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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: N-Dimensional Funhouse of Possibilities

Man, everyone on here mixes drugs quite a bit! I rarely do combinations, though years ago I would smoke weed on every substance. Apart from MDMA/LSD and MDMA/Psilocybin, I think my craziest combo was a Halloween party on LSD/Cocaine/Marijuana/Alcohol. Didn't go too overboard on any of them, the dosage was perfect.
^Really though, you have the right idea. Mixing drugs is probably the prime way that people run into problems, either in terms of excessive potentiation increasing pleasure and enhancing addictiveness or some metabolic interaction causing physical problems.

However, whilst I would always urge others to avoid certain combinations, I may still take them myself. I know my limits (said every dead drug user ever! :\). I would hate for anyone to repeat mine (or many others) combinations but I leave it up the individual.
I don't see a problem with mixing tryptamines, also MXE seems safe in a fair variety of mixtures.

What seems sketchy on here is when someone mentions snorting two types of dissociatives while coming down from an RC stimulant/empathogen binge, then smoking a cannabinoid analogue and taking an NBOMe! Not an exaggeration either, I've seen some pretty reckless behavior on here.

I generally trip no more than three times a month, never mix substances, and I don't use stimulants, dissociatives, or empathogens. So I feel like my drug use is pretty tame and physically benign.
^I think you got the right idea :) But, there is something appealing about being able to infinitely tweak your frame of mind by adding different stimuli.

I don't think there is great harm in mixing, say, LSD with MDMA, but I do have reservations about mixing downer like GHB with MXE/ketamine, though I will continue to do it from time to time. It just doesn't seem like a wise move...:\
^But GHB + dissociatives is so pleasant, a lil' vomiting never hurt anyone who positioned their bodies in such a way that they couldn't choke on it. Assuming emesis is a problem for you, and you don't counter it with a cannabinoid or somesuch thing. Increased abuse liability would still be worrying, of course. Combos tend to make that worse.

howdy broseph. it's going well, i guess. i'm kind of stuck in suspended animation in life right now, but in a couple months things should be moving forward in a really tangible way i think.

I know that feeling. So long as I don't mess up the procedures, I will be there 'til school in spring, and then I'll be there for years and years until that either finishes or starts paying dividends. Honestly, the feeling is a version of the story of my life (I have half a dozen, and they're all mutually exclusive to varying degrees, identity disturbance or whatevs.).

rog said:
oh, and be careful with that meth bro <3 its fun but gets serious quickly, as i'm sure you know.

Careful? I don't know the meaning of the word, but I definitely aim to maintain what sanity life has left me with.
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Is the meth a new thing for you or an old habit returning? Just curious, as we have quite a bit of a meth epidemic in my area.

Last year a friend of mine relapsed for a bit. He ended up in his attic ripping the electrical wiring out of the wall so that the government couldn't listen to him and thought that his brother and I were plotting with the Mexican Mafia to have him killed ( I'm Irish lol).

Anyway, just be safe man. That stuff can seize hold of you pretty fast.
THR said:
I will be there 'til school in spring, and then I'll be there for years and years until that either finishes or starts paying dividends.

The best form of suspended animation there is! Studying is so beneficial even with the inherent stress of it....:) Dividends start getting paid almost immediately under that viewpoint.

Reading for the third time (re-rereading) Revelation Space, sci-fi series by Alistair Reynolds. Highly recommended to those of us who can read! :)
You guys just really need to manage your dosing, multiple psych/diss combos, isn't completely safe but just know your limits my brothers! Also pick up some Ondanestron for the nausea, and you'll literally never find vomiting an issue! PM me if you need an Ondanestron source! <3's to all my psychedelic buddies!

Also meth is probably the worst of the worst out there! Besides impure heroin/cochain!

P.S never do nbomes there the worst thing to ever happen to this scene hands down, but hey most vendors just care about the cash and not you! There are super caring, loving vendors out there though! There the professionals that have been around since I was in tenth grade!
willow said:
The best form of suspended animation there is! Studying is so beneficial even with the inherent stress of it.... Dividends start getting paid almost immediately under that viewpoint.

If that were the case, I wouldn't be a 3 time dropout, who only ever completed 1 semester (back in university, w/ straight A's, in case you were wondering). In spite of my predilection towards the academic, schools have always been bad for my mental health, or have rubbed my pathologies the wrong way. Roughly my attitude on the subject, and work, and life. ;) My plan is to just do what I'm good at and enjoy at first, and see how things go from there.

theacidtest said:
Is the meth a new thing for you or an old habit returning?

I used it recreationally back in the day, after trying it again in January I fell into 24/7 use within 2 weeks which continued through mid-June, quit for 4 months, restarted.

help said:
Also meth is probably the worst of the worst out there! Besides impure heroin/cochain!

Meh, most of the negative effects attributed to it are the result of sleep deprivation, IME. Not to imply that it's benign, 'cause that ain't so.
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Exactly! I just worry about you because I know you have certain mental illness's like we all do. I mean why do meth and risk sleep deprivation when Addie's and any stimulant is the easiest prescription in the world to get. "Oh I can't concentrate on my school work, always get distracted, etc etc!". I can't remember the name right now because I'm totally mangled but it's one of the top US colleges and they say more kids pop these pills than drink!

Also dropping out is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of when your mental status isn't in check, <3 you my brother. P.S where's my PM swirlow! I miss you bud!;)

Shit guys looks like I'm not going to make it after all, I'm super sorry but my step fag keeps busting down my door, and assaulting me. Normally I could beat that old deceript fucks ass but I haven't had my meds in weeks and I can barely stand up. Dumb mother fucker things he "beat" my ass but he barely got me on the floor, hit me once, knocked my head, against the hardwood flooring. I kept trying to leave and leave but he just won't stop, I'm heading out to the woods, eating, 1,500mgs of flubromazolam, and freezing overnight. He's an ex mafia fuck who's killed for cash. He keeps telling me my mom would never believe it because I'm some "drug addled fuck" who only lies and manipulates. I'm fucking tired of this shit I have a whole separate part of the house and I tell him anything that's mine is his, but he thinks you need to ask before even coming over to his part of the house but I just can't take it anymore. I never do anything to him and he thinks he deserves to be my "new dad" but does this shit every night. He keeps telling me he's trying to teach me "how to be a man", but he didn't even learn to cook or clean his own clothes because his wife did all that shit for him. Fuck him, he and my physically, verbally, abusive fuck, of my own dad, and now he are the only two people I've ever truly hated in my life. He keeps telling me he went to therapy and reprogrammed his shit but he fucking reverts everyday. He says my mom won't believe me because she's the only one she loves. Last night he told me I better sleep with one eye own because he was going to slit my throat, and blame it on the drugs saying I did this myself, and no cop would ever be different. I just hope I can become a Buddha when I pass away, and go live against the universe with all the rest of the enlightened ones. He also keeps making fun of my beliefs because he's a stupid dyslexic fuck who can't even read a book. He thinks he's some supreme catholic because everytime he prays something happens, yeah that's called being a delusional fuck with good luck! Sorry to insult religions and call him a fag but that's what he is a supreme dbag!
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clean house and call the cops on him man. don't kill yourself over some douche.
He's a racist too and I hate the police with a passion never once phoned them myself. Plus last time they were in my old house searching they stole well over 300 hundred worth of my shit! Nothing illegal plus he keeps saying who will believe me? I don't have any visible bruises because like I said that old idiot may have punched me once in the face. All I have are bumps on my head!

Edit: everything's "cool" now he we made up but I still don't think I'll be staying because this sort of shit happens like everyday, but oh well!
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Damn Help, that's intense. :( Sorry you have to deal with that crazy asshole.

What a weekend! I already described my 2C-I/MXE trip... last night I went over and took MXED and then added 33mg of 2C-T-7... my friend also took the same dose plus some MXE. It took a LONG time to come up, and neither of us broke through. Unlike with 2C-I, 2C-T-7 doesn't seem to synergize particularly with MXE, but it was a grand time. I didn't get much in the way of visuals, and for a while I was a bit speechless, just observing. It was great for playing music though. We had some AMAZING jams, and everyone agreed there was a serious contact high going on (only 2 of us tripped). Some of the best music I have ever heard was played by my friends... my friend who tripped somehow unlocked some hidden ability, he says definitely due to the T-7, and was just epically jamming on his bass, it was incredible to behold. We stayed up until 5am, having the best conversations ever, laughing hysterically often, and just generally having an amazing time. <3

This morning was a bit rough, but I got together with samadhi_smiles and we went on a great hike to a waterfall... we went off-trail then and climbed a really steep mountain, and then got a bit stuck in two different places and couldn't get back down. We each had to find separate ways down and meet up at a landmark... it was pretty intense but very envigorating, a great adventure. I went into survival mode a bit, like it was cvonstantly a danger of slipping and sliding 20, 30, 40 feet down before I could catch myself... I didn't though, I kept it together.

After that I went back to his parents' house and had dinner his mom made, and met his parents... it was really cool, it's been a while since I had a mom-made dinner. They told me I was welcome back whenever I want. :)

Now it's time to seriously relax, watch some episodes, Bluelight, maybe call my parents, and go to bed early.

Hope you all had a nice weekend too. :)
Yeah Xorksy I really needed that!<3's Oh did I mention my mom pretty much saved his ass? He threatened to gun down his employees, lost his house, then she got him to move in with us!?!
i just acquired 500mg of MXP. help, have you tried this one yet? or anyone else here in PD social?

i've got a 50mg capsule of it weighed out for my first dose, but i don't think i'll get around to taking it until probably next weekend.
Holy shit. Dragon Dreaming was incredible. The night festivities were amazing, everything was so alive! I regret taking 25i though...even though I knew I was taking NBOMe, it still was not worth it. Oh well, not touching it again. Wish I had more time to sort out photos etc from the festival, but alas I have 2 days to prepare for Thailand :D
i just acquired 500mg of MXP. help, have you tried this one yet? or anyone else here in PD social?

i've got a 50mg capsule of it weighed out for my first dose, but i don't think i'll get around to taking it until probably next weekend.

Nope, never tried it, and I'm unlikely to. I think from what I've read in the thread that 50mg is not a very high dose at all, but it's probably good to start slow. I also read that it can take 4, 6, even 8 hours to fully come on and lasts a long time.

Yeah Xorksy I really needed that!<3's Oh did I mention my mom pretty much saved his ass? He threatened to gun down his employees, lost his house, then she got him to move in with us!?!

Some people are attracted to bad things in a partner. It blows my mind that someone would go with that sequence of events (like, isn't threatening to mass murder people a serious red flag??), but some people do it, fulfilling a recurring pattern in their lives usually. Peace and <3 man.
Yes i've tried MXP.. if you don't want to chuck it out:

-snorting is not effective. oral is the way to dose.
-Re-dosing does not work well at all iirc (not worth it). best to dose once.
-I think i dosed like ~80 or 90mg. lasts longer than MXE. i remember feeling very 'jet-lagged' afterwards, so i would not do it again. kinda put me off.
Had its moments where it was really nice but overall i don't like it. feels clean, and stimy. But i didn't feel that great afterwards. had nice body-feelings at its pleasant point

MXE is wayyyy better, i wouldn't do MXP again, even if it was the last dissociate left.
yeah i'm not sure if i have very high hopes for it tbph. i only have 500mg of it at my disposal. i've heard lots of "meh" things about it --but then, i'm one of those rare individuals that really enjoys DXM and will still take it even if i have MXE around. so perhaps i will enjoy MXP more than the average person.

sort of glad i've only got 500mg to work with. i've heard it can be very "more-ish" which scares me after my extended 3-MeO-PCP binge earlier this year.

3-MeO-PCP is 10x as potent and cheaper per gram tho heh. so yeah i don't think i'll have the same issues with MXP.
have fun and be safe!

Good luck with your troubles Help that sounds really rough <3

I got shpongled on 3 and a half hits of LSD last night and the creature carnival was really incredible. While I was dancing a really hot girl took off my hat to tease me and I tripped out for a second thinking everyone was making fun of me, but then quickly realized it was a delusion. The creature carnival beats antique part was really amazing with really good dancers and choreography and costumes and lighting it was reallllllyy well done. I kept saying it was the definition of beautiful as I was leaving. I thought about my life a lot and how to get motivated to be proactive for things that aren't getting high. I beent doin a bit too much coke recently :/

luckily I surprisingly have like 10x more willpower than most people I know when it comes to that shit.