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Psychedelics directly lead to an ability to manipulate collectively perceived reality

Are you being serious? Are you like halfway to the moon right now?
Well isn't it curious that FromHeretoEternity's other posts come off mostly intolerant, rejecting or even arrogant. Provoke much? :|
This is a fascinating thread and I am happy with my experiment.

After having practiced reality-altering techniques for a very long time i decided to remotely influence Daniel's mind (DoctorSativa) and i used several advanced fractals to communicate with his psyche without him knowing and enlighten him. From over 80 thousand kilometres away i helped him make that tree grow and improve his abilities. This proves how much of a success this is and yes it is actually possible. Psychedelics aren't the only way to achieve this in fact I would not recommend them because there are much better ways.

Now I am very much aware some people will not believe me but like it is, but I believe it to be real and what is reality but what we perceive it to be; if you begin reading this post thinking it's full of shit, then in your reality, it will be

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Sorry for the delay... Ended up trying aMT with 4-aco-dipt and it has really left me feeling very sketched out! Maybe not the best combo and in fact I don't know how I feel about 4-aco-dipt at all maybe my least favourite Tryptamines. Really wish I would have tried something different.
Let me settle down and get sorted...
Magickal axioms will arrive shortly
The Assumptions of the Magical World View
The "axioms" presented in this article are descriptions of ways of looking at the world. The assumptions about reality that comprise the magical world view are no more true than any other symbolic representation of reality, except within specific circumstances. Simply speaking, the concepts described here are beliefs found useful to hold in order to utilize ritual techniques, use magical symbol systems and negotiate one's way through "nonordinary" states of reality. These "laws" may be applied to many magical practices and situations, either as an exercise in analysis or to choose a course of action. Remember, however, that magic is an art rather than a sci-ence in that all such laws or axioms must be viewed purely as rules of thumb to be used or discarded with discretion. Keep in mind the most basic of all laws of magic: Magic always works! If what you're doing doesn't work, you're not doing the right thing. Beliefs are the tools of the magician. Do not not hold onto a belief just because you like it or you fear to change. Choose the beliefs that are both true and appropriate to your will and intention. For those who would like to explore the theoretical underpinnings of reality, con- sciousness, symbols, magic, and why all of this should make any difference, the fol- lowing works may be of interest:
The Structure of Magic I & II-Richard Bandler & John Grinder
Wholeness and Implicate Order-David Bohm
The Book of Breeeething-William S. Burroughs
Synchronicity-Carl Gustav Jung
Programming and Metaprogramming the Human Bio-Computer-John C. Lilly
The Fourth Dimension: A Guided Tour of the Higher Universes-Rudy Rucker
Prometheus Rising-Robert Anton Wilson

Note: This section was inspired by definitions appearing in Real Magic by P. E. I. Bonewits.

I. Law of World Views
The world we perceive is actually the interface (mixture) of the noumenal world (the Tao, the objective reality that is unknowable), and our selves (the subjective). Changing your world view does not change the eternal, real world, but it does change the perceived world. This is important because it is the world we touch, see, and act upon. Changing your world view makes real changes in the world which is real to us. (See below, VIII. Law of Reflection.) Because there are an infinite number of ways to perceive the world, there are an infinite number of worlds we may assemble with our awareness. The true underlying reality is unknowable to us as long as we retain the world view of separateness and self. You can become one with the universe but you cannot step back and observe it, because you are in it. You cannot observe a phenomenon without altering it by your mode of perception. There is no such thing as an indepen- dent observer. You participate in creating the world by perceiving it.

II. Law of Attention
The more evidence one looks for to support a given law, conclusion, or world view the more one will find. World views have inertia. Since we create our world each moment (as discussed above in the Law of World Views), we are constantly maintaining our world view. This is done by means of a recursive internal dialogue of words and symbols with which we constantly edit our perceptions. By rearranging our attention, we rearrange our world view. To quote Lewis Car- roll, "What I tell you three times is true."

III. Law of Synchronicity
Synchronicity is a term invented by Dr. Carl Jung to describe meaningful coincidences that cannot be described by the law of cause and effect. They are events connected by pattern (meaning) rather than time. (See IX. Law of Association.) Some interpret this as a developing and ongoing dialogue between the perceiver and the consciousness of the universe. This dialogue is overt to the degree the per- ceiver is receptive to (or aware of) it.

IV. Law of Relative Truth . Every statement is true in one sense, false in one sense and meaningless in one sense. This is a function of one's vantage point (world view). In the words of Hassan Ibn Sabbah, "Nothing is true. Everything is permissible."

V. Law of Pragmatism
If it works, it is true. A world view is only valid if it enables its perceivers to accomplish their goals. The more successful a world view is in fulfilling the goal structure that its viewers pos- sess, the more valid it could be said to be. By this definition, few people could be said to be completely insane. However, few people could be said be completely sane, either.

VI. Law of Paradox
No world view may encompass the whole world. Two models (or "laws") may conflict with each other and still be true in their proper context. Two people may experience the same event yet perceive entirely different occurrences. Rationality is limited by the intellect, the world is not. The world is not bound by the confmes of our world views. The trick is to switch from one model to another as it becomes appropriate. (See V. Law of Pragmatism.)

VII.'Law of Unity
Everything (through all space and time) is linked, either directly or indirectly, to every- thing else. (See Law of Contagion within IX. Law of Association.)

VIII. Law of Reflection
The microcosm is the macrocosm. The part contains the whole. As above, so below. This is one of the most common and widely applicable axioms of magic, reputedly first written on the fabled "Emerald Tablet" of Hermes Trismegistus:
Truly, without lies, certainly, and most definitely, that which is Below is like that which is Above, and that which is Above is like that which is Below, for the accomplishment of the miracle of one thing. And just as all things have come from One, through the mediation of One, so all things have been derived from this one thing, by Analogy. Its Father is the Sun; its Mother is the Moon. The Wind has carried it in its belly. Its nourishment is the Earth. It is the Father of every completed thing 'in the whole world. Its strength is intact if turned towards the Earth. Separate the Earth from Fire, the Fine from the Gross, gently and very carefully.*
Every speck contains the image (or pattern) of the entire universe in the same way that a fragment of laser holograph still contains the entire original image. Each person
*The complete text of the Emerald Tablet may be found, in a slightly different form, in The Divine Pymander, edited by Paschal Beverly Randolph.
contains this cosmic image. When the inner image is tuned (brought into resonance) with the outer image, a change in one will be simultaneous with a change in the other. To perceive one is to perceive the other. This is the basis of mantic systems such as the I Ching or tarot cards. It is also one reason why you could say humanity is created in God's image. The universe is within us and without us.

IX. Law of Association
If two things, (A) and (B), have something in common, that thing can be used to influ- ence both. Also, (A) and (B) have a mutual influence on each other. The more they have in common, the more influence they exert upon one another. The Law of Association may be broken into two sublaws:
Law of Similarity
The cause and the effect resemble (have resonance) with one another. A ritual to cause a rainstorm might involve dripping water onto the ground. A ritual to fly might involve wearing feathers and chirping like a bird, etc. This is "sympathetic magic."
Law of Contagion
Things once in contact continue to interact after separation. Anything once in contact with a substance, person, or object may be used as a "witness" for that substance, per- son, or object. A good example would be the traditional use of hair or nail clippings attached to a voodoo doll. A witness could be thought of like a tuning crystal in a radio. In any case, power is contagious. (See VII. Law of Unity.) This is "homeo- pathic magic."

X. Law of Connection
Every action is an energy exchange. To have power over something is for it to have power over you. To oppose some- thing is to maintain it. Two opposites each contain the essence of the other.

XI. Law of Synthesis
Any two opposing forces or concepts may be unified in a force or concept which will contain both the original opposites.

XII. Law of Duality
Any concept or force may be divided into two totally opposite concepts or forces, each of which contains the essence of the other. Opposites can be defined only in relation to each other.

XIII. Law of Personification
Any concept, force, object, or phenomena may be considered to be alive, to have a per- sonality, to be an entity.
Corollary of Personification (Law of Invocation and Evocation)
Any concepts, forces, or objects which manifest as entities can and should be treated as real beings. These beings (patterns) can also be viewed as objectified aspects of our- selves, but it is useless (perhaps even dangerous) to tak~ this attitude while actually dealing with them. Do not be fooled just because something is only the personification of a pattern of energies. You can be described this way, too.

XIV. Law of Interfaces
Power exists in the interfaces of things. These are the between places that are not entirely one thing or another. (See IX. Law of Association.) Traditionally, these places include caves, grottoes, towers, mountains, beaches, wells, crossroads, and cliffs. All the chief times of change of the day are considered to be powerful. These are dawn, noon, twilight (sunset), and midnight. Likewise, the solstices and equinoxes, the pivots of the year, have always been thought very important. There is a medieval legend that if a woman wished to become a witch she need only remove her clothes and stand between the high- and low-tide marks at the seashore.

XV. Law of Words (Symbols) of Power
There are words (symbols) that are able to change the inner and/or outer realities of those using/perceiving them. These words (symbols) do not necessarily need to be consciously understood by those using/perceiving them in order to have their effect. One view is that these words or symbols have accumulated power through use (attention) over thousands of years. Others would say that there is an intrinsic primor- dial connection (resonance) between these words (symbols) and the foroes or concepts they represent that goes beyond human design. Many people believe this about San- skrit, claiming that it is the original root language of humanity.

XVI. Law of Magical Names
In magical symbol systems, a name is the thing named. This is to say that, in some way, there is an analogical correspondence between the name and the thing named. There is a connection created by shared structure. To know the true name of a person, place, or thing is to have complete control over it. Of course, you could never command something to .do anything which was not in its nature. To know a thing's true name is to know its nature. What most people consider to be a name is really (in the magical sense) only a label.

XVII. Law of Labeling
When you label something, you exclude information about it. This is because the thing becomes obscured by other information stored under the label for the thing. If I were to say, "I study magic," this would immediately bring up all the associa- tions and stored data under the label "magic." Some people would believe I am a stage magician; some people would think I am a satanist, while still others would decide that I study magic as a historian. Yet none of these things actually has anything to do with what I would mean by the word "magic." When you symbolize something, you impose the deep structure of the symbol sys- tem used on the way you perceive the thing symbolized. There is a Japanese proverb which relates that to confusing the Moon with the finger pointing to the Moon. , People tend to believe that they understand something when they have a name for it. This is called nominalization. It enables people to take very ill-defined concepts and continuing processes and talk about them as if they were concrete things. The problem is that frequently even the users of these terms (names) do not know what they mean.
OBJECTIVE I need water. This book is green. I am a mammal.
SUBJECTIVE I need love. This book is spiritual I am an illuminated being.
Nominalization is an important tool. However, we must realize when we are using it.

XVIII. Law of Information Packing
The more information contained in a symbol, the more general (vague) it becomes. The more specific a symbol system is, the more information it excludes.

XIX. Law of Pattern (Knowledge)
Information can be viewed as a measure of the unpredictability of a message. The more unpredictable a message is, the more information it contains. In systems, the most probable state is rest (dispersion of available energy). Since systems tend towards entropy, the least probable state is that of potential work. Thus, we can think of the degree of order in a system as the amount of energy in it.
The more information you have, the less energy you need. Some people have defined life as negative entropy because it evolves; i.e., devel- ops greater and greater complexities of pattern. In this sense, the universe becomes more intelligent every day.

XX. Law of Intelligence
Any pattern of sufficient complexity will act intelligent when treated as an entity. A pattern more complex than ourselves could be said to be more intelligent than we are. Keep in mind that the human brain is still far more complex than the most advanced computer yet built.
(taken from "The Magician's Companion" by Bill Whitcomb)
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^ Trying to conquer the ego is another expression of the ego, heh.

It's fun pretending to be a separate entity. But taken too far, it creates feelings of isolation, and violent impulses towards that from which one feels separate.

I do not believe this is necessarily true in every instance... I understand what you are saying and aren't wrong. However, I believe it is possible to achieve this but perhaps the conquering of the Ego is the wrong expression and I'm not really sure of a better way to say it.
Many eastern religions such as Hinduism & Buddhism also utilize similar strategies. This is also an important aspect of Theistic Satanism ( as opposed to devil worship which is totally different) as well. It seems that in many mystery schools there is a certain point in your training and development when your become separate in a sense from the rest of humanity. This is the purpose of initiation. In this sense it is antinomianism. This is why ceremonial magick IS conscious evolution. It is certainly a form of self actualization but it is beyond this. I believe there is scientific evidence that our behaviour directly affects our genetics (PLEASE do correct me if I'm wrong here) but is this not how instinctual behaviour develops?
The whole idea behind initiation and attaining enlightenment (as I have come to understand it) is to realize that the way you live your life and the way you see the world changes you. Seeing each day as an opportunity for progression and using that opportunity to train yourself to stop being limited by the "roadblocks" that the profane (the uninitiated or those who have no interest in understanding the universe).
I believe that the whole purpose of life is for us to realize that we were never meant to "serve" any god but that we are here to realize that we are meant to become gods and at a certain point in your training you need to go through a certain ritualistic separation from the rest of humanity because you are no longer subject to the some of the restrictions that serve as hindrances to progressing beyond the monkeys that we currently are ( such as morality - note ethics and morality are NOT the same thing).
This is just what I've only come to believe after spending the last 20 years reading about many religions, occult systems (left and right hand path). This seems to be a common theme at the highest levels of initiation [from what I've read ;) ]
It's only that the average mans spends so much time focusing on and believing that we are so limited that we remain so. This does NOT mean that I believe the OP has developed super powers ,only that given enough time , effort, and resources, anything is possible even if it seems highly improbable. It is extremely foolish to say that anything would be absolutely Impossible to achieve in the distant future. If we were to have a conversation 1000 years ago about what would possible in the present. No one would ever believe in the possibility of automobiles, televisions, genetic engineering, in vitro fertilization, airplanes, the international space station, or even synthesizing drugs. Many scientists are just as guilty of fundamentalist (using that in the Robert Anton Wilson sense) , closed minded thinking as any fundamentalist Christian. Certain factions of people with "scientific" mind sets constantly seem to take the stand that everything we know about science is set in stone and unchangeable - right up until the next scientific discovery is made and then they adopt the same mindset that the new model is the only "true" one - and again until the next breakthrough is discovered.
As I've said before as the model increases so does our understanding of it and so increases the range of what's possible.
as I indicated in http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads...ed-reality?p=12248158&viewfull=1#post12248158 ,
after spending a life immersed in magic, majick,
and what I refer to now as life which includes plenty of proxy magic,
we do not know everything about everything,
but we are connected and have some control over quite a bit that we do not understand which includes ourselves, our bodies, our cars etc.
now this is really important,
memory is the most magical thing we use daily,
and when we are stoned, it is more powerful and less capable at the same time.

so if you have a list of laws, it is not of much use except to wave around... to muse about when you have no access to magical substances.
you need to have a much simpler approach for "living well" when your strongest mind is upon your weakest self - most psychedelic experience.

and for that I recommend examining how associative memory works:

how repetition makes an idea stronger
how association ties ideas together
how navigation between ideas is instant
how resistance or escape from an idea never works as intended, (it is an associative magnifier - adding further repetition)
how, when stoned, moments of time become like a stack of ideas which can be navigated in the same way (stopped, jumped, rolled backwards etc.)

it is a shorter list of things to know more about, and that might help when you get stoned, but I really wish I could just wiggle my nose back and forth, failing that I can still Dream of Jeannie.
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I'd be more interested in meta-programming myself, ironically seems like the more 'realistic' version of these sorts of manipulation since (as quoted from the movie 'the matrix') 'it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself'.
(Not reacting yet to what has been added to this thread in the last 24h, just letting out my thought-aggregate of the past couple of years around this subject):

Mad hat aside, lab coat engaged..

Personally, I've hit upon two kind of problems trying to wrap good old science around this area of research:

- Trying to prove a new kind of intelligence indeed lends itself to data to be recorded. However: the interpretation of the data tends to require the same kind of intelligence as the experiment is out to prove. It repeatedly blows my mind trying to find a convincing workaround to that. And that's assuming having worked around the anxiety associated with trying to prove a global consensus wrong, basically introducing a profoundly nasty observer bias.

- Even if all obstacles were to be overcome, does one really want to live in a world in which these things are grim, hard, proven fact? Considering the stress associated with even just going through the existing literature, does one really want to drag along others in the same stress, and then some?

Are these points excuses? Isn't a scientist supposed to just do his thing, despite everything? Producing his E=mc² despite the consequential mushroom clouds? Despite the scientific process more and more starting to resemble a kind of violence one seems to be landing upon the world?

I don't know.

This article comes to mind: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/23/books/review/Lehrer-t.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1&
I don't know about whether I want the world to change or paradigms to shift or anything like that, but yeah I would be interested in finding these matters reasonable or somewhat impressive rather than vague, entirely too suggestive, self-validating and cryptic.

Though in all fairness, I haven't read the thread in it's entirety [yet]. (edit: OK have read most now)

Well anyway, the ineffability of mysticism is the darndest thing isn't it? ;)
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Maybe it's more fun trying to prove these things on a person-to-person kind of basis, because basically then you're being social, instead of trying to produce a once-in-lifetime kaboom, making you a kind of God.

Being God is a lonely kind of thing, isn't it?

Edit: what am I talking about, shit's fun. :) (Also, mahaUana..)
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Funny you mentioned that, on my 2C-E +4 experience I found being God to be unfathomably lonely. That is not usually my experience when I reach that place, but 2C-E stripped everything down to the point that the universe no longer existed, as if I had regressed to a point before creation, ie, the void.
..to introduce a Chris Timothy scale, at +7 every meatbag leaves the planet and you're the only one left on it!

Not recommended!
willow11: If you must know I was saying that someone taking a psychedelic drug and saying crazy shit aka McKenna some people actually believe. Psychedelics have a new age mystic preconception among popular culture. This in turn leads some people to think crazy people with wacky theories might have "the answer". While someone tweeked out on meth would just be viewed as a raving loon. In my opinion both the psychedelic new age mystic and the meth head tweeker are both nuts. Humorless.
Someone should be able to fix that link with their ability to manipulate collectively perceived reality.