone, i know that jesus-camp documentary rattled my cage... and they were simply talking about being little soldiers in God's army.

the last movie to disturb me to the point that I doubt I'll ever watch it again was Audition, it wasn't a great movie, the pacing is shit, but it is so bizarre and unsettling that I can't get certain images and songs out of my head. period.
I do not care for "scary movies". They do nothing for me. I heard all of this great buzz about "The Ring" when it came out and I thought it was a huge disappointment. Same thing for "The Blair Witch Project". Nothing. I cannot remember if a movie has ever made me scared. I tend to laugh or get bored with "scary/horror movies".
I wish I could recommend a title for you...but I can't. Sorry.
i'd recommend jacob's ladder.

9mmCensor said:
lots of hitchcocks stuff is great.

check out Psycho.

yeah, but it's hardly scary.
I've seen most of the movies you guys are recommending and none of them are really that scary to me. I'm more in to gore but I'm willing to watch just about anything.
dapurpman said:
if its gore u want, Cannibal Holocaust , one of the most controversial films of all. and some of it is 100% real.
Is it really good because I just seen Hillside Cannibals last night and it sucked really bad. I also watched The Last Horror Movie last night and that sucked really bad to. See what I'm doing is renting scary movies ever weekend so thats why I need all the recommendations I can get.
The Shining for suspense
Signs for aliens
The Night of 1000 Corpses for gore
Eraserhead for weirdness
Axl Blaze said:
Plan 9 from Outer Space?

Scary? no :|

Funny? yes =D

youarewhatyouis said:
The Night of 1000 Corpses for gore

That has to be one of the crappiest films I've ever seen. I don't recommend that at all. But hey, each to their own :)

Personally I like a bit of humour with my horror. Even if it's unintentional humour. But when it comes to movies that have truly scared me, there ain't that many really. I'd suggest, depending on what sort of 'scary' you're looking for:

Suspense - Suspiria
Psychological - Repulsion
Gore factor - Braindead (Dead Alive)
Jump out of your skin factor - Night Of The Living Dead (1990)
some stuff that hasn't been mentioned...
-invasion of the body snatchers
-mullholland drive
-all night long trilogy
-tale of two sisters
-guinea pig series

if someone could suggest some documentaries or true crime stuff that would be appreciated thx. i really liked 'the thin blue line' and 'paradise lost'.

brothermarcus said:
damn kids are scary...
you gotta see cronenberg's 'the brood' :D