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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: N-Dimensional Funhouse of Possibilities

Need. Sleep. Went out clubbing with the girlfriend last night. So much dancing.

I'm sorry brain. You can have an extended break until New Years now lol
Been a long time since I posted, figured I'd let you guys know I'm not in jail. :sus:

Recently got to try 5-MeO-MiPT.. quite a friendly tryptamine!
You know what's funny is I was just wondering about you recently. We don't really know each other, but I had noticed you had disappeared! :?

On another note, I had decided I was gonna say goodbye to MXE till next Spring... but I went shopping with my partner and I came across a mint as fuck copy of Isao Tomita's Bermuda Triangle on vinyl, and it was the special edition that was see-through blue. It used to be my favorite album to mexx to and it was only 8 bucks. I bought that shit, and tonight I popped it on my turntable and gawdamn is it beautiful! Of course, Methoxetamine guided my listening journey :) It was a match made in heaven.

October is a great month for dissos!
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Hello! This is my first time here! I am going to see WSP tomorrow night and am super stoked! Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday :) bob I'm feeling your positive energy and I already like this place haha keep on swirlin on!

Hey there brother :) <3 Welcome to the dance.

I'm sorry brain. You can have an extended break until New Years now lol

Me too, I wish I could just lie in an induced coma for at least a month at the moment.
Creature Carnival was fucking awesome. I managed to sleep in till almost 10pm and the show "started" at 8, doors open at 7, so I was worried I had missed the fun... Not by a long shot! I missed Shpongle, which was a bummer (but apparently I didn't miss all that much), but Beats Antique are amazing live! I'm tempted to go back tomorrow night, even though A) I can't really afford to, and B) I reaaaaaaally need to get some shit done this weekend...
Hey Myabird, nice to see a new face. :)

Yesterday I went rock climbing all afternoon and evening and then had some friends over at my house for an MXE party... shit got intense in a very good way. We played Magic (the card game) too which was fun. I took some MXE orally and then smoked a bunch over the night... I'm feeling a little sketchy today. It's another beautiful day so I think I'm going to go climb around at a waterfall, might be my last chance before it gets too cold. Climbing in a river always makes me feel recharged. :)
Me too, I wish I could just lie in an induced coma for at least a month at the moment.

haha I'm not quite THAT bad :p but yeah, picking up on a few signs that tell me I should take a bit more than a month off :)

I'm off to Thailand and Cambodia for 2 weeks in like 10 days though! :D suuuuuuuuuper stoked. Haven't travelled Asia yet, and it's for my housemate's buck's party....so gonna go all The Hangover style on this shit. Minus illicit drugs. I'd like to be allowed out of the country in the next 20 years. Alive.

Though I'm curious as to the finer details of mushroom milkshakes over there....setting would be beyond perfect imo. Especially if it were possible around Angkor Wat....hehe

Hope everyone else had a good weekend :)
I'm still toying with the idea of ordering a gram of MXE, but haven't really decided. My only other dissociative experience was DXM, which I hated. Plus I don't have very many opportunities to trip. When I do, I'll probably be more likely to just dip into my supply of LSZ, LSD, or AL-LAD. I still haven't even gotten around to trying my 4-ho-mipt.
haha I'm not quite THAT bad :p but yeah, picking up on a few signs that tell me I should take a bit more than a month off :)

I'm off to Thailand and Cambodia for 2 weeks in like 10 days though! :D suuuuuuuuuper stoked. Haven't travelled Asia yet, and it's for my housemate's buck's party....so gonna go all The Hangover style on this shit. Minus illicit drugs. I'd like to be allowed out of the country in the next 20 years. Alive.

Though I'm curious as to the finer details of mushroom milkshakes over there....setting would be beyond perfect imo. Especially if it were possible around Angkor Wat....hehe

Hope everyone else had a good weekend :)

I had some awesome times on mushrooms in Thailand and Indonesia. Total chaos in Thailand at least, but we went into the northern parts of Bali and had some mystic rainforest sex. Fucking great- you have FUN FUN FUN Trozz :)

My best Asian adventure occurred not too long ago in Nepal, where my uncles friend lives. We stayed with him, and he gave me a wooden chest with a huge chunk of afghan hash, a chunck of opium and some dried mushrooms. I ignored all but the hash, but smoking that and gazing at the mountains was so beautiful. :) <3

I'm still toying with the idea of ordering a gram of MXE, but haven't really decided. My only other dissociative experience was DXM, which I hated. Plus I don't have very many opportunities to trip. When I do, I'll probably be more likely to just dip into my supply of LSZ, LSD, or AL-LAD. I still haven't even gotten around to trying my 4-ho-mipt.

MXE>DXM BY FAR! DXM is mildy pleasant (I've only taken it 8-10 times, and only 3 of those were full dissociating) but has so many negative physical effects that detract from the experience, plus the mental effects feel 'unclean'. Then again, I get that unclean feeling from ketamine also; only MXE do I feel really fine with. Still, concerning to me is MXE's serotonergic effect, but I feel that its impact on kidneys/bladder is perhaps less then ketamine. That said, I'm a lightweight with all drugs now and 20mg of MXE (orally) is usually enough for recreational joy.

How amazing is it that MXE is the thought-child of one of our beautiful comrades here! <3 That is the truest, most pure harm reduction I've encountered- to try and theoretically create a drug that causes less harm then its (step)parent. All hail :)
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So, I had 10mg of valium on Saturday, purely as a means to calm my agony induced anxiety, and its totally fucked me. Seriously, I'm omitting letters from words and words from sentences. I guess my tolerance is almost nil, and the effects were SO strong- I was so relaxed, I felt warm and 'safe' even in agony, I felt empty and confused and depressed. Fucking awful drugs, benzo's....:|

Took day off work, going to complete 3 assignments today hopefull :)
Your words fill me with excitement, Willow. So. Fkn. Keen :D

Know the feeling regarding Valium though....have only ever taken it "recreationally" once (previous experience was prescription for my farked back. Didn't take much at all, barely felt anything). 10mg with some weed was great fun at the time, but the hangover....holy shit. That's enough to negate any enjoyment I got from the experience itself. So groggy the next day. No thanks.
myabird said:
Hello! This is my first time here! I am going to see WSP tomorrow night and am super stoked! Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday bob I'm feeling your positive energy and I already like this place haha keep on swirlin on!

Welcome, young orchid.

willow said:
Fucking awful drugs, benzo's...

Be careful, man. Sending healing vibes your way.
Your words fill me with excitement, Willow. So. Fkn. Keen :D

Yeah, I think you will have great fun. The poverty in those parts of Asia is really in your face at times, but- and this restores faith and love in humanity- the people seem generally happy, friendly, content and present. Of course, lets not pretend that that is merely one face, but it is heartening.

I think its important to have a knowledgeable guide; my brother has spent years in that area so I felt quite safe and in control with his guidance.

Trozz said:
Know the feeling regarding Valium though....have only ever taken it "recreationally" once (previous experience was prescription for my farked back. Didn't take much at all, barely felt anything). 10mg with some weed was great fun at the time, but the hangover....holy shit. That's enough to negate any enjoyment I got from the experience itself. So groggy the next day. No thanks.

Yeah, see I was badly addicted to it a few years back and went through utter hell getting off them, and I do not exaggerate. I originally started taking them for anxiety related to PTSD but just got addicted and really fucked myself. I hadn't used them for well over 2 years, but was panicking on the weekend somewhat with my sore tooth and just general inability to cope in a crisis. My friend gave me 2 x 5mg tablets, which helped a bit, but have just made me feel robotic and neutral. I can't believe I once found this desireable! :|

Be careful, man. Sending healing vibes your way.

Thanks brother <3. I 'll be okay; I don't plan on doing this shit again, ever really. Thanks for the kindness <3 :)
Is this not ridiculously beautiful? So tender....<3

I quite enjoyed the intoxication effects, since in 3 days time it'll be 2 years since I was last drunk hahaha (broke my absolute sobriety last month [boring. didn't get tipsy] and then had another few drinks while I was out Saturday night [again, not even enough to 'feel it', though I was kinda rolling face lol]). Was a lovely floaty feeling :) but yeah, the lethargy and grogginess I had the next day was enough to stop me ever taking the shit recreationally again unless I've already reserved myself to doing absolutely nothing the next day haha

Just wanna say, if people don't mind - when posting a Youtube video (at least in here, where I know the content is of interest to me haha), would people possibly be able to paste the URL for the video they've linked as well? Embedded videos are blocked by my work proxy, however https Youtube links will work fine haha. At least then I can copypasta the URL and find out what the video is, then watch/listen if I wish :)
Ughhh I don't want to write a 20 page paper about the UN's ability to combat climate change. I want to eat a strip of acid and go back to Creature Carnival. Dear Universe: this is a thoroughly unfair test of willpower to spring on a serotonin-depleted guy with ADHD who woke up too late to take his meds today.
^Yep :)


Gotta be shared, this tune is making my day.

You know, through all of this crazy shit in our lives, isn't the fact that we have a blue sky, a yellow sun, trees, leaves, flowers, EARTH enough to offset all the bullshit and darkness?

I could actually understand folk-traditions of sun worship atm. It gives us absolutely everything we require, its influence is immeasurable, it has shaped every aspect of earth, and it is free for all. :) <3
i recorded a cover of hallelujah once upon a time: http://escapegoat.bandcamp.com/track/hallelujah

i transposed it down a fifth and played delay arpeggios instead of chords mostly

i really don't like my singing on the track (or any track i sing on heh), but i do really like the solo i wrote for this song.... solo starts at about 5:13
How amazing is it that MXE is the thought-child of one of our beautiful comrades here! <3 That is the truest, most pure harm reduction I've encountered- to try and theoretically create a drug that causes less harm then its (step)parent. All hail :)

It is amazing. <3 Us PDers over in this corner of the world talk about that semi-regularly since we are awash in MXE at the moment. Such a beautiful thing to have been created by a friend, he literally thought it into existence and now it can play with my brain oh so gently.

What a fucking day. :) I woke up feeling a little sketchy so I went to the waterfall and totally rejuvenated myself (but the water was COLD!). Then I hung out with friends and did some MXE... had a great experience and texted with a girl I have been into for a while and had a really nice conversation and plans to communicate tomorrow. Had awesome conversations with friends and lots of laughs, and now I'm home, ready to get in bed with an episode or two of something funny. :)

Good night <3
I'm pretty excited, tomorrow morning a friend and I will be dipping into my little supply of liquid L.