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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: Trans-dimensional Hyperspace Cocktail Bar - Fractals Apply Within

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dunno if i've ever shared any of my stuff in the PD social, here's a guitar improv from a couple years ago http://escapegoat.bandcamp.com/track/new-horizon-a-glacial-version-of-hangslider from my first session with two echo pedals

starts a little slow while my buddy was dialing in the right pedal settings

I like that! A few notes off-key it seems but cool post-rock like stuff.

Nice. :)

That's a digital piano sound? Sounds really good, authentic...

I've been thinking about doing a similar thing. Occasionally uploading piano improvs to SoundCloud. I don't think I'm good enough yet, no one would want to listen to my playing. :p

It is not a digital piano, I played and recorded this track on a (physical) digital piano but it exported as midi. That midi was then slightly edited and mastered and fed through a (non-physical) virtual piano, a VSTi called Pianissimo. I installed it for this occasion because I needed the soft pedal I also used on the digital piano. That part of the midi was not used by the VSTi that I normally use which is a sampled 2-story piano called The Giant, by Native Instruments. :)
IMO it goes like this:
NI the Giant > Pianissimo > Pianoteq 3 > TruePianos

Ivory II is said to be a truly superior piano VSTi but I couldn't get a cracked version to work after downloading something like a 30 GB library. :(
Pianoteq 4 is also high up there apparently.

I think it is possible to use raw audio coming out of the digital piano but I honestly don't see the point. It is not that good software.

Sorry if it's TMI :p

@RR: awesome that you did a mix! I just haven't found the right mood yet for the sort of music.
im t`rippn balls what??

am i doing this right,is this on
I just smoked a guy up with dmt for the first time. He punches me three times in the face.
Thank god he was wobbling and I was still stronger than him at this point, I just smashed a line of k then punched him and kicked him off my shit
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I like that! A few notes off-key it seems but cool post-rock like stuff.

thanks man :) there definitely are a few spots that make me cringe where i had my fingering off by a position. it's real rough missing a note with that much echo, because you hear it repeat for the next few measures =p
^ Miles Davis - "It's not the note you play that's the wrong note - it's the note you play afterwards that makes it right or wrong."

Hm. I am completely defined by everything that precedes me. I am a natural continuation of whatever came before me - like my lesser ape ancestors, and their lives and behaviors. Humanity on earth is basically like moss growing on a rock. So, everything I do is determined by a historical background over which I have absolutely no control. I am a pawn of a giant untouchable system. I'm like a drop of water in a river, completely constrained to the flow of the water.

This seems like an important thing to recognize, for some reason.
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^ I mean, I have absolutely no control over the past. Unless somebody invents a time machine for me, I can only change the future. But, everything is determined by the past (IMO).
ah, alright, i see what you were saying.

so you do believe in free will. do you believe in reincarnation?
^ I mean, I have absolutely no control over the past. Unless somebody invents a time machine for me, I can only change the future. But, everything is determined by the past (IMO).

The present is the past, only later. ;)

On another note: I need to buy a new chainsaw for a a couple of projects coming up... I found a 3.5 horsepower (15amp) 18" electric one for only $175, and then a 16" 41cc (2.7hp) gas chainsaw for $130. I kind of hate the fact that every gas chainsaw I've ever used takes forever to start... thoughts?
The present is the past, only later. ;)


so you do believe in free will.

Yeah, sort of. We all have "free will", but what we choose to do with that free will is predetermined. My view is like a hybrid of free will and determinism.

do you believe in reincarnation?

I do - it's one of those things that I can't explain, can't provide any evidence/proof, but I just intuitively feel that my soul is immortal, so that's what I believe. Heh.

So I finally got around to starting Cowboy Bebop. First anime series I've ever invested any time into. Good stuff. The amount of thought that goes into each episode is pretty remarkable.
So I finally got around to starting Cowboy Bebop. First anime series I've ever invested any time into. Good stuff. The amount of thought that goes into each episode is pretty remarkable.
2 words, 'Mushroom Samba'. my favorite episode! a must watch while tripping. :)

love the anime,after you finish up the series you should watch the movies.
^^^ w/ regards to the Cowboy Bebop tangent: That series kept me in awe. I loved and was fascinated by the characters, the MOOD.
"I think it's time to blow this thing, get all my things together. Okay 3..2..1.. Let's Jam"

I vote for Cowboy Bebop having one of the best opening tunes ever, so good :D You should definitely start Samurai Champloo after you've finished this (a lot of people relate them but I never got it), music is done mainly by Nujabes and it's just really good. Used to be a huge anime/manga buff back when I was 14-16, but out of all the things I've watched these are the only 2 I can still enjoy. Oh and Studio Ghibli's work of course
So I finally got around to starting Cowboy Bebop. First anime series I've ever invested any time into. Good stuff. The amount of thought that goes into each episode is pretty remarkable.

I whistle "The Egg and I" to myself every day, often without realizing it until after.
I do - it's one of those things that I can't explain, can't provide any evidence/proof, but I just intuitively feel that my soul is immortal, so that's what I believe. Heh.

I really understand that but I only believe in reincarnation in the sense that everything returns to the source and merges into the big Soup. I just don't believe that individuality is retained beyond that. So you must have a different definition of soul than I have, otherwise believing in the immortality of the 'soul' and disbelief in individual reincarnation are not mutually exclusive... :)

there is some semi-scientific research done into individual reincarnation. there's a lot of weird cases out there where children claim to remember previous lives. this guy Ian Stevenson takes it on himself to investigate who they may have been in their past life, based on the memories the children talk about. there's some really spooky cases where the kids know obscure, verifiable things about the lives of dead people. read more here: http://www.near-death.com/experiences/reincarnation01.html or google "reincarnation research"
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