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PIRACETAM - legal status in Aus; conclusion


Mar 29, 2006
I have been importing piracetam from the U.S with great ease in recent months, having been checked by customs and successfully passed through. However, I have been told by close friends that within the last 6 months the importation of piracetam has been controlled and is no longer permitted. I have been told that I have merely 'gotten lucky' and that items such as piracetam sometimes slip by unnoticed by customs.

I have also read many subjective internet reports suggesting that it is not legal to import piracetam into Australia.

Upon reading this article http://amwac.health.nsw.gov.au/resources/publichealth/pharmaceutical/pdf/poisons_list_alpha.pdf I have been lead to believe that piracetam is listed as a "poison" but is uncontrolled, therefore any warning is purely for the benefit of potential users and that importation is still perfectly legal should you wish to do so.

Any clarification would be extremely valuable as I have found nootropics, especially piracetam to be particularly useful for its cognitive benefits.
Piracetam is TGA scheduled, however its not a prohibited import, which puts it in a sort of grey area - similar, for example, to importing handcuffs from overseas into NSW. Not illegal to import but plenty illegal once you have em.

My honest advice - don't dabble unneccessarily with such things. Go with Aniracetam - more potent and unscheduled at this stage, if I recall correctly.

I have been importing piracetam from the U.S with great ease in recent months, having been checked by customs and successfully passed through. However, I have been told by close friends that within the last 6 months the importation of piracetam has been controlled and is no longer permitted. I have been told that I have merely 'gotten lucky' and that items such as piracetam sometimes slip by unnoticed by customs.

I have also read many subjective internet reports suggesting that it is not legal to import piracetam into Australia.

Upon reading this article http://amwac.health.nsw.gov.au/resources/publichealth/pharmaceutical/pdf/poisons_list_alpha.pdf I have been lead to believe that piracetam is listed as a "poison" but is uncontrolled, therefore any warning is purely for the benefit of potential users and that importation is still perfectly legal should you wish to do so.

Any clarification would be extremely valuable as I have found nootropics, especially piracetam to be particularly useful for its cognitive benefits.
Piracetam is TGA scheduled, however its not a prohibited import, which puts it in a sort of grey area - similar, for example, to importing handcuffs from overseas into NSW. Not illegal to import but plenty illegal once you have em.

My honest advice - don't dabble unneccessarily with such things. Go with Aniracetam - more potent and unscheduled at this stage, if I recall correctly.

first of all, what is meant by "TGA" :p

Secondly, i have always considered the use of aniracetam due to so many subjective reports of tolerance to piracetam after a period of months. I have considered increased dosage of piracetam and the use of stronger racetams to combat this when the time arises. In the meantime I'd like to use piracetam for as long as I can achieve the desired effects.
^ The TGA is the Therapeutic Goods Administration, and is the body which regulates medical products in Australia amongst other things.

fortehlulz: Is it usual Customs practice to allow in non-prohibited imports even when they require an Rx to possess here?
I recently purchased Piracetam for my studies this year and took the recommended dosage for more than a month and did not seem to find any benefits from it. Are there any materials that could point me to why?
^ Your individual body chemistry maybe, perhaps there were no benefits for you to gain as your brain is already at peak performance? :D

Also, maybe a bunk seller?
Anyone know the legal status of phenylpiracetam (carphedon) in Aus? It's listed on the IOC, and banned in sport here, but I've found little else to indicate it's legality.
PD, I know someone who imported some a year or two ago with no hassles. Was very expensive. Tribulus is on the same list too.
i have import piracetam recently and it was checked and passed by customs. emailed customs and TGA before i imported it and customs didn't even know what it was and TGA said it is "recommended" to have a precription. i took that as you don't have to have one. aniracetam seems out of stock everywhere now anyway. other wise i'd still be taking that too. thinking of oxiracetam soon.
I really want to find a new place to get bulk powders of it. It piss's me off customs shut down one particular company but I know of people starting to sell it now in australia which i think is a great idea. Customs say as long as you only import 3 months supply but in the past i have imported Kg's but that was before a certain bulk nutritional supplement place stopped selling.
THe best is mixing piracetam with oxiracetam (the more smart drugs you mix the better, always start off with attack dose's and take at least licethin do research) now you need something like alpha-APC choline source.
What is generally meant by the term 'attack dose'? Reading up on nootropics tonight is the first time I've heard the phrase, but I can't find a clear definition.

Are any of the racetam's, or chemicals that mimic the effects, available within the country with no prescription?
Anyone know the legal status of phenylpiracetam (carphedon) in Aus? It's listed on the IOC, and banned in sport here, but I've found little else to indicate it's legality.
Fuck sounds interesting though i did try prampiracetam and didn't find it that special.
Anyone know the legal status of phenylpiracetam (carphedon) in Aus? It's listed on the IOC, and banned in sport here, but I've found little else to indicate it's legality.

I tried some recently. The package was opened, checked, and allowed though. It's a real shame relentlessimprovement does not sell it anymore.

I never have problems with importing Piracetam either.
phase_dancer said:
Anyone know the legal status of phenylpiracetam (carphedon) in Aus? It's listed on the IOC, and banned in sport here, but I've found little else to indicate it's legality.

Neither phenylpiracetam nor carphedon are listed in my copy of the Poisons Standard 2008, so not controlled.
Right now I have Aniracetam being held in customs.. I guess I will find out whether it gets through on tuesday or wednesday.

Imported Piracetam with no problems in 2007 (opened by customs).

Someone asked about attack doses. I gather this is a larger (4-6 times) dose over the first few days to immediately increase levels in the body, rather than waiting for it to build up over say a week.
I got some imported a couple of months ago with no hassles... I opened the box and inside was a leaflet stating what can and can not be imported into Australia and so on. I found it very weird that customs opened the box to look at the package inside but did not bother confiscating it even when they opened it because the seal was broken.

Oh well I don't mind when customs stuffs up because it just means it benefits me :)

Also I think that this is mentioned in another thread that is all about nootropics, if you do a quick search in here you should be able to find it very easily.
Yeah I'm pretty sure I got the same stuff as you Mushi, off eBay.

A bit irrelevant but was wondering how you are finding it Mushi, and how much are you taking with how much choline? Would pm you but am still a greenlighter so i can't...
Yeah I'm pretty sure I got the same stuff as you Mushi, off eBay.

A bit irrelevant but was wondering how you are finding it Mushi, and how much are you taking with how much choline? Would pm you but am still a greenlighter so i can't...

I was dosing anywhere from two to three 700mg caps three times a day for about 3 weeks but I wasn't taking choline so I stopped using it... I found that it helped with my vocabulary and I was using more words each day which helped to write academic papers.

I'm currently waiting for my choline to arrive before I start to use it again but whatever amount of piracetam you take you should use half the amount of choline. When my choline comes I'm going to mix 500g of it with 1kg of piracetam and just make up some more caps so it's easier for me to dose.

Remember to start of with a booster dose at first, that's of a high dose like around 4 grams, (give or take a little) three times a day to get you going, not sure how long to do that for but I'll find out and report back or PM you about it.
2 weeks max imho. u can slowly reduce it down to 800mg a day after, but keep on a gram of chloline