Regional pill discussion : North East

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White Windows in NH/MA are real good but short lasting. Roll hard for about an hour. Green ones i've heard from a friend were much better. Pick up green windows if you can.
Off White, sort of beige Mercedes are pretty bad in MA area. Took one and didn't feel anything special.

Friend had similar experience.
lugoj said:
same here, i got some of the .G's that were just like the old batch from the winter.

As far as i know, ive picked those up many times (and am surprised by how they are still around), and as long as they look exactly as the .G's you got before, they will be the same. I first tried them months and months ago and last tried them 3 days ago, they are the same. HOWEVER on pillreports I have already found .G "imposters" but they look different enough to notice (the stamp is not the same, and the pressing is very different, whereas the real .G's are always well pressed, completely white, but crumble easily.

As far as NYC goes, I came across some bacardi bats lately, they are MDMA and are on pillreports i believe.

Which is good becuz for the past 5 times I rolled it was the .G ladies (MDA), i love MDA and all, but i now miss MDMA more than ever.

There are also some sunflowers going around, the ones i tried were pretty weak
White/tanish hearts. Heart
is outpressed on the pill, beveled bottom, lots of specs on em. Gona try em this sat, any info would be appreciated. Maryland.

Ps. Usually get the G.'s up hoes down, couldnt get ahold of my man, crazy good pills though.
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Skater00 said:
White Windows in NH/MA are real good but short lasting. Roll hard for about an hour. Green ones i've heard from a friend were much better. Pick up green windows if you can.
Haven't had the white windows.

Have yellow ones now though and they are great.

Purple windows are good also, had them a month prior to these yellow ones.

Both really good, I agree with short lasting though.
I had some yellow X's last night. Felt really good but it might not of been MDxx. The X looked like a pirate X where they marked treasure.

Looking for Windows again...
Hey everyone I just picked up a new batch of some Green Windows in the Worcester, MA area Ill let you know how they are after I roll tmrw night. These pills are darker green in color and the window press is a lot more obvious then a previous batch I had a few weeks ago (which were pretty good, but nothing amazing)...

So i took 3 of them last night and theres a medium amount of mdma in them id say, but also a good amount of meth, but I kind of like mdma with an upper in it so i liked them. The roll lasted about and hour and a half and the meth for like 5-8 hours
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Has anyone tried the green triangles? They are sort of domed on both sides and are pressed hard. They tested for MDMA or MDE on Simons. Marquis and Mecke were dark purple.
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drumnbass420 said:
Has anyone tried the green triangles? They are sort of domed on both sides and are pressed hard. They tested for MDMA or MDE on Simons. Marquis and Mecke were dark purple.

Friend tried a few and said they were pretty bad.

Anyone have word on blue dolphins going around MA right now?
Blue Dolphins with white specks in them in the MA area SUCK... I think they are dxm maybe mixed with some downer. Also Green Stickman are really good clean mdma pills.
WHATS up with the yellow cherrys that have silver glitter on the outside. It is a hard pressed pill. It tested positive for MDxx but was sorta slow..... anyone tried em out?
weedhed420smoke said:
my friend is getting red stars ive heard these are bunk or just ketamine, does anybody have feedback on these pills?

I'm getting these this weekend along with orange bacardi bats.

Hopfully you're wrong.:\
havnt been doin much do to lack of good pills but just grabbed some red stars, yellow boss's and purple windows any word on any of these pills
Red stars on one side an apple on the other aren't all that great. Deinitely mdxx but not too strong. Just picked up some blue bacardi's. Ive gotten these orange, and green bacardi's before blue bacardi's are by far the best. Clean no amp i actually fell asleep while i was rollin. The only diffrences i could noticeably see in the pills were the the orange and green bacardi's top beveled edge was done sloppily; extra material hanging around. The blue bacarids top edge was done nicely so look for that feature. The blue were a medium dose and the orange and green low. Had the g spots definitely straight mda. Three had me hallucinating like crazy.
at the festivals this summer i saw a lot of red cougars, or red jaguars. they give a nice dancy roll. 1 and a half was a beautiful thing.
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