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☮ Social ☮ PD Social: Nexus for gibberish of the psychedelicized genius and veritably insane

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Hmmm. TAC, maybe you should see if you can transfer to like a community college or something where you will have a wider range of areas you can select from. Then you can try to transfer to a 4-year college. It will be difficult no matter what. School is difficult, but if you are doing something you love, value, or know will really help you later, you can stay focused. Also, you can use your current situation as motivation to get yourself working harder on getting what you want out of school. College is hard, but it should also be fun, and a place where you can meet people who will be your friends for the rest of your life.
^ I've been thinking deeply about this issue. I'm passionate about the work I'm doing, and I love the people here. And I've had trouble focusing in school my whole life, regardless of the subject matter. So I think it's more a psychological issue.

Also, between last semester and this semester, I went from drinking multiple cups of tea per day, to giving up caffeine completely. In retrospect, this was an unwittingly disastrous decision, because I needed the caffeine stimulation to be able to properly focus. The fact that ADD is treated with stimulants leads me to conclude that I am indeed suffering from ADD. I'm going to see a doctor about it ASAP to see if I can get a prescription for something, but meanwhile I will resume drinking tea.

I have to say, I really appreciate the fact that you guys are chiming in with your wisdom. :)

applecore, did you try nootropics?

No, but I'm looking into it - aniracetam looks very promising.
tac said:
I just can't focus on schoolwork. I mean you'd have to hold a gun to my head to get me to concentrate. It's all boring as hell to me.

Pretty standard 2nd semester or sophomore year issue, hang in there. As for the other stuff, that's up to you.

So while I'm not drinking anymore at home/in home area, I thought vacation was okay time to do so, when I wasn't otherwise occupied I just planted myself in the hotel bar in Vegas yesterday (and this morning).
When the line between my friends' opinion of my drug use blurs with my own opinion of my drug use, introspection is to ensue.
I don't think I have a problem, it is more of a hobby.
I work and eat and shit and sleep just fine, but I am sort of infatuated with the idea of being on something different every day. I spend the majority of my time researching the pharmacodynamics/pharmacokinetics of various molecules, especially the ones i have in my own possession.
I am without a doubt a poly-substance user. Abuser? That is the question.

Just returned to baseline after 45mg vaporized 3-MeO-2-OxO-PCE. Yesterday I tripped on a cold water extract of ten Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds. Finished the night off with 20mg oxycodone and 350mg carisoprodol.

For the past two weeks I have been keeping track of every dose of every illicit substance I have consumed. Why? I don't really know. I think I have been doing it so I can subconsciously realize that maybe I am letting drugs cloud my judgement. Maybe I forgot who I really am.
Any thoughts on how I can explain to my best friends room mates what rc psychs ate? They like 'natural' stuff and are your typical vegetarian, close minded jam band folk. But I'm tired of lying about what I took when I'm tripping over there, and what my favorite compounds are.
^ @Expansion: Are drugs inhibiting you from being happy, or getting what you want out of life? If not, then you have no problem. If so, then you do.

@entheo: Tell them that RC psychedelics are synthetic compounds in the same class as LSD, psilocybin, and mescaline, which have not been extensively researched in vivo.
Any thoughts on how I can explain to my best friends room mates what rc psychs ate? They like 'natural' stuff and are your typical vegetarian, close minded jam band folk. But I'm tired of lying about what I took when I'm tripping over there, and what my favorite compounds are.

if they think that ordering unresearched chemicals from online is weird, just remind them that at one point in time LSD was a research chemical, and if you wanted some you had to fill out a mail order form =p
^ they aren't very smart. They will smoke DMT, and agreeded to let me do a large scale extract/recrystylization so long as i give them a bit, but I doubt they even know what the letters stand for. Idk how to dumb down substituted tryptamines and 2,5-4-PEA's to them.
Some days I won't do much but drugs. But I am happy. Other days I am busy and clean, but then later I always indulge. Sometimes, primarily in the beginning if my drug use, I would feel like drugs were a scapegoat, but as this issue manifests day by day and I reflect on my past, I grow concerned for my future. /:
@entheo I usually just give 'em a quick history lesson on shulgin. I say, 'the guy who made ecstacy what it is today made like 200 drugs and tried them all and recorded which ones were the best and now I have them lol'
The Shulgins- with a DEA license to manufacture controlled substances- MUST be special agents working for the government.
I'm not missing something, am I?
No, but I'm looking into it - aniracetam looks very promising.

I think piracetam is more suitable for school. or a mix of them.
I strongly suggest you try a nootropic regimen (maybe backed up by stuff like rhodiola, omega-3, gingko..) before you open the pandora's box of dopaminergic stimulants. I was/am in a similar situation and it helped me a lot. actually in quite a curative way even...
setting up a nootropic regimen may seem a bit like rocket science but as soon as you get the idea of how they work it's quite intuitive - especially if you call yourself a psychonaut.. ;)
just order half a kilo of bulk piracetam, start with eating a few grams daily and see how it goes...
^ Can you elaborate on why you recommend piracetam over aniracetam for school? Most people here seem to prefer the latter to the former.

Christ, it's been way, way too long since I've tripped. Any day now... any day now...
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^ Good to know.

It's just been a few days for me and I'm planning on another LSD adventure soon. :D

Yeah, my next one's going to be LSD as well. Going to have the dorm to myself over Spring beak, so a high dose solo adventure is in order, I think.
^ Good to know.

Yeah, my next one's going to be LSD as well. Going to have the dorm to myself over Spring beak, so a high dose solo adventure is in order, I think.

I dosed about 4-5 hours ago. %)

I used to take acid twice-three times in a week before.
hmm i have off all this week and wanna taste something new. Thinking either 25c or 25b , maybe some t2 though. Waiting for the right moment though not sure when i will.
TAC said:
Christ, it's been way, way too long since I've tripped. Any day now... any day now...

How long has it been? You trip a lot.

atlantis said:
hmm i have off all this week and wanna taste something new. Thinking either 25c or 25b , maybe some t2 though.

What's new in you, that you're bringing to the tasting? Let that be your guide when trying to decide.
Well I just ordered some 2C-C. Hopefully it gets through to me without hastle... It's been at least 2 years since I used a 2C, I'm certainly anxious to try it out. It'll be my last order for awhile I think, the market is all flooded with the 25x-series and I don't want to touch any of those. Lol I'll have an odd stash, 2C-C, 4-HO-MET, 4-AcO-DMT, and 5-MeO-DMT. Not much room for experimentation with these as far as combos are concerned I don't think.
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