POST YOUR RECORDINGS HERE! (not just for amateurs - also for labels/websites!)

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I sound worse than usual.. in kratom withdrawals, but thought I'd upload this quick one.

Just bought a Fender, hoping to legitimately teach myself on this thing. I messed up a few parts, and it's not supposed to be a legit song. I just really wanted to test out recording with it. It's nothing special and I plan to take much more time to work towards something more presentable, but I figured I'd share nonetheless.
Tight... I can tell you have some skills, just keep it up man and do a solid recording. I'll bust out my 8 track, condenser mic, phantom power, and do some real recording soon. Just been lazy.

Btw, did you make that up?
I'll play something off that... too bad you can't easily multitrack on soundcloud and overdub. I'll just try out that basic progression. It's really surf-rock, but psychedelic. Cool shit dude.
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Thanks man. Yeah I made it up. Definitely was aiming for a Surf Rock sound. I'm sure this track is something I will return to and attempt to improve & add bits to. I was really quite embarrassed posting it, but I kept it up anyway. I appreciate the encouragement.

In a motel. My girl said she was hungry. I went to buy her a sandwich. I came back. She's in the bathroom, faucets running. She won't respond. I open the door and find her in the bath, unconscious, breathing verrryyyy slighty, lips blue, foaming, near dead. I slap her hard. I freak. I call 911. She intentionally od'ed on dope. The cops interrogate me as the ambulance takes her away. I am sped out. They are bastards. But they get nothing on me. I go to the hospital- and I hold her- she actually died for a bit but they revived her. I cry knowing that she wanted to die, knowing that she almost did. I'm thankful she was saved. Then I stayed up another night on speed- not the best support or coping mechanism- and I recorded this in a trance. This dark soundscape contains utter despair and confusion and desperation. I barely remember making it, but that's the story.
This is an old one

Several years ago on speed- my drug of choice- I took some ambien as well. The results were recorded. Apparently, I really thought I was John Lennon. I cannot remember. A sober friend was there to capture my delerious rant and add psychedelic effects. It makes me laugh. I was serious, I think.
Merging with the post your own recordings thread
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