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Shaved my head today and I'm making an acid track from a fugue by Bach!

Radical decisions, dude!

For anyone who's interested in hearing some oddly weird and hysteriously funny easy tune space disco... here's our Sunday morning set (5:30 to 8:00am) at Fusion festival. Can only positively influence psychedelic states, judging by the smiles and appearances of the few freaks present at that particular intersection of space and time... hehe.

Here's some shameless self promotion, hoping some of you enjoy this.

Howdy-diddly-doo, PD?
Has anyone ever seen fireworks while tripping? There's gonna be a ton of fireworks around on sunday for the national holiday and I'm wondering how incredible it might be on either low dose aMT or 2C-C? :D
Cool thanks TNW, I think I'm gonna go for it. Don't want to miss out on such an opportunity.
^Yup! Will report back =D

I'll probably end up taking a ton of pictures and get frustrated at the fact that they don't look like what I'm seeing haha
Omw to bisco, nerves building, but this should be one of the better weeks of my summer. Wish me luck folks and if anyone else is there shoot me a pm we could meet! I know Redbong is going
I'm in line to get searched! Can't wait to get in!!! This weekend should be epic!
TAC said:
I would like you all to know, that no matter how difficult life becomes, no matter how far your patience is tested or your faith strained, that it's all O.K.

If we stopped to listen to the crickets, I think they might sing this to us.
The notable time I took psychedelics when there were fireworks was a NYE on acid and it caused a visual soup that had me stumbling around with raised arms like a highly animated zombie... good fun though!

I've been able to sleep for a week now and can function productively. And addictive tendencies more or less managed for about a year. Affairs in order to continue to full recovery and the job market. :D
A weird thing tho: my ex was sending me messages the day before yesterday. Totally random and inconsiderate if she doesn't follow up with a clarification of her intentions, I plan on asking for that like later today.

Anyway... enjoy your summer ppl! <3
The notable time I took psychedelics when there were fireworks was a NYE on acid and it caused a visual soup that had me stumbling around with raised arms like a highly animated zombie... good fun though!

Hahaha! Awesome. A part of me wants to take 2C-E for the fireworks but I'm gonna have to be subtle about the fact that I'm on psychs so that might be a bit much to handle sadly :D
fireworks on psychs... is quite the sight really! i try to see some every NYE while tripping (i try to sync NYE with my yearly candyflip). but i dont think one should go in expecting too much... having expectations might dampen the real thing

low dose aMT for me is not that visual, and neither is low dose 2c-c probably the only visual low dose psych for me is acid... but to each his own really, i think these things are better played by ear by the person doing the tripping as only they know how they react to substances....

best of luck though, and dont worry about taking too many pictures. went to a zoo while on a low dose acid tab, and had a blast! took 200+ photos. only hard part was when a couple of other tourists asked me to take a snapshot of them with their cameraphone. fuck took me ages to figure that phone out.... remember me complaining about untangling headphone while tripping? well, try working out to take photos with an unknown brand smartphone, framing to foreign people and hiding the fact youre seeing neon colors....

speaking of the psychedelic zoo trip, going in the den like space they had for showing off the night critters was quite quite disorienting.... fun, but couldnt help worrieng id be discovered. totally worth it though. spent hours in the gigantic bird tent...
^cheers! By low dose aMT I meant like 40mg which is much less than I usually take, and I always still get some pretty cool visuals on that :) and it's low enough to be able to control myself haha. I'm not expecting it to be mindblowing, but I don't see how it couldn't improve it really.

Acid trip at the zoo must have been great though. Did you try to hug the lions? =D
If we stopped to listen to the crickets, I think they might sing this to us.

Yes, the sounds of nature are always soothing.

I don't know. I'm starting to question whether or not it makes any sense to say that life is "good" or "bad" or "meaningful" or not? Because isn't that subjective? One day I might say "life sucks", and the next I might say "life is great!", and I'm neither right nor wrong on both counts, am I? Because there is no such thing as objective good, it all just depends on the state of my digestion? Or does it?

Ahhhh I think too much.
I suppose that is quite the eyecandyflip so to speak, kingme :)

Made a piano song today, I'm not thrilled about the beginning and I had some problems getting the soft pedal to work digitally, but I found a solution for that. Played it in one go.
Here it is, link should work: http://soundcloud.com/magnum-jopus/ode-to-restfulness-improvised



Nice. :)

That's a digital piano sound? Sounds really good, authentic...

I've been thinking about doing a similar thing. Occasionally uploading piano improvs to SoundCloud. I don't think I'm good enough yet, no one would want to listen to my playing. :p
Radical decisions, dude!

For anyone who's interested in hearing some oddly weird and hysteriously funny easy tune space disco... here's our Sunday morning set (5:30 to 8:00am) at Fusion festival. Can only positively influence psychedelic states, judging by the smiles and appearances of the few freaks present at that particular intersection of space and time... hehe.

Here's some shameless self promotion, hoping some of you enjoy this.

Howdy-diddly-doo, PD?
Awesome, I was at the Fusion festival too :D I didn't hear you play, wasn't before monday morning I got as far dub station, so much music, and so many things to see. I'll give your set a listen later though :)
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