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Percocet usage at age 13

The road you are traveling will lead to a life of suffering, leading only to an early grave.

If you truly wish to die before your parents, then continue.

We've tried telling you what's best for you, so I think its time to tell you what's going to happen since you won't stop.

You will watch your parents disown you as you continue to lie to them and those around you. You will watch yourself slip deeper and deeper into a world of theft, violence, and anxiety. You will wonder how you are going to eat, since you spent your money on dope-- the place this type of addiction will lead you.

Enjoy what life you have before death, for it is on the horizon. We tried sugarcoating it for you, but you don't seem to get it. You probably still won't, so do what you can to accept it.

Quit, or die. That's the reality of the situation. People may try to tell you otherwise, but it's an inevitability... What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but what doesn't make you stronger will kill you.

Make your choice, kid. It's now or never.
After this weekend I will quit for good hopefully.

And I keep using different mind altering substances because of anxiety a lot of the time.
What causes your anxiety? What triggers it? I'm a very anxious person myself, I can understand this.

Hi I am new to blue light and I'm 13, I have been using Percocet recreationally for about a month and had a plan to use once a week. But I recently got 10 10/325 generic Percocet (a333) and went through them in 2 weeks. Usually I only pop one 10mg but twice over the 2 weeks I did 15mg because 10mg wasn't as strong anymore. I used to smoke weed almost every day until my parents caught me and now I get drug tested a lot (10 panel). I use about twice a week now, how long till my tolerance goes up, how much should I increase when tolerance goes up, will twice a week use get me addicted?

you are ruining your life,you are in middle of your puberty,human beauty lies within the bone structure,Perocet fucks up your hormones whitch fucks up your body shape and since you are in middle of puberty this ugly damage is irreversible,once you fuck up puberty you are permanently affected... if you must be drug addict may I recomend be junkie ok,but first make sure you develop properly,,,, alot quality food,fresh air and sunshine,healthy weight and sports/weight lifting,definately no drugs

you will look in the mirror and regret,you will look at more beautiful people and feel jealous and sad,becose you fucked up the body shaping time and theres nothing you can do to fix it,you will spend the rest of your life with that body
How's it going?

Have you ever talked with a therapist about your anxiety? What triggers it, just being expected to be sociable? And what are you worried that others are thinking?

I tend to get anxious socially, but I put that mostly down to being a total introvert.

Would you say you're an introvert? There can be a big difference between being an introvert and being truly anxious socially. Took me a while to realize that. There's nothing wrong with being an.introvert, either.

There are introverts and extroverts. Really, we all have characteristics of both, but many people lean heavily toward one or the other.

Extroversion is celebrated and encouraged. These people don't just enjoy socializing, they need it. It recharges them, it occupies them.

By contrast, an introvert is not someone who craves much socializing. In fact, it can be draining. Introverts are often thinkers, they tend to look within themselves for answers and strength. They are often, but not always, quite compassionate. They're often THE friend who sticks by you when your life goes south and others back away. Introverts are often creative.

I'd say the biggest difference is that extroverts recharge by social activities/with company/with outside stimulation, whereas this exhausts most introverts, who need quiet/alone time to find their center and recharge.

A common misconception is that all introverts are shy, or anti-social, or awkward/anxious socially. In fact, it's beaten into your head so much a naive introvert may think they are these things. It took me years to finally be able to say,"I'm anxious bc I don't want to socialize right now, I need to think and recharge. I'm not actually experiencing social anxiety; I'm experiencing that I don't want or need socialization right now, and you're all telling me there's something wrong with me that needs to be 'fixed' ...of course I'm uncomfortable around people with zero understanding of how I operate and are unable to let me peacefully do what's good for me."

Introverts CAN, of course, be shy/anti-social, etc...but introversion itself isn't the same as that.

In fact, due to the deep thinking they do, as well as being (often) more compassionate and creative, an introvert can.be a GREAT and helpful friend. But when you need to recharge, they bitch at ya. Yet they don't mind benefitting from the thought spirals you have as an introvert lol.

They don't understand.

There's nothing wrong with being a thoughtful, deep, creative, compassionate person who charges from within, in your own quiet space.

I didn't do the best job of explaining this, maybe if I feel better later I'll edit to make it better. But that's a simplified version.


No I've never talked to a therapist about it and I would say that just being around people triggers it ESPECIALLY new people. I feel like I don't want to say something stupid and have people laugh at me or say a bad joke, and I don't understand how I ended up like this bc I am one of the most popular and liked kids at my school. I always worry about what I'm wearing or if my clothes match, just really insecure overall.
Keep in mind that many mental illnesses are either a mix of nature and nurture or have a purely biological basis. There's no reason for someone to have schitzophrenia; it's a genetic, biologically based illness. You don't need to have a reason to have social anxiety. You can have it without any trauma. Go easy on yourself and talk to your doctor about your options.

I will not talk to my doctor, I don't want anyone to know about it, I feel like that's only something girls get and that if my parents and people find out they will think I'm weak. I'll just keep it to myself!!!
Please tell your doctor you have social anxiety. Your doctor will give you medication that will make you feel 100x better.

I know it gives you anxiety to bring it up buts it's worth it. If your using opiates just to help anxiety than you should really talk to your doctor, don't tell him your taking opiates. Just tell him you have bad social anxiety. He might perscribe something like gabapentin or an ssri. Gabapentin helped my socail anxiety a lot.

I was like you kid. I started using opiates to help me become more social. I never got addicted but I still think about it to this day. I also got caught at school with valium and had to go to a therapist. One of the best things that's happend to me.
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do not tell your doctor you have been using percocets because if you ever wanna score benzos or need pain meds legitimately then you wont get them because i guarantee there will be a note made in your file. but talk to him about the social anxiety though.
do not tell your doctor you have been using percocets because if you ever wanna score benzos or need pain meds legitimately then you wont get them because i guarantee there will be a note made in your file. but talk to him about the social anxiety though.

This is not advice I would take personally, but it has some truth to it. Be honest with your doctor, but know that complete honesty may have consequences such as this. Hopefully though you're not going to be doctor shopping to "score benzos" or get pain meds. If your social anxiety gets some help, you probably won't need/want to use them for these purposes anymore.
You are playing with fire, and with the age you are at you're pretty much guaranteeing a lifelong psychological dependency on these drugs and all before you're even in high school. If you have issues with social anxiety then by all means go to counseling or see a doctor, but don't pop any percocets unless they are prescribed to you.

you are ruining your life,you are in middle of your puberty,human beauty lies within the bone structure,Perocet fucks up your hormones whitch fucks up your body shape and since you are in middle of puberty this ugly damage is irreversible,once you fuck up puberty you are permanently affected... if you must be drug addict may I recomend be junkie ok,but first make sure you develop properly,,,, alot quality food,fresh air and sunshine,healthy weight and sports/weight lifting,definately no drugs

you will look in the mirror and regret,you will look at more beautiful people and feel jealous and sad,becose you fucked up the body shaping time and theres nothing you can do to fix it,you will spend the rest of your life with that body

Lol, what are you talking about?

Yeah, opiates reduce testosterone but can you please cite some sources as to how this decrease is going to cause "irreversible body shape changes" as you so claim? Long term use of opiates will definitely make you softer and perhaps more likely to store fat, but you make it seem like having low test when you're a teen basically guarantees you looking like the hunchback of notre dame or something. Nobody spends the rest of their lives with any body type because if they diet and exercise properly, they can lose fat, gain muscle, and improve their their overall appearance. And beyond any of that even goes into effect, genetics play a huge role too. If you meant something different by that then please explain because frankly you sound ridiculous.
bro honestly in my opinion you're kind of acting weak and girly now instead of manning up and doing what you need to do...
Well! *This* thread has taken a couple of sexist turns! ;)

I still have love for everyone :)

I'll check up on you later, hon. Got a lot tp get done today on limited energy. But, I shall do what I gotta do, right? ;)

Sometimes, we underestimate our strength and ability. I'm gonna do my best not to limit myself that way today.

What will YOU do?

Take good care of yourself.

bro honestly in my opinion you're kind of acting weak and girly now instead of manning up and doing what you need to do...
You're stupid for saying this he's 13 you can't expect him to man up, you're a bitch Niggga in my opinion for talking down to this kid, help him not put him down bro.
ment no disrespect, its easy to succumb to temptation and drugs but it takes a man to know his limits and know what he can and cannot do. Am i bein harsh or am i being bluntly honist. yes I don't think the way I was the best my message is still the same.