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It is approximately 19 hours after I'd experimented with that 5mg of DOPR in solution of water. Shit. I'm bummed I forgot to use distilled water in my vial because of possible degradation or worse, new compounds.

But anyway, I'd like to report that I'm still not baseline, because I have a lot of energy -- I feel good, physically spirited, a little RLS going, but that's pretty typical for me on any psychedelic. And I'm remembering things from when I was a lot younger, and its refreshing to be able to access these memories, refreshing and elating. I'm elated!

I'm feeling so good. Just a little while ago, I took a hit off my bong, stepped into the kitchen, and pulled my refrigerator door open. I excitedly transferred a Blue Bunny ice cream container to the microwave and heated up a pile of leftover french toast. (Made with eggs, butter, and cream.) But now I'm full, because I ate it all with a heaping amount of syrup, which I'm regretting now!


Food sets off colors, sugar, too, even 22 hours into the experience.

I just ate a tub of whipped topping (I know! I know!)

I wouldn't worry too much, phenethylamines/amphetamines are very stable. Definitely keep it in the fridge... maybe add a bit of alcohol (keeping in mind the concentration will change), if you get a chance, to further protect it, from microbial growth.
I wouldn't worry too much, phenethylamines/amphetamines are very stable. Definitely keep it in the fridge... maybe add a bit of alcohol (keeping in mind the concentration will change), if you get a chance, to further protect it, from microbial growth.

This, surely!
The Dogs of Neptune show was incredible. I doubt there was enough DOPR left in my system to affect me any more, but I wasn't hungry for any more psychedelics so I enjoyed the show with THC and ethanol, and that was just awesome.

Honestly I felt like I was in a late 80s hair band / metal band show -- Dream Theater meets Megadeth and Pantera. Everyone in the band is amazingly talented. Virtuosity all over the place. Loved the guitar riffs, especially -- reminded me of John Petrucci when he goes nuts on Stream of Consciousness or As I Am. No but these guys are their own professionals, and I would be disappointed if this band doesn't take off nationally right away. They should tour with this shit. Great music. And I got to point out that the singer is naturally fantastic, and sounded so good live that I can't wait to hear the production album. Reminded me a little bit of Kevin Martin from Candlebox but more metal. lol
Good morning from the heartland, USA! I just placed 450ug of AL-LAD under my top lip about ten minutes ago. I enjoyed AL-LAD about 2 years ago -- and I loved it. (Here's a trip report from my first AL-LAD trial.)

I'm going to tidy up the house, watch some football, and get some writing in before I hit an afternoon Mass and meet with a friend for a late dinner. Should be a good day! Go Eagles!
Have fun! :) I'm glad to hear the show was good too. I think I'm about to read that trip report....
Ridin to some roller coasters. 5mg 3 meo PCP down. 30mg escaline an hour out from the park. 65mg escaline at park. Another 30mg if desired. 15mg more 3 meo PCP. Vape Tank full of ejmix/shatter. Dropper of etiz just in case.

Sunny as fuck, gonna be a beautiful day :)
That sounds awesome, yyw! One thing I don't have this time that I had last time is some etiz. And my vision is already startering to cracklest. Just kidding. Starting to crackle. I missed AL-LAD. By far the best visuals for me, and I can already tell I'm in for a ride.

20 minutes later and 1 hr in

Load of laundry in; wet to my elbows in a watery solution of sodium hypochlorite, surfactants, and perfumes -- bathroom emptied ready for a scrubbing. Face the Heat (Scorpions) playing -- the cymbals have an awfully long decay right now, maybe because I have a little tinnitus leftover from Dogs of Neptune last night, or maybe it's the AL-LAD. hehe

It doesn't disappoint. I hadn't had visuals like this with any of the other lysergamides I experimented with (1p-lsd, eth-lad) but of course I've never taken 450ug of those, as I feel they are more potent and less naturally benevolent.

This one has me scratching my back, tickling my spine like Rudy on his guitar.

Good stuff. I've been coughing up the stuff dreams are made of little smoky webs of tenuous cottony fibers that form themselves around the sounds coming from my speakers but directed by me, except when I lose control of them, or of my own muscles, like my fingers right now, which can do everything and nothing right now.

Only 10 minutes later, and my vision is shattered, in fact, walking across my hardwood floor feels like I'm on a ship about to capsize, hahaha Who wants to throw me a rope? Let's play.
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Oh man I am absolutely fucked. I better put this out there don't do 450ug it flies in face of harm reduction. lol especially after a a good strong dopr a little while before but I will say this is amazing, some peple would pass out by now

This is epic by the way for me... never happened like this before
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Sounds great Just A Guy, that's definitely one I'd like to try some day!
You will, I'm sure...

This gif shouldn't be allowed here.

Pretty excited, I'm going to finally get to try 4-HO-DPT and 4-HO-MPT soon. :)
Pretty excited, I'm going to finally get to try 4-HO-DPT and 4-HO-MPT soon. :)

Lucky you! I'm excited to see what others have to say about 4-HO-MPT as well. :)

Awesome. 4-HO-MPT seems like a rare unicorn. Be sure to let us know how it went.

This exotic creature seems to have resurfaced lately. I just posted a trip report of my first experience with it the other day if you're looking for more details on it. :) Just last night I gave 40 mg to a friend of mine as well, someone who I share basically all of my psychedelics with. I was wondering if it would effect him similarly to me... which would be that it forced me to exist in the "now", with very little ability to comprehend or convey what was going on until it was over.

This is a friend who talks while sober like I talk on speed, for the record. He has a lot to say about everything and tends to respond excitedly to most propositions to talk about drugs, which I can relate to of course. This is a conversation we had while he was on this dose:

Me: So, how hard is it hitting you?
Him: Very deep. Extremely mental.
Me: Are you getting much visual?
Him: Yeah.
Me: Well how are you liking it?
Him: It's, uh, it's sort of, umm, it's kinda, er....
Me: Yeah, that's how I felt too lol.

That was pretty much the only thing that broke the silence for a couple hours other than the flicking of lighters and crackling of buds, the sounds of canisters cracking and balloons filling, and the occasional chuckle from my deeply introspected companion. Eventually of course that got a little tiring for me, so I left him to his own thing.... He said he'd send me a full description of it when he can. :)
This exotic creature seems to have resurfaced lately. I just posted a trip report of my first experience with it the other day if you're looking for more details on it. :)

yes, where?

It's weird how psychedelics affect people so differently. I dosed 19mg of 2c-t-7 the other day and barely felt anything. Almost any other psychedelic I'm really sensitive to and start feeling it pretty strong at what most people would consider small doses. Not that 19mg 2c-t-7 is a big dose, just that I thought I'd feel it a lot more based on my typical response.
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That's one of my favorite things about psychedelics, the individual differences. I love the fact that everyone has certain psychedelics that fit their own chemistry and their own needs... and that there are enough psychedelics in circulation today for those things to become relevant. An interesting world we live in.

Here is the link. :)
Me: So, how hard is it hitting you?
Him: Very deep. Extremely mental.
Me: Are you getting much visual?
Him: Yeah.
Me: Well how are you liking it?
Him: It's, uh, it's sort of, umm, it's kinda, er....
Me: Yeah, that's how I felt too lol.

That's hilarious. I know exactly what you mean.
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