EMD PsyTrance Discussion ver. Carn mates, get your doof on!

Yes, you can say that ^_^
They're using my art as the flyer too.
Heres an unfinished shot.
Nice! Proper forest style. Would love to see him again.

Here's my review of Noise Poison Festival the other week:

One part lush nature in a gorgeous wooded valley.
Two parts glorious sunshine and comfortable breezy temperatures.
30 sick producers and DJs
About 50 KW of Funktion One.
Truly ridiculous 3D projections.
24/7 non-stop music.
Stunning Flowers of Life décor.
About 3000 happy punters
Proper free party vibe.
Season with a pinch of phanerothyme.

Combine all ingredients and vigorously mix for what's surely the best festival in Europe.

^ i would not describe that as psytrance. looks like a cool location, though.

it is psytrance but it falls under hi-tech/psycore.

from ektoplazm:

"The faster end of the psytrance spectrum, clocking in at 160+ BPM. Almost certainly an extension of darkpsy but a lot of it isn't really that dark--just fast and crazy. Although it is certainly an acquired taste it enjoys a great deal of support worldwide. Psycore is also known as neurotrance or high-tech in some circles."

it took me years to discover the power of that side of psytrance. definitely not for everyone.
Why doesn't anyone produce this kind of dark psytrance anymore (see my link)? I know artists should evolve, but Para Halu's modern sound nowadays just isn't my thing. Back in 2005 when I bought Para Halu's "The Life of Peace" it was the best darkpsy album ever...And I still think it is! They had such amazingly gnarly and awesome effects and tweaks, I wish there would be more artists like them. Granted, just about all the artists on Parvati Records are superb too.

This track is just beyond awesome:

Para Halu - Animachine (This is The Girl)

Just got back from Ozora. I have only been once before and that was back in 2007. At the time, it was probably the best festival experience I ever had.

Going back was not a disappointment - this year was utterly lush too :D. Even the 40C+ heat and failed code red storm warnings didn't stop a beautiful full power festival. Literally about 20x as many showers as last time I was there which really helped. Some of my other favourite things: cheap beer, boroskola, €5 fizz and reasonably priced ice cream %).

All the built-up semi-permanent infrastructure there was incredible. Soooo much has changed to the site in the last few years. In particular, the Dragon's Head was gorgeous, the chill-out structure is amazing and I really appreciated all the crafts and games workshops and the first attempt at a cultural/lecture area was superb (if still a little too overpowered by flaxen-seed yoghurt tapestries). Sad to see the spinny swings have been mostly decommissioned/'elf 'n' safety'd though.

As for police, etc. I got on the plane still unsure about the licence but everything was rocking when I arrived. Waltzed straight past police road block on the way in and way out (just don't do the guilty slow and suss, power on past like you're nothing to do with it! :\) but certain substances were a little dry on the ground once inside as it seemed everyone was looking for weed and anyone who mentioned K got a lecture and a dirty look from the Germans. No problems with trippier stuff though 8( and the police never ventured near the stages.

Music was a nice mix of different styles and set-times were in general strong and well timed. Had a good boogie every night, chillout was great and I loved the daytime vibe in Pumpui. trance wise, in particular, the night of Beardy, Drumatik, Megalopsy, Kashyyyk and then Giuseppe absolutely killed me. For serious. Gorgeous sunset that morning too.

Seemed a little smaller than videos from 2012 despite being an off-Boom odd-numbered year - I imagine some got scared off by the licence issues plus it's getting rather dear these days. Still I'm sure it was a success for the organisers. One niggle - the sound was of course good but certainly could have been a lot louder. Too easy to hear talking in the middle of the dancelfloor and I certainly remember it being much stronger back in 2007.

A lush lush festival topped off in a perfect way by a sublime evening watching the Perseid meteors on the last night after the main stage finished <3

Obligatory shit video:

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yeah Ozora this year was very nice again, but next year I will probably go to Boom for the first time :D

best Set for me: A Guy Called Gerald at the Chillout stage.

if I would have went to freqs of nature, im pretty sure i would have lost my mind.

Psytrance itself sounds great, but if I were there I think the cheesy flashing light effects would get on my nerves. Why not just make it dark, and let the imagination and visuals of the listeners fill in the blank?
People have been designing lightshows that work well with psychedelic experiences since the early 60s. If you've ever tripped in an environment like this you might understand better. Of course, parties in nature with only the trees and forest to feed your imagination are always even better :)

if I would have went to freqs of nature, im pretty sure i would have lost my mind.

I went! it was damn amazing..
Psykovsky was the highlight for me.. We sat on top of an old airplane hangar and watched over the whole dancefloor for 4 solid hours.

Psytrance itself sounds great, but if I were there I think the cheesy flashing light effects would get on my nerves. Why not just make it dark, and let the imagination and visuals of the listeners fill in the blank?

Lol you can't be serious.
I don't think the visuals in that video are cheesy at all.
Maybe you should try watching that clip on some LSD and then get back to us.

I have created the flyer artwork for a Psykovsky and Electrypnose outdoor party in November..

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Psytrance itself sounds great, but if I were there I think the cheesy flashing light effects would get on my nerves. Why not just make it dark, and let the imagination and visuals of the listeners fill in the blank?

I'll take those cheesy flashing light effects any day over something like this:

That just has to be fiercely unpleasant at times - the assault by green laser around the 2:40 mark is really over the top 8o
Yeah, the 3D laser visuals worked so much better in real life than in YouTube videos...