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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Tripping Thread: Euphoric Rambles for Swirling Souls

Sounds pleasant :) I like low dose psychedellic and doing normal thongs. Its quite liberating to go but the paper whilst navigating some gentle fractals.

I tell you what, MXE is good for sciatica. I can feel the pain but us distant and I guess pregabalin has muted nerve transmission. Still, I'm not going to mess with pregabalin anymore. Its making me twitchy. I've been getting seizure auras recently which is incredibly disheartening but I am used to it. Seeing my old neurologist tomorrow and I expect he'll insist I cease use. Maybe should stop all GABA and nmda drugs due to this.

Big toe is twitching violently.

Can a guru- Solipsis - tell me whether MXE could lower seizure threshold? I expect so.

I think it does, but it's complicated: pregabalin does / can produce twitching and lowers seizure threshold but is also an anticonvulsant (how much do you take though?). Something like ketamine partially protects against seizures but also can increase chances due to increased blood flow in the brain. PCP can induce seizures in about 3% of people. So it seems a little difficult to predict whether pro-convulsant activity will work together, the opposite, or if it all just attenuates.

If you're concerned, don't combine the two and watch that dosage and any recreational considerations to take a bit extra. I find that pregabalin doesn't linger, and MXE can act as numbing agent / painkiller. So go easy and don't combine or push anything with the twitches and auras but maybe MXE 'in between' pregabalin may be doable. Not sure though.
Especially time it so that you are not also coming down off of another depressant drug or have monoaminergics in your system - such a thing could add for a sort of synergy to swing things the wrong way.
Drug binge involving 3-MeO-PCP + ketamine + MDMA + lots of alcohol + benzos + weed induced twitching for a day or two for me. Probably because of GABA + serotonin effects, dunno. It went away after I was completely sober for a few days. It was only noticeable when I was about to fall asleep. My legs were twitching like motherfuckers :D.
Thanks Solipsis!

I should take a break, I've been binging. Not taking much codeine though, only twice in the last week which certainly beats every day :\ seems silly to replace it with other shit.

I snorted some pregabalin actually, 3 capsule in 6 libes. It certainly works. I think... No burn, feels quite nice, tasteless drip... but I'd eaten 300mg and then 600mh a few hrs later. Snorting has added something.

Higeer doses are vert strange. Not especially euphoric. I just feel relaxed and creative, made a weird song with distorted flute, low strings and these cool organic orchestra/percussion samples. Felt focused as fuck.

Am rambling :)
Our MDMA experience will be remembered as a feel-good, cuddly, non-stop dialogue. It wasn't nearly as powerful as I'd expected it to be--although my girlfriend felt smashed. I expect the "magic" threshold is a bit lower for me after having binged on as many serotonergics as I have, even if none of them had been MDMA. Regardless, it was a fun and healing weekend, and I'd do it again.

Ok, I was pretty smashed too. lol
Hmm pregabalin has a little bit higher BA when snorted but i doubt its all that worth it, its also only moderately soluble in water in quantities relevant for a nose... I don't think it's super worthwhile..

Yea higher doses are strange indeed :D , I don't feel present or gone but strangely blurred - I start to feel more and more like my mind gets soupy and I get 'visuals' like of a lava lamp - a lot of flowing and morphing. And can be creative. But tolerance is a funny thing with pregabalin and if it works for you, you really don't want to have to take more or lose effectivity. I'd keep recreational use to periods when you're not really taking it therapeutically..

After the 2C-B yesterday, few beers, some of the last bits of weed I had and going to sleep with about 1 mg of etizolam I haven't been feeling right today. Especially the lingering etizolam feeling I know and it makes me extremely lazy, tired despite my dexamp.

I guess I will be happy if I go to the gym today but that's about it. Made some graphics last weekend, this is one:

lol Your graphic made me think of the "monotlith" in 2001: A Space Oddysey, only now it's a giant chocolate bar.
good then, cause it is a choco monolith ;D

what does this make you think :>

Nice man, I like both graphics. :) The second one has a butt. I feel like the guy is appealing some extra-dimensional force to fill his beaker with LSD. Sandoz LSD.

I ended up eating a half tab of ALD-52 tonight and taking my dog on a very long walk down to the bayou, after watching the Bob Weir documentary on Netflix, while listening to the bonus disc from Dead Set. It certainly shifted my perspective.

Oh man, that Bob Weir docu is awesome, I loved it. Shifted my perspective on the Dead too.

Our MDMA experience will be remembered as a feel-good, cuddly, non-stop dialogue. It wasn't nearly as powerful as I'd expected it to be--although my girlfriend felt smashed. I expect the "magic" threshold is a bit lower for me after having binged on as many serotonergics as I have, even if none of them had been MDMA. Regardless, it was a fun and healing weekend, and I'd do it again.

Yeah the MDMA magic is likely going to be less with lots of previous (ab)use of serotonin releasers. It certainly has been for me. My first experiences with it were beautiful and powerful. I have had some really nice experiences since then and some lackluster ones. My girl and I are planning to do it soon, with me as the guide/therapist, and I'm really hoping it's magical for me as well. Well, I really hope it's magical for her. If it is, that will make it magical for me. :) We finally started talking about it in-depth the other day when we were hiking, and it was really nice.

Oh man, yesterday I decided to take some AMT, a somewhat risky gambit since I was going to meet my girl's college friend who she randomly ran into (she and her boyfriend and visiting town and thinking of moving here). Well let me tell you, I finally experienced the AMT magic again for the first time in almost 10 years. Whoo boy, that was fun. I felt so social and loving, just talking and talking, making everyone laugh. Her friend's boyfriend brought a guitar, he's a musician and picked my brain about the music scene here. I really wanted to jam with him, but there was no piano. But he played a ton, he played/sang an absolutely beautiful song he wrote, and just jammed for hours. We exchaged numbers and he's coming to band practice tomorrow so we can jam. :) Then we're gonna go to Tuesday night funk jam.

It was so cool, we all got along so well. It will be awesome if they move here, my girl seemed so happy and relaxed, she doesn't really have many friends here, most of the people she's really close to live out west. This friend moved to Chile or Peru, can't remember which, after college, to be with a guy, and my girl figured she'd probably never see her again, and then just ran into her in a parking lot. :)

But yeah, AMT, wow, that was fun. :) Every other time I've done it since my period of being in love with it/abusing it in 2006/2007, it's been relatively nice but kinda lackluster and/or rough. This time it was perfect. Took 75mg of the succinate, which is about 45mg of freebase.
Our MDMA experience will be remembered as a feel-good, cuddly, non-stop dialogue. It wasn't nearly as powerful as I'd expected it to be--although my girlfriend felt smashed. I expect the "magic" threshold is a bit lower for me after having binged on as many serotonergics as I have, even if none of them had been MDMA. Regardless, it was a fun and healing weekend, and I'd do it again.

Ok, I was pretty smashed too. lol

Same for us, we both were pretty much floored so nothing therapeutic was achieved. Or maybe there was, how would I know :D I ended up taking bumps of 3meo, eyeballing alprazolam, drinking beer and vaporizing weed after she had fallen asleep. Then I slept for a few hours too and we both started taking bumps of 3meo and drinking beer. :D
Yea I knew I had only like 10mg and took 1-4mg with a match from the vial to fall asleep
I feel like the guy is appealing some extra-dimensional force to fill his beaker with LSD. Sandoz LSD.


and thnx

AMT in higher doses really sounds like fun - I wish I didn't have chronic stomach issues but hey maybe i will plug it sometime

Those alpra doses are really high and ask for a blackout, higher doses of anxiolytic type benzos feel weird to me - I don't just get calm and a little dopey-drowsy but the disinhibition starts kind of activating me a little, getting like a loose cannon. I like the feeling but it doesn't feel safe or responsible enough to do, besides having been dependent on benzos I am 'allergic' to going too far with them now, I avoid that at all cost
Yeah AMT is great at full doses. That dose was actually less high than the last time I tried it, last time I took the equivalent of 65mg, so around 100mg of the succinate. It was really good too but I was more intoxicated, I think these days I'm more into the 45-50mg range. It had wonderful euphoric magic. One of the more euphoric substances I can think of. Very long-lasting too and it's good the whole time.

And today I feel great. It was quite therapeutic, not that I worked through issues or anything, I just had such a good night, I'm glowing from it.

Those alpra doses are really high and ask for a blackout, higher doses of anxiolytic type benzos feel weird to me - I don't just get calm and a little dopey-drowsy but the disinhibition starts kind of activating me a little, getting like a loose cannon. I like the feeling but it doesn't feel safe or responsible enough to do, besides having been dependent on benzos I am 'allergic' to going too far with them now, I avoid that at all cost[/QUOTE]

Indeed I wouldn't do it again, I knew I wanted to sleep no matter what so blacking out didn't matter at that point. If I would've been alone it would've been way more dangerous.

I've never been addicted to benzos and know how addictive they can be, that is the reason I try to never use them. Maybe once a year to sleep after chaotic drug combos like I mentioned. I think it would have been more dangerous to stay awake than to get some sleep at that point. I was so out there.
good then, cause it is a choco monolith ;D

what does this make you think :>

Seems more to me that the naked man is begging the universe on the other-side of that door to in fact take back what was in his beaker, to 'put the rabbit back in the hat' so to speak, begging to unknow what he can now never forget.

Couldn't fall asleep till 7am, took 1.5mg diclazepam but it did little to help me sleep... till I woke up at 1:30pm and still want to sleep some more. I'm feeling very, very groggy now, I know this is a pretty long acting benzo. I'm tempted to nap, but I think I'll just stay up till about midnight, take another dose of diclaz or maybe etiz and conk myself out at a decent hour, thereby (hopefully) resetting my sleep schedule and waking up around 8 or 9 tomorrow.
Yeah damn I also had a lot of trouble sleeping, didn't take anything, I have work anyway and I don't feel right anymore with taking a lot of shit - want to take better care of my body at least for a while..

Nice that you got different interpretations of the graphic i like them and i was hoping for that. Unlike most cartoons / graphics i make where I had a 'clou' / point in mind i want to partially try to make more free art... but the style was still quite cartoonish here. I should learn more about composition and other artists (I like Ton Smits), and surrealism, so off to the library again at the academy. By the way my half premeditated idea about the graphic was that it's an alchemist (/just chemist) dehydrated (and hallucinating from it) in his final moments. But i only came up with half of that idea until after it was finished.
So my friend has been trying to get me and my girl some MDMA. He has a really good connection. I was told I was going to get our doses tonight, but he only had a small corner of the bag with crystals stuck to it. I did 2 finger dips to test the product, and damn if I didn't have a proper mild roll. Such a great night, hanging out with my friend on his birthday (happy BDay Delsyd!), and some other friends. We jammed, and the playing was exceptional. I was waxing poetic to anyone who would listen, told my girlfriend over the phone how much I appreciate her respect for the importance of music in my life. We're gonna get the same MDMA next weekend. I'm excited, it's definitely really good, the real deal. I'm excited for what this could provide for my girl. :) <3

Anyway damn I feel good still. Maybe partially due to the AMT afterglow too, but it was undeniably those beautiful MDMA effects. :)

Loving is so freeing. People should practice it. Okay that's enough empathogen talk. :) But I'm like, totally serious and stuff.
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The "respect for music" expression of gratitude is so fucking MDMA :)