• Bluelight

    A memorial
    to Bluelighters
    who have passed away

RIP Mugz

Haha yes :D Ah man, I reckon a meet up in his honour is most def in order <3
^ Unlikely given the fact that most forums are very heavily US-centric. I rather like that post of yours though and agree with much of it. Here is probably not the place to further such discussion though.

Haha yes :D Ah man, I reckon a meet up in his honour is most def in order <3

A massive EADD blowout does have a certain perverse appeal that I'm more or less certain Mugzy would approve of. Reality may be harder to grasp though. Combines the twin difficulties of multiple people who've never met before - all of whom will approach such an event differently - with the historical near-impossibility of actually organising such a thing.

Quite like the idea of an annual meet wherein events both good and bad can be remembered actually - a tribute to those no longer here in style they would approve of and a celebration of what we all approve of, as it were - but I tend to muse of such things anyway cos I <3 EADD and all who ride in her.

In reality I only got to meet Mugz and Angel cos Gltched more or less randomly picked me up and drove me to a hotel room in the middle of nowhere on short notice. Glad he did though <3
Ah I like that annual meet idea <3 I am very shit at meeting people and generally being sociable but there are a lot of folk on here I'd love to meet and a lot that I sadly will never have the chance to, so sounds like a good plan.

Nice to think about these things regardless ;)
My reasoning being that it's far easier to remember and plan for a single date than on a whim which - as is proven time and time again - never works. GlastonBLury. As it were.

But way off topic and not a good thread to be derailing so...
A bit of decorum is needed with this thread.

With regards to things like 'EADD haters'.... Time and place.
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He was such a caring person. I met him a couple years back when he'd come to Bristol for a job interview, I was feeling very ill at the time but wanted to take the opportunity to meet up with him in person as I'd been chatting to him online for a long time, and he thanked me for making the effort as he understood how ill I must have been feeling (I was only clucking, but it felt like ten colds all joined together at the time) and that it was probably difficult.

I've got lots of fond memories from that afternoon.
Didn't know the guy but seen he had a pretty suave hair style
had a cracking wend last year at Sunflower festival and was planning on him coming over for either Vantastival or Kilbree rising festivals this year.

he made the worst attempt at putting up a tent that i have ever seen, only met the chap 15mins and i was on the ground laughing at him.

the last time i saw him was outside a Belfast pub after we had dinner and 2 drinks, he gave me a big warm hug goodbye. he went towards the airport and me towards my hotel.
I have unnaproved some posts by shimazu and posts quoting them and requested that shimazu ceases posting them.

Keep this respectful please.

Thanks <3
Mugabe is gone? No way, ugh. His are amongst the most memorable drug-stories I've ever read anywhere, I vividly remember me researching a "novel stimulant" (MDPV or desoxy?) and coming across this totally unreal totally unlikely desoxypipradrol rollercoaster nightmare tale. Definitely made an imprint. I hope his nearest are okay... RIP.
The really sad thing is i doubt Martin had a clue how popular n well liked he is/was

I hope he can see this thread and Bl in general
Yeah, this. I've had a very sniffly day at work, even though I barely knew him, which I guess is testament to how likeable a guy he was.
I think a lot of people have been deeply affected by this, myself included. :|
Words are useless... Probably the only time emoticons are more useful.

<3~:(~<3 Too young. Much love to everyone who's close to him <3~:(~<3
That's a lovely story ccf!! So typically Martin. He spent a lot of his money on gambling and drugs, but he also sent money to his mum and sister, and did things like buy people takeaways.

I've been thinking about the last time we spoke. He was banging on about his latest big online infatuation. He was being silly and sweet, and he was really overexcited the way he always gets when he's got a crush. He wanted to declare his lurve, and I reminded him that not all girls react well to mad declarations of love from guys they only know online. I only reacted well to it because I was really infatuated with him, and very sillily overexcited about it :)

The time before the last, we had a big fight. So I'm so glad we had a good last conversation and put things right between us. I didn't think we would. I said to him (about the fight) "it did make me wonder why we try to be friends". He said "because we're meant to be". So sweet :(

I'm trying to think of my favourite Martin story. There are lots!

I think one of my most meaningful moments with him was at my parents. My mum was really pushing my buttons about something stupid, and I got pissed off and stormed out like a stroppy child. Martin followed me, and talked to me. He played it JUST RIGHT -- he didn't slag off my mum or belittle my pissed-off-ness -- he calmed me down and got me smiling and happy again. It doesn't sound like much but it's really hard to deal with me when I'm like that. And he did. So many times when i was upset or stressed, he'd just say the right things.

For fun happy memories....
Walking around London covered in egg, really high and completely lost
Going for long walks around where we lived, enjoying just being with each other and making silly observations about the world.
Trying to do lines of meph off each other because we thought it'd be sexy, then finding it's actually really impractical and tickles

It wasn't all perfect -- we had a lot of problems and as you guys know, we did eventually break up. But when it worked with us it was fucking great. Best times of my life.
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I've been thinking about the last time we spoke. He was banging on about his latest big online infatuation. He was being silly and sweet, and he was really overexcited the way he always gets when he's got a crush. He wanted to declare his lurve, and I reminded him that not all girls react well to mad declarations of love from guys they only know online.

Snap ;)

Well, there was a bit more he wanted to chat about than just that but am guessing it was mostly the same. He actually asked me for advice on the situation. Me being a chickmagnet and all 8):D<3
I've talked him down from suicide and talked to him when he thought he was overdosing so many times.

I didn't know that. That's horrible :(:(:(

This is absolutely killing me. I haven't heard anything back from his family but I feel in my heart that we're never going to know if it was suicide or not. The thought that it might have been is going to torment me for ever. :(:(

Go and find Dave yeah?

I thought that too. Dave and all the other fallen people. Big party in the sky.