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Safely obtaining drugs in a dangerous area

^well anyone who's seen the show cops will tell you that "entrapment" is an illusion. It's simply there so we think they have limits, but in reality they don't. I've seen cops do things I doubt even the hardest gangsters would do.
delta_9 said:
It all makes sense now! Everytime I ask my weed man for heroin he looks at me funny and I never understood why

you know what I mean plum smuggler. It's like getting a taco from jack in the box. THey do burgers and yes they have tacos but are as good as del taco? no
brainslookfunny said:
Is there any truth to the claim that an undercover cop won't flag you down or try to push a sale because it's entrapment? Also, you guys got any tips on spotting a narc, certain lingo they like to use, phrases they like to say in order to seal an arrest, etc. Like radio static coming from his pants, you know. What should I lookout for?

I've never bought on the street, and don't really plan to. But I'm soaking up all you junkies knowledge just in case :)

lingo eh? well if he says "you wanna buy some crack you scumbag freedom loving faggot" he's probably a cop
del taco? what fucking ghetto do you eat in? I represent taco bell biatch:p
No, there isn't even one in my damn city but that's how I know they suck. If people liked it they would've expanded more than they have. sounds like a fucking sexual position. "tonight, I'm gonna give my woman a del taco".
delta_9 said:
^well anyone who's seen the show cops will tell you that "entrapment" is an illusion. It's simply there so we think they have limits, but in reality they don't. I've seen cops do things I doubt even the hardest gangsters would do.

I've watched a fair share of that show, they are constantly soliciting people for a sale before being approached. I wonder how those cases pan out. I'm sure the criminal (bad guy) loses most often.

lingo eh? well if he says "you wanna buy some crack you scumbag freedom loving faggot" he's probably a cop

hah I think I'd be MORE inclined to buy from that dude

and btw, del taco's sauce alone taste better than any of taco bell's cheese n potato filled bullshit
brainslookfunny said:
I've watched a fair share of that show, they are constantly soliciting people for a sale before being approached. I wonder how those cases pan out. I'm sure the criminal (bad guy) loses most often.
although I do believe a good portion of that show is dramatizations and reenactmens, I'm sure the ones that are real always end up the same way. There's a reason they never show anyone get away you know.
They're actually not dramatizations and re-enactments. They're all filmed by an embedded cameraman with the officers. There are no actors and nothing is scripted. Cops was actually one of the first reality shows out.
I think you wanted this link - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COPS_(TV_series). and even so, that dosen't prove anything. If it was real, why do they blur some people's faces and not others. I don't know this for a fact, but I seriously doubt the people have to sign wavers in order for their images to be shown, or else there'd be a lot less footage.
Look guys I dont give a fuck if they have actors or if its real (I tend to believe its real) stop bickering like old ladies.

thank you.
I have always been under the impression that cops was "filmed with the men and women of aw enforcement" it says its real right at the beginning of the freaking show!

Reno 911, fake. Cops, real.
yea cops its totally real, this girl i used to work with her cousin was on it or something. kid got caught in a stolen car and ran from the cops, had the be tackled.
delta_9 said:
I think you wanted this link - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COPS_(TV_series). and even so, that dosen't prove anything. If it was real, why do they blur some people's faces and not others. I don't know this for a fact, but I seriously doubt the people have to sign wavers in order for their images to be shown, or else there'd be a lot less footage.

They have to sign a "model release" because their image is used to profit the show. I'd imagine that some choose not because they don't find the incentive(typically money) worth it.

Anyway, let's just agree to disagree.
But give someone a blunt object -- be it a ballpoint pen, a roll of dimes curled in the fist, hell, even a bic lighter -- and one CAN fuck up an aggressor in a bad way before they even see it coming.

It's funny you say that. Two weeks ago I was copping in the most fucked up hood in my city with my friend. I was immediately not pleased with the situation as I prefer to go alone. Why? Cos If I screw up, which I have before, it would be my own fault and I could learn from the experience. Before we go to cop my friend runs into a guy also selling weed. Friend makes the guy aware that we want a twenty bag, but chooses not to buy his deal because it was substandard. This is a real good way to offend someone and also get jacked. We come out of the house with the original deal and the afforementioned guy has about 7-8 of his friends waiting for us. My friend manages to leg it with the buds leaving me in the shit. Luckily I had a ballpoint pen in my pocket. (I am 16, white, the most heavily targeted demographic in this sort of situation) A guy starts rooting through my pockets and before he knows it gets the pen shoved straight into his cheek. I managed to escape without getting stabbed, kicked the shit out of.. whatever.

I lost a shoe and my respect for my friend.

Don't rely on other people.
I saw some show on VH1 about cops in which they said it's real which I knew it was anyway. But they said yeah people have to sign waivers and they said most people choose not to blur themselfs for whatever reason. On that show they didn't state that they pay them though.

They have shown people getting away a few times, the one I remember I saw recently where someone got away the cop was chasing dude a dude who was on a motorcycle I think, but the cop got stuck on the train tracks cause they were too high. The reason they don't show more people getting away I always thought was because when they are having the cops crew filming they put EVERYONE on duty as to make it nearly impossible to get away.

Anyway Sgt Stadanko that shit sounds crazy as hell if you really did that when there were 7-8 guys your lucky your alive.