Please, I need help

I have heard Costco is the best place to go right now for adderall and suboxone.
Many of the other pharmacy’s are out of the above medications (and others)
Shortage has hit my area. I’m in the PNW. Methylphenidate (and Concerta) and adderall preparations are largely unavailable it would seem. They said vyvanse was generally available; that is my preferred med but my current psychiatrist wants me avoid amphetamine until other avenues are exhausted.

I was switched today from concerta 27mg twice daily to dexmethylphenidate XR (Focalin XR) 20mg and fortunately my pharmacy had this in stock for pick up tomorrow.

I hate to admit just how much I relate to the OP in terms of being overwhelmed by serious adverse life events and being unable to manage my emotions and health as well as I’d like to as someone in their mid 30s. I was on vyvanse and Dexedrine ir for the past 5 years until doc switch resulted in med switch. Anyway, it really is overwhelming not being able to get your medications as I know many of you are all too familiar with.

Update: shit dexmethylphenidate (focalin) is so much better than concerta. Feels like a different drug. Reminds me a lot of vyvanse; which makes sense on some level given their both dextrorotatory isomers as opposed to racemic.

After two days I asked my psychiatrist about adding an afternoon dose and was given another 5mg ir d-MPH for all day coverage. While dextroamphetamine is superior, I will say that this stuff is pretty good. To me it feels nothing like methylphenidate did. None of the heavy body load, peripheral effects.
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I'm running into the same problem in SoCal I've been on AdderallXR for a while & I was kicking with that my SSRI & pain medication. Due to the national shortage due to increased add/adhd meds being prescribed due to the pandemic. I was on 10mg AdderallXR but now my doc put me on 5mg of methylphenidate once daily all it's really doing is causing anxiety issues.... how can I make the med work for me & get the best boost from it so I'm productive... or what's a better med?
I’m not having a problem getting Ritalin in ny
Ok well that's very fortunate. I'm having difficulty getting my AdderallXR filled with is why I was put on methylphenidate (generic Ritalin)... so I'm just looking for advice cause 1 5mg methylphenidate daily isnt effective. Even the pharmacist said I need it more the 1 5mg pill daily more like 4-6 daily. I may be switched to Vynase so if anyone can offer advice or help on that medication that would be awesome