Rate the song above you: non-electronic music

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I can dig this. It's very classic punk/new wave. I'm more into 80's hardcore but I love this song.
I wouldn't be surprised if Glenn Danzig was influenced by this band.

Brother Iz- Somewhere Over the Rainbow
This song has been stuck in my head for 2days.
What do you think??
1/10 fuck you nigga lil mouse will smoke yo azz if u told him 2/10 to his face


the song above is amazing, 9/10...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtsxfquYHf0&feature=fvwrel >>> song merge
Girl Talk - Let it Out

^ And just so we don't get off track this is the last song that needs to be rated :]
^ I switched over to the recorded version because the quality of that one is pretty shit.

Still though, I really didn't like the song. One of the things that makes sludge so awesome (for me) is that there's a certain flow to the music - it's the thing that let's you sit back, nod your head, and forget that you're listening to one riff repeated over and over again. There's no flow to this song, it doesn't have that one AWESOME riff, instead it has a bunch of mediocre ones placed end to end at random (most of them hopping around the various doom/sludge genres [some of which sound very *ahem* SIMILAR to a few other songs]). Their singer also has zero range - she's got a good growl for a chick but she never does anything with it. It's like she's just rhythmically barking along to the music. These guys feel like a bunch of posers.

Here's my song
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