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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Recommend a quality tv show

The Big Bang Theory

watch it from the first season or you won't grow fond of specific characters.

I love this show as well. I saw it for the first time like 3 yrs or so ago on vacation. I'm not a pot smoker but remember specifically thinking for some reason that the creators must either be stoned or that it would be a great show to watch baked. I haven't smoked weed in years but think this show is very funny. Uniquie characters, nerds kinda trying to be cool while also accepting of their nerdiness and a chick across the hall that is average, cute, hangs with them, dated one of them. Just gottta watch it a few times to see if it's for you or not.
I was also addicted to 'Toddlers and Tiara's' for a few weeks'. Not in a creepy way, but in a way where I would sit there yelling at the TV mom's who are pushing their little (as young as age 1) yo daughters to be in beauty pagents. The mothers on this show piss me off soo much my wife used to tell me to "shut it off it's driving you crazy". These mom's are obsessed with having their very young kids in beauty pagents and driving them to compete and win. Kids are so young (like ages 1-7) they don't even know what they like or want but are brainwashed to be into liking pagents (it's very obvious they only do it b/c the moms push them and htey are trying to please mommy, who is trying to reliver her youth or whatever).

Wouldn't be surprised if some of these kind wind up sticking a .45 in their mouths at age 16 to end it all if they can't become miss teen usa or whatever. These moms dress up the little toddlers in all sorts of makeup and adult hairdo's, etc, etc....and you gotta know there are some pervs out therer who get off on little kids dressed like this.

The show just makes me sick, it's something I love to hate.
And yeah, breaking bad is the shit. Wife loves it too and she is mad anti drug, just so happens she loves violent (aka 'action') movies and TV shows.
As mentioned before: Arrested Development, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, first 10 seasons of Simpsons. Add Trailer Park Boys, Eastbound and Down, The Office, Seinfeld, Freaks and Geeks, Fawlty Towers, Curb your Enthusiasm, Modern Family, Parks and Recreation, Community, maybe some Adventure Time. Try those out for laughs. TPB is the best though.
if you share similar tastes in comedy as me you'd like:
curb your enthusiasm
always sunny in philly
arrested development
aqua teen hunger force
chappelle show
jimmy kimmel live

two reality shows i think are entertaining is the apprentice and shark tank(new inventors/entrepreneurs go on the show and seek investments from any of the four billionaires on the panel)


Great fuckin show, but, its on season 7 now

I would NOT recommend downloading all the seasons cuz honestly, some of them suck. Season 5 is the best. Then 4 and 3. The whole storyline is huge to go into detail but the show is badass. Seasons 1 & 2 are alright. Season 6 and the currently 7 are garbage.
what's the name of that tv series that was on years ago. It was some corrupt cops. The head one was a bald dude who I think played the rock guy in that supernatural show that jessica alba was in and each of them had special powers like streach man, etc.... I thought it would suck b/c it was about corrupt cops but it was pretty friggin good...
If you dont mind hulu i suggest

Also....party down....was pretty good
Community and 30 Rock are hilarious, a show I really miss is AMC's Rubicon. I have no idea why it was cancelled but it was a great, cerebral thriller
since you like the wire, you'll probably love oz. breaking bad is pretty badass as well. lost and dexter is pretty amazing too.
Coming off the back of The Wire and The Sopranos, which complete the trinity of the best TV shows of all time with The (inevitable) Simpsons, prepare for a drop in standards. =D
I only recently discovered The Wire but I'm a few episodes away from finished with it, and I must say that apart from new Breaking Bad episodes every week, the world of television looks a whole lot less interesting now - or I need to be less ambitious, and get really stoned and just watch whatever crap I happen to stumble upon.

I might suggest the 'extreme travel' TV show Madventures (be aware that the first 2 seasons are not in English) - a crew of 2 travellers visiting the most remote and unorthodox destinations around the world. They kicked off the 3rd season with a bang, drinking Ayahuasca in the Brazilian Amazon. Very good production values (especially for a relatively low-budget two-man operation), great locations (including Chernobyl, Papua New Guinea, Burma, Yemen), good fun.

Breaking Bad is the best thing currently on TV. I loved the first season of The Walking Dead but stopped watching not far into the second.

Fucking awesome show. Watch it on Netflix or something, nobody else does but the one person who I convinced to actually give it a shot thinks it is awesome.