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Psychedelics directly lead to an ability to manipulate collectively perceived reality


Jan 30, 2014
After years of drug use and taking lots of strong LSD, I have come to the point of being able to make objects change place / size / energetic form in reality over time, with or without tripping. I once documented an old oak tree growing 3X in size after a week of me working on expanding the fractals and filling unused space with energetically non-defined quantum particles on camera. The drugs weren't changing my perception; they changed my perception to the point of being able to perceive how to manipulate it (my reality) without substances. Anyways, consider a naieve, atheist High School student writing this stuff after taking acid for a year. The information here works and I believe to be real. That said, reality is what we perceive it to be; if you begin reading this post thinking it's full of shit, then in your reality, it will be. But I know I've seen a tree get three times larger with this effort and have documented proof.

Take note, none of this will work if you approach this ability with the attitude of wanting to "show off" or have it be "your" ability. Any ego will make this not work. You have to already have great intuition - for example, 30-40% of the time I can correctly guess someone's astrological sun sign. It's a trip.

Before you can understand how to do something, you have to understand the why behind it. When we're talking about making physical (real) things change for both us and others - there's a lot of why you have to think about first! Almost everyone 'normal' will dismiss this stuff as nonsense, but hopefully most of the readers here have changed their consciousness somewhat more than your average joe.

The instructional paper on how to manipulate objects is thirteen single-spaced pages long and would be ridiculous to put in a post, so the pdf I wrote (I only say I wrote it because I want feedback, I didn't actually write this, it kinda all flowed through "me") can be viewed here: http://www.filedropper.com/threekeysintheuniverse . The actual instruction starts on page 9. The prior information is all about "why" this works, in my opinion something even more exciting than your ego getting to gloat over the fact you influenced a physical object.

Before you try too hard or get discouraged try this simple test below. If you can't really see your own energy it's going to be impossible to change it.

Exercise #1: The Energy Beam (alone) - takes about 10 seconds

Do you know what simple energy looks like, either traveling between two fingers as a perfectly straight beam or glowing for about 2 inches off of your entire body’s skin?

#1: Try looking at your forearm; no clothes can be covering it. The beam should be irradiating 1-‐2 inches off of your skin, and should appear to be the color ‘clear’ (but still have a slight distortion against the background, like heat would make) or maybe a light, highlighter-‐type yellow. Hold your arm against various backgrounds (brown works pretty well) and look closely at the wall or objects behind your fingers. This is the key lesson and will enable you to see the energy if you can’t. Slip the empty space between the fingers in and out of focus; try to ‘kind-‐of’ look at it.

If you can see that, you'll find the paper fascinating. If you can't, eat LSD and meditate :p
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I have no doubt that doing a lot if acid led you to believe that you can consciously manipulate the physical perceptions of inanimate objects, but my inner skeptic is highly doubtful that you can manipulate the individual "reality tunnels" of others through sheer focused will and intent. Some people are very very suggestable to the point that simple peer pressure is enough for them to believe in group hysteria ( take any crowd with a stage hypnotist for example - not everyone will dance around like bunnies at a single command).
Now when you can make a tea kettle Gro bigger and smaller in front a video recording device with typical scientific standards in place. I'll believe anything you say. Until then, sounds like typical new age malarkey. And this is coming from a practitioner of hermetic, ceremonial magick for a decade and a half. People can be critical of Crowley all they want but everyone who believes in the metaphysical needs to keep their inner skeptic in as much charge as their inner believer. Faith can be a dangerous beast indeed.
"Faith can be a dangerous beast indeed". Amen to that. And you know, it doesn't matter at all if people get what I think I understood / am understanding, and it doesn't matter if they agree with me or not. So thanks a lot for your thoughts. This is the only way people will learn, sharing their experiences and exchanging feedback.
But what about the energy around people? Science cannot measure that, even though energy (or at the very least, emotions) are undeniably real. I can see energy erraditating strongly off of my hands at all times, and can direct this energy (I think this kind of hand-energy manipulation is called "Chigong" by the Chinese) quite powerfully. Like, I can look at a random stranger in the airport and send so much energy their way they spin around and look right at me, even people who are unaware of the possibility. How do you explain that?
I'm just curious as to how you can verify that the accelerated growth of this oak tree wasn't related to something unusual in its nutritional environment. I too am a semi-sceptic regarding these sort of claims; they are easy enough to make but seem to fall aside under actual scientific scrutiny. You would need to do some rigorous double-blind studies because otherwise, these claims are just that; claims.

Please don't think I'm trying to put you down or anything; I am very interested in the effects of psychedelics but I think that claims of magic related to drugs are the sort of negative that have made genuine research and exploration seem like completely pseudo-scientific jokes and have kept these drugs on the black market.

All interesting though :)
But what about the energy around people? Science cannot measure that, even though energy (or at the very least, emotions) are undeniably real. I can see energy erraditating strongly off of my hands at all times, and can direct this energy (I think this kind of hand-energy manipulation is called "Chigong" by the Chinese) quite powerfully. Like, I can look at a random stranger in the airport and send so much energy their way they spin around and look right at me, even people who are unaware of the possibility. How do you explain that?
You mean why is that weird guy staring at us at the airport??? Honey , pretend you don't notice! Damn too late made eye contact...
What the seeker seeks, the prover proves my friend. The more you want to believe in something the more evidence you will find to justify those set of beliefs. I think it's actually dangerous to believe in anything with 100% certainty. I believe it's most healthy to to have a shred of doubt about every single beliefs one holds dear. No matter how smart any of us are , none of us knows for sure what's going on. We're just all really good hypothesizers. Some more than others, and I certainly don't think I have any better idea than anyone else.
willow11, I see what you are saying when you stated that people associating drugs with "magic" are keeping them illegal. Yes, of course it does, if some claims are true half of the people are too scared to believe and the other half deny the fact that drugs could cause anything to happen not already known.

It seems like more and more people are accepting this whole "energy" thing, and most people believe in quantum mechanics (which have some tendencies one would call "magic") so it just seems like we're all on a different road leading to the same place. Ok, off to smoke a bowl and keep thinking about how I cannot identify with the rest of society.
DoctorSativa said:
But what about the energy around people?

Do you mean emitted by people, like black body radiation? "Around people" is vague to the point of uselessness.

ds said:
expanding the fractals and filling unused space with energetically non-defined quantum particles

This is complete gibberish. It means nothing.

And what exactly do self-similar patterns and imaginary particles have to do with mitosis anyway (related: transpiration/nutrient absorption, photosynthesis, and respiration rates)?

Dr. Sat said:
How do you explain that?

Magical thinking.

ballz trippington said:
You mean why is that weird guy staring at us at the airport???

I don't know, is it really coincidence? I mean, he notices the people he's looking at turn around, and he doesn't notice the people he's not looking at turn around.
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If I walked around an airport and stared at people long enough everyone would eventually look up at take notice. It's not a super power unless you are super at being awkward.
It's really unusual behaviour and it's gonna stand out at an airport where most people are minding their own buisness trying to get in their way. So yeah, it's reasonable that people would take notice. It's got nothing to do with energy projection.
I never would stare at people, who got that idea...

Whatever if you get it you get it, it's not a stare, it works as if you wanted to shoot someone. You don't stare to get their attention. I now see what you guys mean "he must be doing something obvious to get their attention" and it's no not really like that at all.
I hear James Randi is offering $1 million to anyone at all who can prove any supernatural ability in a scientific setting. Many, many have attempted. To date the prize stands unclaimed. If you can do what you claim. Take the challenge. Seriously.
Magical thinking indeed...that's why James Randy's never had to pay out over the decades he's offered the money...
I hear James Randi is offering $1 million to anyone at all who can prove any supernatural ability in a scientific setting. Many, many have attempted. To date the prize stands unclaimed. If you can do what you claim. Take the challenge. Seriously.


I'm going to get this. However, if I can do this once and then use $1,000,000 to help improve the world by increasing student's access in rural countries to technology, thereby enabling a global network of sustainable self-directed learning, inspired by children (I run a not-for-profit in third world countries like India, hence the extreme telepathic ability... years of LSD and exposure to people beyond any explanation of enlightenment, it happened. And I didn't even ask for it to happen... my life just turned this way along with this incredible human being I know. I don't even know if some people are really human, more of a thought consciousness. He will be in India and I will be in the USA and we are so connected at times it feels like he's in the same fucking room as I am. (Tonight: (Cofounder): "Stop doing drugs and go to bed, man. There's a board meeting tomorrow and you're wacking off at 5am" where I reply, "yeah porn puts you in your base chakkra and you don't have as much energy or sex drive during the day..." and then watch it anyway after he leaves (in thought).

And the whole time we're talking and both know what we talked about and stuff, then we update our board of directors. No e-mail communication from this guy at all... we work in thoughts only, and have an incredible business which I will not disclose for anonymity (or at least, I don't think I should). I travel to countries around the world doing amazing work.

$1 million if I can prove, scientifically without cheating, I can send a thought to someone and make them spin around as if I shot them with a high-speed pellet rifel and / or let me know what I was telling them? (example sent thought: "give all the money to charity, don't keep a penny for yourself") Sure, we can do that and scientifically prove the sent thought was not slipped to me or anything. Will he give me $2 million if I make them jump the hell out of their skin and sprint away from me because I projected so much fucking energy (j/k)? What if I guess the astrological sign of any person he chooses after getting a 10-minute introductory interview with them (well I can't quite do that, but my friend can, for sure). He could send in 10 test subjects as a control group. Do any of these qualify?

Guys I'm nervous, if I do this in public I will be subject to mass scrutiny, people will demand I prove I can do it to them (and it only works when I'm working with another primary fire sign, so far). The attention would ruin my life but hey, I'll be on the other side of planet earth doing a good thing in the world.

And how perfect is this? Psychedelics shrink, sometimes smash, the ego. If I hadn't tripped as hard as I have I wouldn't be here talking about this "woo-woo" shit. If I hadn't tripped that hard I would of spent the money on cocaine and a fucking nice house and a car. But fuck that, it's so much more fulfilling a life to travel around the globe making $20k a year in challenging environments. Makes perfect sense for an Aries - Gemini - Gemini (both my moon and rising are gemini...), the sun sign is the most powerful one that most people know and my friend can guess 100% of the time with anyone. A great example of how psychedelics changed me and amplified my intuition (I think they did at least)

The Palm Readers ruined this "psychedelics make magic" bullshit with their fucking palm reading. Are you serious? No, no, that's just part of the act. The reason some of them get so many answers about people right is simply because they have good intuition. For example, I could become a "palm reader" and 30-40% correctly guess the person's astrological sun sign after 10 minutes of conversation / pretending to examine their palm. My co-founder can do it 100% of the time, without question. You could be a skeptic and say I looked their birthdays up, but when it's a stranger you've just met and there are anti-cheating mechanisms in place like there would be, then your skepticism would be well-founded but incorrect. And it will be.

Guys, I can do this. But not on video. Magazine publishing only, people aren't ready for this yet to be shown on TV.

Um, fuck, if I do this now I'm going to reveal my identity. Which means I would of incriminated myself quite a bit on this website, but fortunately all this is hypothetical of course, telling you guys I actually did these things just makes the stories better!
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Magical thinking indeed...that's why James Randy's never had to pay out over the decades he's offered the money...

In other words everyone can make amazing stuff happen except when there are scientific controls in place. I study and practice magick. I'm not a scientific fundamentalist. I am a believer in the metaphysical. But in also a skeptic. I'm not sure how exactly magick works. Only that it DOES work. However, it's entirely possible that magick , especially ceremonial magick is just a sort of hypnosis. The ritual helps you believe so strongly in what you are doing that you end up subconsciously doing whatever is necessary to achieve the intention of the ritual. There's no way to really prove the metaphysical or the mundane explanation. But Occam's Razor tells me it's probably the mundane one.
The why is ultimately irrelevant in that the outcome usually ends up being what is intended. It's a great and difficult skill to believe in something with such fervour that it it aids you in making something happen and then being able to abandon it like it's meaningless and embrace a totally different world view that suits a new goal. That is self mastery IMO.
I have no doubt this guy is doing what he claims at the airport, it's just the reality of it is probably a lot more mundane and a lot more funny. I only say this because in my experience this is how magick works.
In other words everyone can make amazing stuff happen except when there are scientific controls in place. I study and practice magick. I'm not a scientific fundamentalist. I am a believer in the metaphysical. But in also a skeptic. I'm not sure how exactly magick works. Only that it DOES work. However, it's entirely possible that magick , especially ceremonial magick is just a sort of hypnosis. The ritual helps you believe so strongly in what you are doing that you end up subconsciously doing whatever is necessary to achieve the intention of the ritual. There's no way to really prove the metaphysical or the mundane explanation. But Occam's Razor tells me it's probably the mundane one.
The why is ultimately irrelevant in that the outcome usually ends up being what is intended. It's a great and difficult skill to believe in something with such fervour that it it aids you in making something happen and then being able to abandon it like it's meaningless and embrace a totally different world view that suits a new goal. That is self mastery IMO.
I have no doubt this guy is doing what he claims at the airport, it's just the reality of it is probably a lot more mundane and a lot more funny. I only say this because in my experience this is how magick works.

By "the reality of it is probably a lot more mundane and a lot more funny" do you mean it's just some guy wearing sunglasses looking out the corner of his eye at someone (without them noticing), then instantly making them move because of a metaphysical projected thought? Or that it's some silly, laughable mistake others have made? Man... I don't think so...

Magick, as you call it, is often indeed hypnosis. In fact it normally works best that way and is impossible to do without meditation (similar to hypnosis). I had to meditate (and I've been doing it a long time, I meditated for over 12 hours once doing nothing but drinking water and trying to keep a clear mind, suddenly I saw this bright white light of awareness coming toward me that scared me so much I was instantly jumped out of the peaceful meditation with an adrenaline shock.

"It's a great and difficult skill to believe in something with such fervour that it it aids you in making something happen and then being able to abandon it like it's meaningless and embrace a totally different world view that suits a new goal.

Oh yes, it is. Maybe the universe will have things flow to a point where doing this is not the place I should be in my life right now. Or perhaps people's minds aren't ready for it, maybe my mind isn't ready for it. All these religious systems / prophits / metaphysical beings, if you even believe in them, were designed for people in their own place in time, to help develop collective universal consciousness, by what I call "source" (you can use "the universe", whatever makes sense to you). Maybe doing what I know I can do is something that people are not ready for. It might cause mass chaos. Maybe the CIA would arrest me and do studies on me the rest of my life, so there's another reason it might not happen. But tonight, something happened in favor of this. But you cannot deny that humanity is evolving and that there is "something" causing the upswing.

You clearly have a shrunken ego from your using psychotropics (A++ btw for doing that for so long, try higher dosages of the psychs, one time I took 8mg of LSD-25 (MG's, not micrograms and it changed me for ever - again 8,000mcg's. <no that is not a product review for Ballz, I report all people asking me or anyone for sources>) and sure, I can abandon it (publicly) like it's meaningless.

But I was tripping so hard that I could only hear, see and feel myself as a ball of energy - I was surrounded by people's barriers and my friends and couldn't even preceive myself 'walking' or tell what people were who. I almost called an ambulance, but then remembered that the only recorded LSD overdose was a guy who SLAMMED 10,000mcg's. So oral dose of 8mg should be pushing it, but safe enough. Maybe some of you should try it, I hear there are 730mcg blotters going around (this is not source discussion), take ten of those babies (and no mods, that is not a dangerous recomendation), manage yourself, be with loving friends who care about you, see who you are forever afterwards. My family did not know who I was and I have never changed back. I don't give a fuck about money really and see the way society functions as a complete joke, it's annoying.

Anywho, we'll see how this turns out.
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In other words everyone can make amazing stuff happen except when there are scientific controls in place. I study and practice magick. I'm not a scientific fundamentalist. I am a believer in the metaphysical. But in also a skeptic. I'm not sure how exactly magick works. Only that it DOES work. But Occam's Razor tells me it's probably the mundane one.

The why is ultimately irrelevant in that the outcome usually ends up being what is intended. It's a great and difficult skill to believe in something with such fervour that it it aids you in making something happen and then being able to abandon it like it's meaningless and embrace a totally different world view that suits a new goal. That is self mastery IMO.
I have no doubt this guy is doing what he claims at the airport, it's just the reality of it is probably a lot more mundane and a lot more funny. I only say this because in my experience this is how magick works.

Well awesome man, maybe "I" (no ego) can give people more experiences on how it works. For example, *from behind the person*, if it's an attractive girl I can instantly make her stop walking wherever she is going and look at me, if the signs are right and if her intuition is good enough. And this is not with me looking sketchy standing in a corridor, this is me walking quickly around, Sunglasses on, I walk into concorse "A", the girl has been ahead of me for blocks and has no reason to glance at me). Um, that's because sexual energy is the strongest guys... has seriously no one ever felt that come (without intention or interaction socially with the other person) before? I am pretty much a 10/10 as far as looks go though so maybe that's part of it. But oh man, when it is good enough it's a life-changing thing to see.

On the other hand, if I was focusing on a close-minded old fart who was on pain meds and benzos and overstressed it would be difficult and possibly not work at all. I used to think just like you do, a believer but skeptical and very unsure. Then, in one week, my life took a total pivot - I was expelled from High School, so I then won 100k to start my business so my family couldn't bitch about me being "different and independent", and this person comes in to my life to show me all these things (all at the same time). Coincidence? No. I'm embarrassingly young physically - I was said to be from the Indigo generation, not sure if any of that stuff is real or precise but most indigos were born when I was and are often diagnosed with some sort of autism (I got Irregular Aspergers and maybe a little add). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indigo_children I'm also a mix of the crystals however, had a crazy crystal collection as a kid around 5 years old, still love the things today, there's awesome shit like "TV Rocks" that transport text through special fractalized tubes, look at this example: http://i.imgur.com/7rFglml.jpg

And I'm not finding that indigo stuff out and then getting these ideas, I notice these character traits and then found out this indigo children stuff / misdiagnosed autism actually leads to better intuition. No, I would never trade my diminished social skills etc. for my intuition and gifts of life others lack. Don't get me wrong, I'm very very good at math and am great in school (at least when I was in school, at 15, before I thought the fucking system sucked and went to India to install water purifiers instead), I'm social, I've had a girlfriend for months etc... but I am pretty far out there socially at the same time, don't get a lot of social "fads" or styles that go around, I think they're nonsense and ignore them - and probably couldn't even copied them if I really wanted to. I am certainly a different thinker. And it's already given me immeasurable rewards in life. All I can feel is gratitude.
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Magick, the art and science of causing change in accordance with will. Everybody performs magick every day without realizing it. You do not need to meditate at all though it greatly helps.
I think what's happening is that you've taken so much acid that lines of what's real and balanced have disintegrated. I think you believe in what you are doing with great fervour and and are setting of subconscious cues in your own body language to get people's attention without realizing it. Not being able to abandon any particular belief system once it demonstrates it's constrates is a great sign of madness. As I have said before, when anyone's drug use begins to feed their delusions then it's time to stop using drugs.
You done too much acid bro, sorry but I've personally known other people who've taken much less than you claim and are also not the same. And not in a good way.
That ammount is sheer drug abuse. IMO.
Magick, the art and science of causing change in accordance with will. Everybody performs magick every day without realizing it. You do not need to meditate at all though it greatly helps.
I think what's happening is that you've taken so much acid that lines of what's real and balanced have disintegrated. I think you believe in what you are doing with great fervour and and are setting of subconscious cues in your own body language to get people's attention without realizing it. Not being able to abandon any particular belief system once it demonstrates it's constrates is a great sign of madness. As I have said before, when anyone's drug use begins to feed their delusions then it's time to stop using drugs.
You done too much acid bro, sorry but I've personally known other people who've taken much less than you claim and are also not the same. And not in a good way.
That ammount is sheer drug abuse. IMO.

Thank you for sharing your opinions. I haven't tripped in several months however, I only did em because I was curious. And it does change your consciousness, you have to agree with me there. I've seen too much and have experienced too much, sober, even before I ever took any drugs to begin with (I just wasn't aware of the Magick happening). The one big thing was the "law of attraction" however, no one told me about it nor did I read about it somewhere, I fucking noticed it in my life around age 13 (long before any drug use) and could get anything in like 3 days. Like, anything I wanted. I won $100,000 before I could even drive man... and it's a double-edged sword. I could want a bunch of speed or meth without wantin to want it and then boom, there it is the next day, my friend randomly texts me about it when he never does, for no reason. Or when I went to India for the first time, clueless, very very young (16), thought it would be nice to have some weed but had no where to look, it was 11:30pm at night in a smallish city. But I thought "fuck it" and asked one of those rickshaw drivers if he knows "Ganja Smoking? Where?" (using body language as well). The guy got my message and I had a half ounce of kinda shitty weed I paid $1 for and was smoking it in my room in 20 minutes. Not after I let the poor bicycle-taxi guy take a little bit, of course... man, the way some people have to live...

The one exception where you are right is about the music!! Many people claim songs will "relate" to whatever situation they are in. (such as, lyrics: "Sitting at the traffic light, smoking a cigarette...") and the LSD mind goes "holy shit that's weird". Yeah it is kinda funny that those lyrics were playing, but in that situation, it is not the LSD causing the music or even the awareness. All in my humble fucking ego-less opinion, let's see if the universe has me win this 1 million to do a good thing for the world