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Recovering H addict, can I still smoke?

As a recovering addict I would like to say there is massive difference in using addictive drugs and non addictive drugs. The mental state addictive drugs puts you in is terrible. Something non addictive like pot should be fine. I can enjoy my pot without getting the desire to use hard drugs. In fact the more I use pot the more I'm reminded how repulsive I used to find booze and drugs. Addiction had me thinking I enjoyed things I really didn't. Without pot I would be more likely to relapse.
Clean from dope 4 yrs now. Been smoking every day of those 4 yrs. think I'd be doin dope if I didn't. Everything is gravy when I have good toke, run out & my mind wanders to harder shit. As soon as I smoke I feel like a dipshit for thinkin about those other drugs lol. Thank god for this natural / non life destroying plant that keeps me away from actual life destroying plants lol
Coming up on 2.5 years clean from dope.

I found it beneficial during the initial withdrawal period of heroin (few weeks for me) to not use any psychoactive drugs. For me, the withdrawal was the most hectic and confusing and a lack of other drugs made me face my problems head on (not for everyone). Those first few weeks were the most confusing for me, so I found 3 weeks without any psychoactive drugs to be helpful by giving me a clearer mind (as much as one can have coming off dope).

However, after that initial stage of recovery I found the use of cannabis be beneficial. Today, I use it to treat my anxiety, depression, weight and ptsd issues as well as just to relax. I'm not sure I can say that I've replaced one drug with another because I've always used cannabis and always preferred to use it.
2.5 and 4 years...wow, that's pretty admirable guys. (to me, anyway)
Thanks, Burnt! I agree with your statement about this issue depending on the individual as well.

On another note I don't consider any form of non-synthetic cannabis to be a hard drug.
i havent done my doc for over a year, somedays im right on the edge of using though, but thats like once a week at the most, if i hadnt had weed, i wouldnt have gotten past day 1
Right there w/ you kratomman about day 1 & being on the edge lol just have to destract ourselves when on that edge, find something to do, change scenery w.e works.

Thanks burntofferings glad I can be an inspiration to some , I know I thought even a week is impossible when I was still using or even in w/d
OP here - hey all.

Would it be rude of me to kind of change the question a bit?
I will explain...... and anyone's feedback is again so appreciated!

You know how the topic was whether CANNABIS use after quitting H is 'possible' and alright?
....well, what about amphetamine use? Or Adderall, to be specific....

Weird how things change - I am pretty much no longer worried about weed, at all.

My growing concern is with Adderall.

To quickly catch you up--
I tried Adderall for the first time around 4 months ago. Between then and when I made this post, though, my Addy use was minimal.
I did it a handful of times, when it was around. Nothing crazy, and I had no connect.
Sooo0o0o0oo, when I made this post, Adderall (ab)use was the last thing I was worried about.

Silly me.

A week or so after I made this thread, in came a steady supply of Addy-o's.
Ahhh....life. Gotta love those curveballs.

One thing I know.. it has changed the way I feel about opiates.
In a good way. Dare I say life changing? It's difficult to explain.
Maybe just a new or different perspective is all.

I'm gonna stop rambling. You get the gist.....I hope

I read somewhere that Adderall helps a lot with PAWS. So my most recent thing is that I'll just use them until most of PAWS goes away.
I don't know. Clearly, I'm a fuckin drug addict.
But...Adderall is better than heroin... (not as frowned upon as heroin)
It makes me happy. Good mood. Smart. Interested. Focused. Never a dull moment... you know.

Still, the bottom line is, I guess(?): It's a lesser evil. But still an evil.

Did I just answer my own question?
...scratch that, IDK IDC it doesn't matter

I still wish to hear other's experience?
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The answer would have to be NO. Sorry.

Big difference between cannabis and addictive prescription meds. If you ever want to leave the never ending loop that is addiction you must stay off any and all addictive drugs.

It wasn't until recently I realized that. I'm a recovering addict myself. My first true addiction was heroin. The DR at the time gave me subs and wrote me scripts for two benzos. I was having major anxiety issues so I never thought much about that. But that kept me in the addictive mind state. Sure I was no longer dependent on opiates, but now I was dependent on benzos. Sure I had a valid reason to use them, but still daily use of them kept me in the never ending loop of addiction. Over the 8years of that addiction I ended up relapsing on opiates. Turning into someone who collected different benzos as a hobby (it's really just drug addiction), using research chemicals and calling myself a "researcher", going to the ER several times. And more shit. Even though it was a legit script, those drugs are addictive and kept the addict mind alive.

I didn't realize that until I got off the benzos and now just use pot. If I use anything else I'm libel to go back into addict thinking, which is really easy to do I'm sure you know.

As addicts we really do need to stay off addictive drugs. It took me a long time to figure that out. You may have to figure it out for yourself. I know I was that way. But I atleast wanted to share my experience in hope that it helps you make a wiser choice.
Actually, I just read that in a 2014 study, 36% of the surveyed group stated that they substituted cannabis to successfully fight their cravings for harder drugs like coke and H.
That effect doesn't last with continuous use. Trust me. :\

Weed is a medicine. (And not just for glaucoma and stuff like that, for mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, etc.). BUT! Every medicine has its dosage, and if you do more than you should every medicine is harmful. For example if you eat 2 leaf of paracetamol, you can say goodbye to your liver. But that not means you shouldn't use paracetamol.

So OP feel free to use weed, it's good for you, as long as you don't smoke huge amounts everyday. (or every second/third day). Because if you do, your situation will be worse.

I don't like when people talk about the harms of weed, they should talk about the harms of OVERUSING weed.

I knew a lot of fellas fighting a heroin addiction, it's rough, but stay strong OP, keep your head up, I wish you the best. (quality weed :D )
I second burntofferings recent post OP. I've done something like prob 50-100 diff kinds of shit. Weed/oil is at top of list for me experience wise...as its been a mainstay in my life for 10 yrs. it has been a mainstay because it doesn't destroy my life....listen I Failed school every damn year of my life man was always grounded n shit. Always wanted to do good, just couldn't. Took adderall jus about everyday prob for 2 semesters....I felt great on them, was more sociable, got shit done, actually enjoyed taking fuckin notes lol low n behold my report cards were all fucking A's & B's man...1 C....I was fuckin ecstatic, finally made my rents proud. Tried getting a script but the doc asked teachers n they're like " don't change anything he's doing better then ever" so obv didn't get the script cuz was too puss to tell them I was buyin addies. If they helped me so much why did I stop taking them? I'd get home go to my room n just pace that shit, smokin mad ciggys. Sleep was harder then ever, super anxiety after a while. I was a fat kid when I was younger n addies helped me not eat n shit too so even more reason to stay on them...I just couldn't man they break u down sooner or later. It's always great at the beginning. Just doesn't last, that is true for most if not all addictive subs, have feel good chems from artificial shit long enough n ur brain stops givin it to u unless u introduce more artificial shit. Looking back on it I'm sure I was even more depressed / anxious after I stopped taking them, leading to more drug use of other shit. Wasn't worth it. Do you but Just offering my exp n 2cents w/ them. Either way GL bud
I don't like when people talk about the harms of weed, they should talk about the harms of OVERUSING weed.

I knew a lot of fellas fighting a heroin addiction, it's rough, but stay strong OP, keep your head up, I wish you the best. (quality weed :D )

Hey, actually the post you quoted was talking about Adderall, not weed.
The subject kind of changed, lol, but regardless - I appreciate your feedback!! :)
. thats such an accomplishment getting off the dope. Unfortunately i cant say the same. But as an H addict myself, I would say GO FOR IT. If cannabis is enough to satisfy the need to get high, then go for it. Don't feel bad about not being 100% sober, weed is amazing. I would say go for it dude. You've gotten clean off opiates. You deserve to kick back and get baked as fuck :)
I have heard from a few places that it makes the withdrawl pains a lot worse. Buti mean it could take your mind off it
It's helping me control my opiate use and ever since I started smoking again, I've been tapering off oxy to a very low, non-threatening target dose. This wasn't planned until after I got stoned. I had been trying to taper down to reasonable doses for around 9 months. However during that period of time the doses had instead more than doubled for the same or weaker effect. I have severe chronic pain so this is serious as I need the relief to function. My doses were escalating and I was getting less relief and fed up with the shit. I was getting addicted to the high too because the high that comes with the pain relief of oxycodone is SO amazing sometimes when you hit that magical place, truly psychedelic experience imo. So you see I was a bad candidate to fuck up my back, but everything happens for a reason perhaps.

Time to give weed a try since it had been many years. But I smoked so very much before that. Turns out it's a miracle medicine these days, and not really something I'm interested in getting all that high off (just dosing high in moderation : )

Eventually I will be non-reliant on these devil-pills and enjoy the total pain relief from chronic back pain during special occasions when I want to not only have great relief, but also the overwhelming positive glow of an oxycodone high. So not only has the cannabis helped me bear the physical symptoms like nausea, muscle/bone aches, lack of appetite, and insomnia - but cannabis has also helped me worst part of all for me which is bearing with the depression and lethargy. I was just getting a real bad vibe from those little white rocks when I transitioned to a pothead after years of not using at all.

Cannabis brings a different type of awareness to my perspective that helps me deal with pain. It also allows me to channel my habitual drug tendencies into a herb that I overall benefit from, instead of chasing opiates. With opiates, the tolerance increases so quickly, and takes forever to go down. So you find yourself wanting to take less, but ending up taking more. Cannabis tolerance resets so fast... as soon as I start smoking less, I'll start feeling the bong tokes more. Overall I see cannabis as an awareness-shifting/enhancing, an excellent antidepressant. Not exactly good for my panic attacks but it mellows my personality out in ways which helps me be more social with others when I feel like a misfit in the human form.
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Hey mate, i haven't read all replies, all i can say is, my secret to feeling good about yourself is... Giving yourself a chance to feel good about yourself. I have never had an opiate addiction so am unable to relate in that sense. However, inmy experience, weed, nicotine, drinking are all barriers that make it harder to enjoy the ups and downs provided by a non addicted brain. Not to mention mental/ emotional development. i personally find life begins to feel excruciatingly long when my brain relies on its next hit for entertainment. Yeah, when you're clean it's not all roses, but at least one is able to stand proud and tall. YMMV. BTW i have also never taken amphetamines but the amount of fucked up 'ice heads' in my town makes me glad i never have. I'm sure none of them planned on that outcome during the honeymoon phase of their amphet use. From my totally naiive viewpoint, get out while you can :)
Coming up on 2.5 years clean from dope.

I found it beneficial during the initial withdrawal period of heroin (few weeks for me) to not use any psychoactive drugs. For me, the withdrawal was the most hectic and confusing and a lack of other drugs made me face my problems head on (not for everyone). Those first few weeks were the most confusing for me, so I found 3 weeks without any psychoactive drugs to be helpful by giving me a clearer mind (as much as one can have coming off dope).

However, after that initial stage of recovery I found the use of cannabis be beneficial. Today, I use it to treat my anxiety, depression, weight and ptsd issues as well as just to relax. I'm not sure I can say that I've replaced one drug with another because I've always used cannabis and always preferred to use it.

juan day for me. just do have quite bad pain (shattered shoulder - waiting on a shoulder replacement, but not a candidate for another year), am stuck on opiates. but one day ideally id like to only be blazing in the evenings. and not be oxycontin's prisoner anymore.