Saturday August 30th Indianapolis **Elevate** Sage,Translucent,Phantom 45

Will you be at this party??

  • Hell Yes!

    Votes: 31 62.0%
  • Hell No!

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • May be I'll be there..... Personal $$ issues come into play

    Votes: 5 10.0%
  • Yeah I'll be there, but I'm going to be a loser who just hangs out in the parking lot. (hehehehe jk)

    Votes: 7 14.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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well guys good job....and what an awesome crowd...i had a blast as i am sure you can see...sage is an awesome person and she is hyped for coming back in the future...i am glad that this event turned out so was pulled off and thats was good to see everyone...keep in touch i am always on aim under my same name...paze(now its time to go to c bus tonight for some deiselboy woohoo
Thanks to all who showed up for me and the crew... DDP is the crew and that is beyond just buisness.... Look out and mark the 31st off guys... you have no idea****coughduorgrednuteef6****cougharad****cough

Im soo glad Naptown represented... it is only gonna get better hopefully... it could have gone better for us but no matter what were gonna get nap goin again!...



So you are officially going now mandi?... sweet, you better be nice then....
djkelvinhertz said:
Okay, there was no disrespect to security in my post earlier. The reason I think it was fucked up what security did was because the only thing they did was make the scene look worse by just adding another incident to the party. If the kid was selling fake rolls, how the hell is anybody gonna die on the dance floor.Theyre fake! What, were you eating these alleged fake pills. Either way, If the kid was sellin fake pills, just send his ass out the door NOT TO THE COPS. THE SCENE IS SUPPOSED TO BE UNDERGROUND. If you think that im full of shit, then you guys need a lesson in what the scene represents. You all know that rolls play a large part in the scene and last night I seen about 80 percent of the kids there with those huge ass bug eyes. Im talking about 16, 17 year old kids. The party was dope, but when security went to the police, I didnt feel like it was a party, it felt like a fucking club.

Ok so, um if they were bunk they couldn't hurt anyone? Cause they were bunk? Ever heard of unknown substances that can cause harm, ever heard of DXM, GHB, all the other things that could be put in a pill form and sold as "ecstasy" and then the unsuspecting user has something go wrong because they consumed something that they thought was something else. And as for your was security eating rolls comment. What are you retarded. We had to work all night, how would any of us been able to do our job if we were rollin'. We were trying to keep all you kids safe all night and not have anyone consume some unknown substance which for all anyone knew could have been dirt off the ground pressed in pill form. People do some dumb shit as far as making fake pills, believe me I've seen it. I have also seen kids a couple times sitting in the hospital because they took some substance that they were told was MDMA, Ecstasy, Rolls, whatever you want to call them. If you don't like the way that things were handle last night by myself or anyone else in the crew than simply don't come to our shit anymore. Alright, I am done ranting.

Ok now for my nice post. That was fucking amazing last night. I will be working on having all the pics up real soon, hopefully later today. What can I say about last night that hasn't been said? Well, I don't know but I can say that Indy has needed an event like that for a very long time.

Gary, Doug, Joe, and the rest of DDP: You guys are awesome keep up the good work, and you all know that I am always willing to help in anyway possible. KEEP INDY BUMPIN'. Why should this shit stop? I think we should shoot for twice the crowd and twice the fun at the next party.

Manders, Loon*E, Curtis and the rest of my BL kids: I love partying with all you guys. You are always so fun to have around. Stay crazy and don't ever do anything that I WOULD do. :) Oh yeah, Curtis what are you talking about no Ohio kids? Half the new faces I met last night were from Ohio.

Kent: Happy Birthday man. Awesome time at the after party at your hosue with a bunch of random people, you me and Jessica. That was weird, but fun. I hope you got the cake and all ok.

Everyone else: Thanks for being there and making last night one of the most memorable events I have ever been too, and I am not just saying that. This one will not soon be forgotten.

As far as all the DJs: Keep on RAWKIN'. If it wasn't for all of you our scene would just be a bunch of strange looking kids standing around. You guys are the ones who keep this shit alive!

Ok, I think that is it. If I forgot anything don't worry I will post more later, 'cause you know me, I am a post whore, well ok not really. Oh well. I am gonna go upload all these pics from last night now, so you can all see them!

those of you who were upset about the promoters turning in the people selling to at this party.. i give you a big FUCK YOU! It's assholes like youreself that are KILLING the scene, and getting promoters and yourselves thrown into jail. You people need to just lay off the fucking drugs and go to a party to enjoy the music. Not get all fucked up. Quit your bitching! You're lucky someone didn't get seriously hurt or die. I give mad props to the promoters for having the BALLS to turn in those kids. They SHOULD be in jail! ALL promoters should follow this format of turning in dealers regardless if the pills are real OR fake. It's sad that you people can't just go out and have a good time sober. Parties are NOT the excuse to get fucked up. Now, granted, most of your are about 14-16 years old. You'll learn and eventually grow up. But seriously... you should THANK those promoters not bitch to them. The only reason that party probably DIDN"T get shut down, was because the promoter was SMART to have the cops there in the first place. Hopefully this will be the trend now. And you're Indy parties will remain open and not get shut down...

thanks for havin our back... If we as promoters see shit happen we have to make you stop and usually we try to warn people and confiscate before sendin any one with the cops... second they were selling bunk pills... i know it bcause one of my kids bought some (already aught to smack her for that) and they were very not real.... so to all who dont know dont speak... DDP what!

Greetings all~

few things:

This party was the most mellow drug-wise that I think I've ever been to with such a large number of people there. I never smelled pot, I rarely heard people talking about rolls, I never heard anything about k (thank god ~ I hate what k does to party kids). In general it seemed like there weren't really that many people rolling compared to "usual."

There was a really high proportion of people standing at this event. And people standing = one third of the time dancing = good. As the night went on more people took to resting on the floor - but i've never seen so many people dancing to techno so late in the nite.

The vibe as this event was prolly the best I've ever been in contact w/ ~
There were more beautiful women at this event than sooo many in the past. For once it seemed like there was an equal number of girls as guys ~ and most everyone was so damn cool.

It seemed like the place kept filling up till 1am ~ just more proof the word got out that naptown woke up (at least last night).

Unfortunately I left around 2:15 so I didn't hear all of sage's set but what I did hear was off the hook (as what phantom45 jfc!!!!!!!!)

Too much techno for my personal taste but maybe my ears just need more training ~ when is the next indy party??

djkelvinhertz you need to stop opening your mouth. Us kids aren't the only ones that read this msg board. You don't need to accuse everyone at a party that didn't get busted(good step for indy btw) of taking illegal substances on a public chatboard. Why don't you say some more things that will cause the Indy scene to get investigated? It's always someone like this that ruins it for everyone.

i dont think that there is anything wrong with a few kids having a good time, but when you try to pass off effedrine as e, selling it for twenty dollars when you can get a whole bottle at the gas station for four... im sorry but you deserve to be arrested for being a fucking dumbass. Mad props to my man shagz for taking care of the situation.

its people like that who are killing the scene. i mean really, come on.

i know about twenty people at the party that got duped by that asshole, and i will willingly admit that i helped the jackass get arrested. and what the cops did to him is only half as bad as what his consumers were planning on doing to him if they found him first. thank god he wasnt trying to peddle pma, dxm, or some other fucked up coctail that could have really hurt some people.

but back to the story at hand, the party was off the hook. shagz, your my man and you always take care of me. i missed you... all being smooth running around all night. i took good care of your hot ass girl jess, and finally got her friend nate to dance.

elaine, jess, you two rock. i loved giving you guys some special girlie lap dances. that was the highlight of my night.

sage kicked ass! and the atmosphere was awesome. lets see some more partys soon from these promoters... literally it was the best indy based turnout ive ever seen at a party.

and for all you ohio kids, it was awesome partying with you guys. the hot girl from b-town... all fishnetted out... we need to hang when i come visit. you are so cute!

and of course no one could miss the lafyette kids. you guys fucking know how to fucking dress yourselfs. mad props.

killer party.
I just want to give a quick thanx to everyone that supports the fact that we had someone "dealt with." That is our job as security. The person was warned before the police were involved at all. We told him not to be selling at our party and he chose to do it anywayz. So yeah, newayz thanx for supporting all this and make sure to come out for the Halloween party, WUT WUT!!

its nice to finally see people throwing parties were they aggressively target idiotic drug dealers and the drama that acompanies them, if we eliminate these people and their garbage than maybe we can move on to the next level... until that day indiana is stuck in its current funk... so good job, it was a fresh party as well, good drum and bass selections, nice to see...

i hate barney
djkelvinhertz said:
Okay, there was no disrespect to security in my post earlier. The reason I think it was fucked up what security did was because the only thing they did was make the scene look worse by just adding another incident to the party. If the kid was selling fake rolls, how the hell is anybody gonna die on the dance floor.Theyre fake! What, were you eating these alleged fake pills. Either way, If the kid was sellin fake pills, just send his ass out the door NOT TO THE COPS. THE SCENE IS SUPPOSED TO BE UNDERGROUND. If you think that im full of shit, then you guys need a lesson in what the scene represents. You all know that rolls play a large part in the scene and last night I seen about 80 percent of the kids there with those huge ass bug eyes. Im talking about 16, 17 year old kids. The party was dope, but when security went to the police, I didnt feel like it was a party, it felt like a fucking club.

Guys... this guy is a troll. Don't feed the trolls.

ANYONE who TRULY loves the music would do whatever it takes
to keep it alive... this "dj kelvin" person is either: 1) a druggie
who isn't at the party for the music ... he was probably initiated
in the drug aspect of raves of old and that's all he knows.... or
2) is just saying shit (sounding alot like that FlyBlueAway dude)
that equates to raves = drugs...

in fact, I'm sure an IP tagwoudl reveal this "dj melvin" to be FlyBlueAway...
(hint to the mods)... in fact, that's a big tactic of the old FlyBlueAway: 1) attack promoters for TRYING to provide a drug free environment... AND 2) when the promoters DO something about the problem, he attacks the promoters for doing that... hmmm.. yeah, the more i think about it, the more and more he reminds me of FBA.... let me see if i can remember how to do IP tags....

at any rate...

drugs were hardly as prevelent as this "dj melvin" is claiming.
partiers came to me all thru-out the night complaining on not
being able to find drugs...

also one note:

You all know that rolls play a large part in the scene

if you're living in the past i suggest you invest your time and
"brainpower" on building a time machine and going back to
those days... this is a new time... and the new promoters coming
up are bringing up a new way of thinking...

be smart or be ejected.

If you don't like it, "dj" melvin or FlyBlueAway or whoever
you are, then don't go to future parties... I have a feeling
this will be the standard practice amongst all Indy promoters.

if you're man enough -- and dumb enough -- to play the game,
then you need to be man enough to take your medicine.

if you don't like how the promoters are going to handle their
parties, "Melvin", then you need to go elsewhere for your party.

Re: goodness

Bladder2 said:

Too much techno for my personal taste but maybe my ears just need more training

Well, it depends on when you were "paying attention"... Translucent played some techno.... Adam and Shiva played soem techno... so after 1am, there was techno in at least one room at all times... in that room right beside the lobby, there was a Dj playign tech-trance.... and some techno tunes... so I could see how someone would think there was alot of techno... but there was alot of EVERYTHING that night... breaks... prog... trance... techno.... all of it...

Bladder2 said:

~ when is the next indy party??

Sept 6th --> (do a search for 9/6/03 in this forum)


Sept 27th --> MAGST du TEKNO? featuring Richie Hawtin's posterboy USER aka Richard Harvey ... it is an all-tekno party.... so be forwarned... if your tastes isn't refined for that flavour then you might want to go elsewhere...

also, if you're 21+, Christopher Lawrence will be at Lotus care of Evolving Records on 9.12.03

it's a good month for Indy right now.

let's keep it music-based so that we can keep it, period.

I had a great friggin time... the Indy scene came back like some kinda phoenix last night. Its always been there... but to see it out in force last night was pretty nifty. Saw a bunch of faces I knew, saw a bunch of faces I didn't. Much love goes out to the whole crew. Thanks for awesome time! - and for looking out for us
I had a great time at this party. It was lots of fun and my crew and I got flyers to every mother fucker in that place. I was the guy yelling crazy shit at you to take my flyer. I think it worked out well and occupied some of my time. Dont sell pills, dont be a junkie, and you wont have a problem thats all i got to say.

Elevate Pics

You will have to click on the Elevate album but they are all there, except a few from the after party which may have gotten people into trouble. :) Well, if you see anyone on there that is improperly named or not named at all please let me know via PM or at [email protected]. Also if you are on there and do not wish to be let me know as well and I will get your pic off the site. Oh yeah it won't let you download the pics, so if you want one to print out or whatever then let me know and I will email it to you personally. Alright kids PAZE!


*****EDIT***** I fucked up the link sorry kids!
There is only one word to describe what happened last night.......AMAZING!!!!!!! It gave me chills when I saw how many kids poured into that venue from all over the state and other states. Thank you so much much Gary, Joe, everyone at Deranged and DPP for such a fantastic time! The talent was off the chain, the vibe was awesome, it was good seeing so many old and new school kids, it was nice to finally meet alot of kids (kent, eternal, skot's gurlie, and others), I thought the security was very friendly and awesome. They handled everything like it should be handled. Overhead that kid say "i'm not a party kid, i'm a gangsta" welp bud, we dont want your "homie" attitudes at our events......we are not the junction or J2 whatever its called........go throw your 'bow's and sets up at a hip hop club......not a party. Skot, that cake was fabulous.....tell your mother thanks for making it. Whoever it is that is saying all the negative stuff on here, that flyblueaway and that other person.....I personally dont care what you have to say, and I think everyone should just ignore this guy. He wants to piss people off, thats what gives his immature ass fuel. So from now on, just ignore the bastard. Anyways, I just want to let everyone know that reads this that..IF YOU DID NOT GO TO THIS, THEN YOU MISSED ONE HELL OF A PARTY, ITS YOUR LOSS, AND I FEEL SORRY IF YOU DIDNT COME TO THIS. NO ONE CAN FUCK WITH NAPTOWN, WHUT!!!
some of you are getting a little out of hand, the party was good but not amazing at all i've seen some good parties some great ones and some amazing ones, this one was not amazing.... it can and do get much better then that, 4 years ago parties like that happened every other weekend in indy.

nice job commin out of the ashes though

reverse racism
u know what, it was amazing in the sense that indy hasn't been that alive in 2 years.....i meant it was amazing to have a turn out like that when there hasn't been one like that in so long. you dont have to be so jaded. i just listened to your promo cd too was good, but it wasn't amazing.....good to see your skills coming out of the ashes though.

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