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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: N-Dimensional Funhouse of Possibilities

^Sounds delightful. I'd wish you a good time, but I know you'll have it.

Sleep, who needs it? Too late for second guessing anyhow, there's only one thing to do, excelsior!

edit: Don't feel like doing what I planned on staying up to do. The booze and ice are just acting as a combination of the lame effects rather than the good ones. Guess I'll retire for the evening, like I prolly shoulda to begin with. 8)

So, good morning, and good night.
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So, good morning, and good night.


Yeah in case I don't see ya .. ;)

"Goodnight noises everywhere..."
A ballot intiative (i.e. bill to be passed via direct democracy), Proposition 45, we have going on here would require random drug tests for doctors, create a statewide database that all opioid Rx's must be entered in, and raise pain/suffering cap in medical negligence lawsuits.

Our constitution expressly forbids having a ballot initiative cover multiple subjects, and more qualified persons than I are also surprised that this got through (what's the excuse, that's they're all medical or something? Total BS). Anyway, I'm voting against it, as always with privacy issues, we also have proposition 47, which will make low level drug and property offences misdemeanors rather than felonies. Naturally, I've voting for that.

Alas, so ignorant of local/state politics, who are these candidates, what are their issues? Why you have not informed me of this NHK, or you Deutsche Welle? Why does the local news spend more time telling me about the weather, traffic, and pop culture than issues that concern me as a citizen, in whose hands rests the sovereignty of the nation? What would I do without Amy Goodman and Bill Moyers?
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Good evening, PDS family! After weeks of falling behind in law school and being too overwhelmed to do anything about it (an all too familiar pattern for me), I finally started getting my shit together today. I've been evading attempts by my law journal's editors to contact me about a deadline I missed over a week ago; I finally got back in touch with them and started working out a schedule to get myself back on track before I rack up enough disciplinary strikes to have serious consequences. I've been blowing off a rough draft of a paper to the point where I would have to shit something out at the last minute and just use the first few sources I found since I wouldn't have time to read more and pick and choose; I talked to the professor and got an extension, and started my research. I've been panicking about the fact that I struck out with all the big high-paying corporate firms that did on-campus interviews in August and not doing anything to find alternate summer employment; today I sent my school's main career adviser the editable copy of my resume she asked for weeks ago, and I have a meeting Wednesday with the public interest career adviser to talk about government/nonprofit/etc. positions. My resume is much stronger for environmental law (on the pro-environment side), and I'm warming up to the idea of using my knowledge and training to make the biggest positive contribution to human society that I can, as opposed to the biggest positive contribution to my bank account. Plus, the nonprofit lawyers I've talked to seem to hate their day-to-day lives much less than the first year BigLaw associates I've talked to. I tried to sell out, nobody was buying, and I'm starting to think I dodged a bullet there.

Oh, and perhaps the most life-affirming and wonderful thing that's happened to me lately... After over a year of bitching about the lack of decent Mexican food in Chicago, I found a place that's legitimately pretty good by my spoiled Austinite standards, and is also probably the cheapest restaurant I've found in this city. $2 tacos, full dinner plates for $6-7. Oh, and it's open 24/7 and located about 3 blocks from my apartment :D

Speaking of which... I'm suffering from an acute enchilada deficiency, brb.
Holy shit. Today my good friend Mike and I took two hits of the liquid LSD that I have. And wow. No words can describe it. I might write some more about it later, but in the meantime all I can do is bask in how glorious today was.
tsoli said:
re: education and employment
Procrastination + law school does not suggest the masochistic work ethic that the big firms want, I'm guessing that being in the top 5% of your class is also desirable, if what I heard about the hiring practices of the big accounting firms carries over to the legal field.

If deciding what you want to do, ask what'll make the man in the mirror proud of you, 'cause without his approval this much is true: The praise of your peers shall fall on deaf ears. When you step through your luxury apartment's door, you shall not feel any less poor. You shall throw away profit's benedictions, to find succor in your old addictions. No love from friend or wife, shall fill the void in your soulless life.

tsoli said:
After over a year of bitching about the lack of decent Mexican food in Chicago, I found a place that's legitimately pretty good by my spoiled Austinite standards

As a fellow denizen of the Southwest, I legit feel for you, worst part of being in DC was the lack of real Mexican food. The food of the poor and working classes, the kinda places where English is a second language. It's like oxygen.

tsoli said:
$2 tacos, full dinner plates for $6-7.

Yeah man, that's what I'm talking about.

tsoli said:
Oh, and it's open 24/7

*stares accusingly* Chain restaurant?
Nope! Local hole in the wall joint with the unassuming name "Taco & Burrito Express."

Got their amazing chicken enchilada plate again (3 big enchiladas with lots of meat and cheese, lots of rice and beans, and some awesome salsa verde on the side to add some heat)... And a $1.49 side of chips and salsa that turned out to be a brown paper bag full of fresh made chips and a giant tub of fresh made salsa. I can't believe I've lived here for over a year and until last week the best taco joint I knew of was this awful place with gristly low grade meat, pools of grease everywhere, and sauces that either have no spice at all or peppers without any of the seeds removed D: Plus, I think that place gave me food poisoning at least once.

This discovery should go a long way toward solving my problem of losing too much weight now that I'm taking Adderall daily for ADHD. If I keep up the taco and enchilada diet, maybe I don't need to buy a tighter belt and/or jeans after all. I'd rather spend the money on calories than clothing.
^I wish I could gain weight and keep it on, I managed to get above 80kg not too long ago (I am 6'2") but have dropped again back to 70kg. I just find eating to be dull and rarely feel actual hunger. I wonder if its a vegan diet offering me little in the way of gustatory delight. :\

One of my close friends, who happens to be gay, was incredibly fucking MDMA-ed up and asked me today if I and Miss Willow would ever want to play with him. She basically said that it would be boring because he is not interested in females at all, to which he asked if he could then just jerk off on me! :D She agreed but I did not! I agreed to let him see me naked, but felt really odd doing so.... Oh well. Strange day, because after my friend Grindr'ed his way off, Miss Willow told me that he had been trying to kiss her for weeks! I'm so confused. A bit annoyed at my friend, I think that's pretty strange because he's been trying to kiss me for weeks too!!! :D

Incidentally, he's a bluelighter so if you read this J, EXPLAIN YOURSELF IMMEDIATELY!
And yeah, I might be able to manage to get by in BigLaw - I've always had an uncanny knack for doing exactly as much work as I need to to avoid disastrous consequences, whether that means 12 hour days for weeks on end or barely doing any work at all - but I would hate every minute of it, and killing myself like that day after day to do work I would take no pride in would be soul-crushing. I have the grades for it, and if I really wanted it I could most likely still get that $160k starting job (probably not the $3k/week summer job before my third year, though)... But every step of the job seeking process for those firms just reminds me more and more that I kind of hate them and everything they stand for. Huh, guess I should have factored that into my career plans earlier :p

I have no idea how realistic it is to shoot for environmental nonprofit work - I know there aren't a ton of jobs there, but I do have good grades at a T14, have been working with the Environmental Advocacy Center at my school's clinic, and should have a strong environmental law focused writing sample and at least 1 or 2 enviro-specific recommendations. There are other public interest specialties I could see myself enjoying, but I can't imagine anything I could hope to accomplish in my career that would do more material good for humanity than fighting to curb GHG emissions and clean up toxic chemical sites that private companies just abandon. I had an experience over the summer that I've never had with any previous job: I wanted to be better at my job, not to get a raise or have better job security or advance my career, but because I felt passionately about the work I was doing and cared about the outcome. I mean, I've always liked to feel like I was good at my job and doing good work for whatever clients or bosses I was working for, but the first time I learned that some of my research resulted in a small but tangible victory for the clinic in our ongoing efforts to oppose sand mining and fracking here in Illinois, I broke down in tears. I'm pretty sure that any tears I would shed based on my work in BigLaw would be tears of self-loathing. The more I think of it, the more absurd it seems that I ever imagined myself going the whole sellout route.
^I wish I could gain weight and keep it on, I managed to get above 80kg not too long ago (I am 6'2") but have dropped again back to 70kg. I just find eating to be dull and rarely feel actual hunger. I wonder if its a vegan diet offering me little in the way of gustatory delight. :\

One of my close friends, who happens to be gay, was incredibly fucking MDMA-ed up and asked me today if I and Miss Willow would ever want to play with him. She basically said that it would be boring because he is not interested in females at all, to which he asked if he could then just jerk off on me! :D She agreed but I did not! I agreed to let him see me naked, but felt really odd doing so.... Oh well. Strange day, because after my friend Grindr'ed his way off, Miss Willow told me that he had been trying to kiss her for weeks! I'm so confused. A bit annoyed at my friend, I think that's pretty strange because he's been trying to kiss me for weeks too!!! :D

Incidentally, he's a bluelighter so if you read this J, EXPLAIN YOURSELF IMMEDIATELY!

Sounds like one hell of a roll :p

I think there might be crack in these refried beans. They're definitely physiologically addictive. Actually, based on the warm glowing contentment they make me feel, maybe it's heroin.
^He's fucking nuts. All I can conclude...:)

Join the fight
Alas, so ignorant of local/state politics, who are these candidates, what are their issues? Why you have not informed me of this NHK, or you Deutsche Welle? Why does the local news spend more time telling me about the weather, traffic, and pop culture than issues that concern me as a citizen, in whose hands rests the sovereignty of the nation? What would I do without Amy Goodman and Bill Moyers?

I think you know the answer to that question.

Good evening, PDS family! After weeks of falling behind in law school and being too overwhelmed to do anything about it (an all too familiar pattern for me), I finally started getting my shit together today. I've been evading attempts by my law journal's editors to contact me about a deadline I missed over a week ago; I finally got back in touch with them and started working out a schedule to get myself back on track before I rack up enough disciplinary strikes to have serious consequences. I've been blowing off a rough draft of a paper to the point where I would have to shit something out at the last minute and just use the first few sources I found since I wouldn't have time to read more and pick and choose; I talked to the professor and got an extension, and started my research. I've been panicking about the fact that I struck out with all the big high-paying corporate firms that did on-campus interviews in August and not doing anything to find alternate summer employment; today I sent my school's main career adviser the editable copy of my resume she asked for weeks ago, and I have a meeting Wednesday with the public interest career adviser to talk about government/nonprofit/etc. positions. My resume is much stronger for environmental law (on the pro-environment side), and I'm warming up to the idea of using my knowledge and training to make the biggest positive contribution to human society that I can, as opposed to the biggest positive contribution to my bank account. Plus, the nonprofit lawyers I've talked to seem to hate their day-to-day lives much less than the first year BigLaw associates I've talked to. I tried to sell out, nobody was buying, and I'm starting to think I dodged a bullet there.

Oh, and perhaps the most life-affirming and wonderful thing that's happened to me lately... After over a year of bitching about the lack of decent Mexican food in Chicago, I found a place that's legitimately pretty good by my spoiled Austinite standards, and is also probably the cheapest restaurant I've found in this city. $2 tacos, full dinner plates for $6-7. Oh, and it's open 24/7 and located about 3 blocks from my apartment :D

Speaking of which... I'm suffering from an acute enchilada deficiency, brb.

Way to see the silver lining. I bet this will have been an important experience for you. Money isn't everything, though society tries to tell us it is. If you're miserable with what you do, you're going to be miserable whether you're wealthy or not. And if you're proud of what you do and you love it... well, your life becomes SO much more positive and meaningful. :) I have seen bad work situations wear so many people down so tremendously. You spend so much of your time doing it that it's truly important to do something you enjoy, if at all possible. Fortunately I enjoy what I got my degree in (computer science) so I feel lucky for that.

^I wish I could gain weight and keep it on, I managed to get above 80kg not too long ago (I am 6'2") but have dropped again back to 70kg. I just find eating to be dull and rarely feel actual hunger. I wonder if its a vegan diet offering me little in the way of gustatory delight. :\

One of my close friends, who happens to be gay, was incredibly fucking MDMA-ed up and asked me today if I and Miss Willow would ever want to play with him. She basically said that it would be boring because he is not interested in females at all, to which he asked if he could then just jerk off on me! :D She agreed but I did not! I agreed to let him see me naked, but felt really odd doing so.... Oh well. Strange day, because after my friend Grindr'ed his way off, Miss Willow told me that he had been trying to kiss her for weeks! I'm so confused. A bit annoyed at my friend, I think that's pretty strange because he's been trying to kiss me for weeks too!!! :D

Incidentally, he's a bluelighter so if you read this J, EXPLAIN YOURSELF IMMEDIATELY!

Heh, wow. Sounds pretty intense. I was gonna say that some people really really weird on drugs, but if he's been trying to kiss you both for weeks, then that's not really it, is it?

I personally couldn't eat vegan... I even went vegetarian for a few months in college, and I found that I physically felt like something was missing. I feel like it's best for me to eat meat at least a couple of times a week at minimum. I buy good meat, organic usually, local if possible (fortunately lots of good options for that here), treated well, etc. Since I've been working out I've been eating meat almost every day because it makes me feel stronger and healthier. I grew up eating meat in every single meal, coming from the midwest of the USA, where "it's not a meal if there's no meat", so that might be part of the reason why. I honestly can't imagine eating vegan, I would never be able to keep any weight on. I have the same problem as you, it's really hard for me to gain weight. I'm 6' plus one half inch, and I currently weigh about 160 pounds (73 kilos), which is the most I've ever weighed by 10-12 pounds. It's because of the inreased muscle too... after ibogaine, I ate a SHITLOAD of food (like 4000 calories or thereabouts every day) to put body fat back on and I maxed out at 145 (66 kilos) no matter how much I ate, it wouldn't go higher. Even now, I am eating 2500-3000 calories per day depending on how active I am, and I am having trouble going above 160... I've been hovering there for like a month and a half despite working out hard and eating a lot. If I stopped working out and stopped eating a lot of food I would probably quickly drop back to 150-ish. It's a bitch, I'm hungry a lot of the time, I can eat until I feel grossly full and an hour later I'll want to eat again and I'll have to hold off just because I can't afford to eat 8 meals a day, I am eating 4 meals a day right now usually already. It's crazy honestly, I still have the same metabolism I had as a teenager when I was growing rapidly.
5'11" and 130~135lbs.

trozzle said:
Fuck me getting up at 5am sucks ass.

Getting up early is the worst, I feel like crap and miss my favorite part of the day, the 30 minutes or so after waking up that I stay in bed, semi-coherent, feeling all warm and comfortable.
Yep!! Though it was for good reason (giving the girlfriend's sister a lift to the airport), and it at least kicked my ass into gear to head straight to the gym before work.....which I've been meaning to do for a couple of weeks now, but that sacred 30 minutes we all know and love pulls toooooooo strongly hehe
Getting up at 5am sucks no matter which way you look at it... I like getting up at like 7:30 or 8 though, I feel way better usually when I get up early and see the morning. It bums me out when I get up late and it's suddenly the afternoon and I've barely done anything.

I've been bummed out today, increasingly so as the day goes on. I can't tell why, I think it's the seasons changing, it's so cold already and my house is too dark to not have lights on by 6:30 (because I am surrounded by two tall ridges). It's bringing up all sorts of things. I miss my lady friend and she hasn't contacted me for 4 or 5 days... granted her reception sucks and she has to use someone else's phone to do it. But it makes me miss her more. I really didn't expect to miss her this much, it kinda sucks. I miss my family too. I get a little bummed every day that I don't really see anyone else, like today. I should be able to be fine with being alone for a day or two at a time... I mean, I see my friends often. But it's hard for me. I wish I had someone living here with me, a housemate. I really need human companionship I realize about myself, I've always been that way but living here post-marriage has been the first time I have not had it as a given.

Also the other girl (the first one I met) and I were texting a bunch on Sunday, sort of back to the way we were communicating before she got really distant. She wanted to talk again yesterday, which went alright, and she said she wanted to get together and catch up, but then when I asked when she wanted to do that, no response (nor all day today). It throws me off balance a little. I think I probably should just give up on that but I just keep having a feeling like I shouldn't. But I keep feeling weird about it because I'm like, come on, it's not that hard, when we first met we hung out a lot and had a really good time. Since then she has this habit (not on purpose I really don't think) of getting me all out of sorts with her back-and-forthness. And now I also kinda feel weird because I really have some feelings for the other girl and I feel confident she does too, and although we have no commitment, I'm not 100% sure how I feel about pursuing someone else. And that itself confuses me because I also feel like I SHOULD be exploring other people, I just (not JUST, but recently, in the grand scheme of things it's been very little time) got single for the first time in 12 years, and I think it's healthy for me to explore. I don't KNOW whether she would think that was cool or not, it's really that we didn't talk about it at all, nor did we talk about being anything more than friends. But we don't really act like friends, we hold hands when we go places, sleep together (literally sleep, also sex) every time we see each other and act really loving, and talk cute, and she's been telling me she is thinking about me and misses me whenever she does get ahold of me (and vice versa). She seems to not be interested in defining anything but it could be because she knew she was leaving for a while and didn't want to get into something before then. I don't know, it's pretty confusing, it felt simple when she was here, but it doesn't now.

And I've also been finding myself really, REALLY wishing I could be more nomadic. I love having a house and cats and a stationary life about half the time, but the other half I yearn for adventure. I have a serious case of wanderlust. I wish I could take 6 months off randomly and hike the whole Appalachian Trail, or hop on a ship and spend a year or two in Europe, or randomly go out west for a couple of months. I wish I could hop around and live on a cool farm somewhere, or find someone's house to groundskeep and live there for free (using examples from people in my life right now). I feel weighted down by my attachments. It would be so COOL to switch it up throughout the year/years, and drastically change my life for a while. But I get 3 weeks of vacation a year and I have a house to pay for that I can't miss any work for to be able to afford... and bills, and cats that need to be taken care of whenever I leave. I sometimes wonder if I just have the life I have because it was what I was supposed to do according to my parents. You get a good job, get a house, get married (that's gone at least), etc etc etc... I feel like I would have been happier living a life of adventure... or more fulfilled on a daily basis anyway. When I'm traveling or in a new situation or out in nature extendedly I NEVER feel this way, I ALWAYS feel satisfied and happy and excited.

But I don't always feel that way, sometimes I love the life I've built here. Often in fact. I just get these really intense pangs of regret sometimes and a really powerful yearning for a drastically different kind of life. For some reason today that yearning has gotten really bad and it's making me feel pretty down at the moment. I mean the hiking the whole Appalachian Trail thing is a real goal of mine, something I want to do really bad. But to do it I would have to quit my job and sell my house because I can't take half a year off, and even if I just quit my job, I couldn't afford to pay my mortgage for that period of time without it, not to mention my cats. I have a couple of people close to me in my life right now who are living the kind of life I am describing and talking to them about it is cool, but it also makes me feel sad for myself, that I am sort of trapped, in a design of my own making, that prohibits me from making those choices. Sometimes I want to just sell it all, quit my job, and go out into the world and say fuck it, this is what I want. But I doubt I will do it, and I don't know at all for sure if I even should.

Just some thoughts... feeling a little dark right now, good thing PD Social exists, it's a great place to get thoughts out.
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The Dream Keeper - Langston Hughes

Bring me all of your dreams,
You dreamers,
Bring me all of your
Heart Melodies
That I may wrap them
In a blue cloud-cloth
Away from the too-rough fingers
Of the world.

xork said:
I am sort of trapped, in a design of my own making,

Trapped by the roof over your head and the bread on your table? In all seriousness, I totally get the feeling, I sometimes wish that instead of listening to good advice and staying in the vacant building to get some alone time (subsisting on H and booze), I had gone with my intended plan of getting a one way plane or greyhound ticket with only what could fit in my rucksack.

As for the flaky girl, forgive my tactlessness and indulge my amp-induced need to give opinionated speeches.

Ethical Romance Axiom #2: Is this relationship good for the both of you?
Commentary: Personally, I'd want a/the person I give my affection to to be better off for having known me.

Rational Analysis: It is imprudent to tie up all your emotional capital when you do not plan on making a long-term investment. The marriage skill of merciful forbearance towards a partner who is insensitive to you and your needs due to personal problems does not apply to new relationships. And, as you are an attractive man who has a decent career and owns a house (Achievement Unlocked: The American Dream), not to mention a musician and a painter (as the resident snob, I really did reverse image search two of them to make sure they weren't plagiarized. That's a high compliment.), you're the definition of desirable, so it's not like this is your only opportunity to date the object of your infatuation.
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Heh, wow. Sounds pretty intense. I was gonna say that some people really really weird on drugs, but if he's been trying to kiss you both for weeks, then that's not really it, is it?

Well, he does take a lot of drugs, but he is a real free spirit, in the most clichéd sense of the word. He just does what he wants whenever he wants it, and I totally support anyone doing that. :D I haven't spoken to him since this stuff; looking forward to the awkwardness of it TBH :\ :D

Xork said:
I personally couldn't eat vegan... I even went vegetarian for a few months in college, and I found that I physically felt like something was missing.

Yeah, I'm struggling with it to be honest. I've been vegetarian for years (true vegetarian) and decided to try and purify myself. I want to live a life that doesn't take.

Its impossible though and also naïve.

I think I'll requaint myself with dairy at least soon...

i'm 6'1" and 195lbs

can't seem to drop any more

you can have some of mine

Me too? Thanks :)

Getting up early is the worst, I feel like crap and miss my favorite part of the day, the 30 minutes or so after waking up that I stay in bed, semi-coherent, feeling all warm and comfortable.

Weirdly, I wake up nervous straight away and must get out of bed immediately. After ten minutes, I'm good though- its like coming online for the day requires some input from adrenaline and self-doubt. For me at least.

Get up early- 5am- through choice is actually great. Its a beautiful time to go for a run/walk and feels quite sacred to me. I deplore, however, being compelled to get up at that time....

Hope your all well, I'll have to keep reading but wanted to make some statements....<3
willow said:
Yeah, I'm struggling with it to be honest. I've been vegetarian for years (true vegetarian) and decided to try and purify myself. I want to live a life that doesn't take.

I have not once seriously considered vegetarianism, and in my poverty I don't even buy products made of humanely treated animals. Out of sight, out of mind, as they say.

Get up early- 5am- through choice is actually great.

I got up at 7:30 on purpose for a couple months once, and the mornings were pleasant, and perhaps magical due to the unfamiliar lighting and smell and feel of the air, but I am by constitution a night owl. Maybe I'm afraid to go to sleep in an attempt to stop time and avoid tomorrow, and live in the hours when society is not around to implicitly judge me and torment me by reminding me of my own ineptitude and isolation. It might also be a habit bred of insomnia. The majority of instances that I've been awake at 5am were the result of staying up all night.