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Sex Rise in popularity of anal sex has led to health problems for women


Bluelight Crew
Jan 22, 2011
Rise in popularity of anal sex has led to health problems for women
Denis Campbell
The Guardian
August 11th, 2022

Women in the UK are suffering injuries and other health problems as a result of the growing popularity of anal sex among straight couples, two NHS surgeons have warned.

The consequences include incontinence and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as well as pain and bleeding because they have experienced bodily trauma while engaging in the practice, the doctors write in an article in the British Medical Journal.

...Women who engage in anal sex are at greater risk from it than men. “Increased rates of faecal incontinence and anal sphincter injury have been reported in women who have anal intercourse,” the report said.

“Women are at a higher risk of incontinence than men because of their different anatomy and the effects of hormones, pregnancy and childbirth on the pelvic floor.

“Women have less robust anal sphincters and lower anal canal pressures than men, and damage caused by anal penetration is therefore more consequential.

Read the full story here.
My shrink specialised in eating disorders so a lot of his clients were teenage girls. I'd been seeing him then for 20ish years, so we were pretty open about stuff. He told me how one of the young girls had been pressured into having anal sex by her boyfriend and she actually needed surgery.

My daughter was around that girl's age, so I talked to her about it. Made sure she knew it wasn't something she was obliged to do because pornstars do, and that in my day, as teenagers, virtually noone did it.
Made sure she knew it wasn't something she was obliged to do because pornstars do, and that in my day, as teenagers, virtually noone did it.

I was surprised by the prevalence figures in the article. I didn't know it was that popular. Call me vanilla, but it's not something I'm particularly interested in trying, on either side.
I was surprised by the prevalence figures in the article. I didn't know it was that popular. Call me vanilla, but it's not something I'm particularly interested in trying, on either side.
I can see why a guy might like to try it, it's a nice tight fit. Not sure what a women gets out of it on the receiving end, since there's no prostate to be stimulated. 🤔
I cringe at the thought so I'm safe. I don't understand how straight guys get into it with a pssy right next to it. In my experience they were happy with my female fun box.
Like I said, it's a tight fit and if you like quite intense stimulation, or are only modestly endowed, that's appealing (needs to be squeaky clean and then tons of lube though).
It's funny when fringe weird shit becomes mainstream and you get this funny debate where normies argue that fringe weird shit is perfectly natural and logical.

Fucking a girl in the ass is not a crime if consensual, but it's one of those weird over the top violent kinks and people who indulge should own that and know what they're doing.
Just wondering if it is the same "issues" with anal sex among men?
Certainly there can be problems especially if one is not willing/wanting to participate.

sorry i meant to expound a bit but ya know..... life
anal sex should never create problems such as those described above. It is important to go slow, verbally communicate throughout, and focus mainly on the receivers pleasure. The latter point is important, because if the penetrator decides to focus on their own pleasure it is very easy to go into overdrive (too deep, too fast, not enough lube) and hurt the receiver. I have had anal sex, giving and receiving, with 10+ female partners, and other than the occasional passing pain or subsequent soreness, there have been no problems. We have always gone slow with lots of communication.
weird over the top violent kinks
Weird, sure; over the top, nah, more like up the bottom; definitely not violent though. I have never had a moment of violent anal sex. If one makes it violent then sure, it is. But don’t believe pornography’s depiction of it, which is more akin to rape than to actual consensual anal sex.
I was unaware of this issue till today. Seems like a tough one to talk to the kids about. I might have to read up.
I love butt stuff as an assigned female person, but it entirely relies upon my partners being considerate, slow, and attentive to what is going on. When they just fucking jackhammer their dick it's not pleasant.

I had a customer like 2 weeks ago who was great and I messaged him a few days later to offer him being a regular which I don't frequently do, because I found it that enjoyable. He was extremely attentive to my needs and made sure everything would go well, and didn't just put himself first.

I hooked up with a guy off Grindr a couple days later (I'm asexual but my random bouts of horniness get to me sometimes and given surgery was coming up I wanted to fit as much in as I could before a mandatory break) he barely put any effort into foreplay, didn't even use lube for it, then just jammed himself in and started going as hard as he wanted despite me telling him to slow down then asking him to stop.

And then he had the audacity to ask if I'd like to meet up with him again. No fucking thanks, not a chance. I'll take the customer and get paid for something enjoyable any day of the week.

I think a big part of this issue is that a lot of people do anal with inexperienced, inconsiderate partners who themselves wouldn't stick anything up their own ass, so they have no clue what it actually feels like and why things need to be done the right way.

I absolutely understand why if someone did anal once with someone shit that they'd never want to ever do it again, that totally makes sense to me.

And I think it's gross that a lot of cis straight men demand it when their partners aren't comfortable with it. I actually prefer it to regular sex as I find it more gender affirming as a trans man, but I'm pretty picky about who I'll do it with and I don't let them near my butt unless they've actually spent time getting things ready. You cannot just shove something up there, and if someone comes over to my place and they think 5 min of foreplay is enough to get me to be like 'yeah go ahead, just ram it in' then they may as well leave before we do anything. 15 minutes minimum.
If you’re having physical problems as a result of anal sex, you’re not doing it properly. The idea is to go slow, use lots of lube, maybe a condom if you don’t relish getting your dick dirty as accidents do happen. My ex husband was crazy about anal sex, so I got used to it and even ended up liking it. If you do it properly, you can stimulate the g-spot from the other side of the vaginal wall, and it feels quite nice. But then, everyone’s built different…what’s one person’s fun is another person’s hell no. So YMMV
Yes, it feels really good if you have adequate preparation and a partner who is receptive to your needs. Also, if you’re doing it frequently, your butt kinda gets used to it. It was really uncomfortable the first couple of times I tried it, but as I said, my ex-husband had this kink for it, so we did it at least once a week (as long as I had washed in advance!) so yes, it did feel good! Remove the discomfort, and there are definitely nerve endings there that are going to appreciate this activity;)