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☮ Social ☮ [PD Social Tripping Thread] NEW! Gather here for swirly talk

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Hehe, it's fun getting people to that state. It helped my theory too. :D The fact that 4-HO-MPT got me to that level so easily was one of the things I found most similar to 4-HO-DET, and that's also the only other time I've seen this friend at that point. I personally thought that the 4-HO-MPT might suit my needs a little better, but he said he found the 4-HO-DET to be a little more enjoyable. Different strokes!
Well shit. I just realized that the last time I visited this thread was even before I used any psychedelics today. (I don't even know what that means.)

If we burn our wings
Flying too close to the sun
If the moment of glory
Is over before it's begun
If the dream is won
Though everything is lost
We will pay the price
But we will not count the cost

When the dust has cleared
And victory denied
A summit too lofty
River a little too wide
If we keep our pride
Though paradise is lost
We will pay the price
But we will not count the cost

And if the music stops
There's only the sound of the rain
All the hope and glory
All the sacrifice in vain
(And) If love remains
Though everything is lost
We will pay the price
But we will not count the cost

Araucanians, of South America, Only about 5500 miles south of the culture I reside in at the moment -- when they are about to enjoy the lungs of sheep for food, go about preparing them in the same manner, as I would, instinctively: hanging the animal by the fore legs, cutting open its windpipe and forcing in salt and cayenne pepper, proceed to cut the jugular vein, and turning the end of it into the the freshly incised windpipe, letting all that good blood, salt, and cayenne pepper to roar through the flesh.

That was actually inspired from a quick thought on pudding.

This isn't an invitation for psychoanalysis, but why not?

If I could only reach that dial inside

I'm on a roll now
Or is it a slide?
Can't be too careful
With that dangerous pride
If I could only reach that dial inside
And turn it up

Gratuitous parlance of beautiful words of forgattitude

(I haven't been keeping track of time like I usually do.)

I sometimes wonder if that I didn't presume, then things wouldn't assume.
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Sounds like you had an interesting night, I guess the ETH-LAD was good? I'm still trying to comprehend the flow of this post lol.
Nahhh, it was disappointing. I hardly felt it at all. :(

Just kidding! It was awesome -- sometimes I get the best feels from lysergamides after I've taken lysergamides recently. It's like a reverse tolerance issue.
That's good to hear. :) And that's interesting, I usually try to avoid dosing too often especially with LSD. Is it more noticeable when they are different lysergamides or do you feel that with even the same one back to back?
It's always good with any of these latest lysergamides back-to-back, but it's even moreso when you alternate or switch it up. Up until you hit that resonance.
Good to know.... That may come in handy some day! I've always wanted to plan a vacation where I trip as often as possible with as little tolerance increase as I can manage. :)
5 time winner.
Although the plan was never to be fully drug free.
Plan was and is no dope no speed.
Yeah I took ibogaine to get off opiates, but I never planned to be drug-free either. Nothing wrong with that, unless there is for an individual.
I know, was just ball bust in, sorry. We should put up a poll and see bow many have been to a type of rehab, also, whether forced or voluntary
Hahaha cool I have a section on the Simulation Hypothesis in my book because it is a recurring theme with MXE and other psychedelic trip phenomena
I've never really dropped out of any matrix or anything like that on MXE, at high doses i get too wildly confused to make much sense. MXE + acid however all i see is futuristic codes and circuits, been totally caught up in those visuals for hours, stared into my own eyes and could see my self in ways i've never thought possible. Warped my self perception for a long time, not in a negative image kinda way... just in a questioning reality kinda way.

Gently rinsing
past and future,
present through and through.

So convincing
is the sun
to light the world anew.

Something's missing
lost, or trapped!
How can I atone?

Nothing's missing;
trees are apt
to grow their roots alone.

Hey peoples, for anyone who is still interested, I finally got an update from my friend who took the 40 mg of 4-HO-MPT.

Remember how I said that a delirious mania seemed right around the corner for me with 25 mg of this one? =D It turns out what my friend was doing when he was lost in his head for that couple hours of silence was trying to convince himself that I wasn't Satan, but failing to do so. This friend is not religious in any way, and rarely has delusions of any kind from anything. But this time he said that he suddenly had a feeling that I (Satan) had come to him in human form to feed him drugs and convince him to come back to Hell to live at the side of my throne. He was in a bit of a quandary about it, thinking such thoughts as: "Well, I like drugs, so it would be cool if I just get to go do them forever, but what if it turns out to be a lie and I'm just stuck in Hell forever instead?" Part of the reason that he had such a hard time describing to me what he was going through then was because, well first of all he was majorly mindfucked, but second he wasn't really sure how to tell me that he thought I was Satan because he knew that if I was then he would immediately reveal his knowledge and possibly make the whole thing even messier. Though, he apparently got a little more relaxed and lucid when I just left him to enjoy the trip, though he also took me leaving the rest of the nitrous as an affirmation of me wanting him to do drugs lol.

As I said before, please be careful with your dosages. :D I expect this friend to be able to handle these kinds of trips just fine, as he did. I would not expect it of a lot of other people though.
Last night I took a bit of MXE with 4-HO-MiPT, and I did it via IM in my quad muscle. Didn't use a filter as there were none, I'm feeling dumb about that now. The injection site today is tender, which has never happened before but all I've IMed before is MXE, which doesn't burn at all, whereas this burned a bit going in. I've started psyching myself out now though. Needles just creep me out (always have), I feel like it's worth it to IM things occasionally, maybe, but I really hate doing it. Now I feel creeped out at the sensation of soreness/tenderness in my leg. :\
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