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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Tripping Thread: Viruses Can't Penetrate Hyperspace

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Eating greasy food can do that, in my experience. Some people are more sensitive than other, though. I think the only psychedelic that ever made me puke has been ETH-LAD. But my girl, for example, always vomits if we don't take care of how and when we eat before the trip. Greasy food is the worst for her, unavoidable vomiting.
Greasy food settles my stomach unless it's shitty quality and then it makes me feel like shit. I've never puked from LSD or any lysergamide but then again I have a stomach of steel.
That's the weird thing, I'm also known to have a stomach of steel. DOC is literally the only thing my stomach can't handle . I don't even get the slightest bodyload from L25 or Al-LAD, always smooth sailing. I almost felt allergic to the 1p. although to be fair, I was being wreckless and tried two other new Chems earlier in the day while being very active on an empty stomach until I came home and stuffed my face. Regardless, I'm going to micro-dose next time to be sure
Alright guys well im hours away from eating these mushrooms right here. In the process of eating a strong cannabis edible and taking 8mgs of Buprenorphine. Going to give it a few hours to ride out the peak of the edible, cuz the last time i did this the trip got really uncomfortable for a while. It involved a serpent with a medusa's head slithering from out of the floor to appear before my face vibrating super fast looking like its got a cobra hood. Someone spoke and it disappeared to the darkenness as quickly as it came (it was my girlfriends voice).

When i was coming down from that peak i was a bit shaken. The serpent had wanted me dead and i could feel it in my bones (known afterwards to be a delusion). So when mix these today i will be more careful with timing, it does make it incredibly visual which is a major plus, and seems to stretch out the trip even more.

Only taking around 2 grams, Im excited.
Was thinking around 11am :)
Nice, hope you have fun. :) I met a PDer yesterday, which was lovely. Today after work my friends are coming over to play poker, and one of them is bringing a little treat for me which should prove to be a good time. Poker night is always so much fun.

Oh hell yeah, live Jimi is the best. ♥
That sounds great i also love to play cards, I'm particularly fond of Spades. Meeting Bluelighters is always memorable experience, it feels like you already know eachother. I've meet alot of them over the years, most of those times i was tripping on different psychedelics during our adventures.

Gotta love experienced psychedelic users, you can trip with others and not have to deal with people lossing their shit to the same extent. And you will never find a group of people more comfortable than the PD family.

Best friend i ever had was a Bluelighter <3
You know that it's coming on when you begin dancing around your apartment listening to Jimi Hendrix and become one with his essence of love. The intensity is less than anticipated more than likely from the opioid. But i feel amazing and euphoric regardless.

Gonna smoke a few hits of green.
Go a little furthur out there.
Nice man, weed is certainly good for kicking things into gear. :)

Yeah two of my best friends in the world are PD people.
Wow, that really did it.

Im rolling around in bed in pure bliss, geometric patterns behind my closed eye's. Flowing pulsating energy, moving through me. Its so beautiful.

i love all of you guys <3
Sounds like a nice trip. Been a long time since I had some. Thankfully I could easily get some if I ever feel in the mood again. That's a psychedelic I'd want to do in a group and away from home though.

If I do trip sometime soon I'd probably take some 2c-b. Ding mxe again was nice but I have too much shit to take care of to deal with the aftereffects. I got a great moodlift from the afterglow but in a spacey drugged out sort of way where I just want to dab and zone out to music all day. Ended up blowing through my concentrates very quickly when I made a promise to myself I'd severly cut back. With 2c-b I don't feel the urge to do any drugs after coming down. I really need to get around to getting a new scale since mine broke.
I decided to do my 4th DOF trial today. I've gone up by 4mg each time, so this time it's 20mg. It's been 10 days since the last one. It seems like there hasn't been too much more added since 12mg, and 8mg to 12mg wasn't extremely different. 16mg seemed roughly the same as 12mg. It's likely that this drug has a rather subtle effects profile (subtle but quite nice), but I'm hoping I can squeeze a little more out of it. Depending on the results of today, I might do one more higher dose trial, and then I'll compile the notes of my work-up into a single report. :)
I won't be doing a higher dose trial, but will probably try 14mg for a final trial to see if I can replicate previous results. Increasing it to 20mg made for an increase in anxiety without any increase in positive effects. Nothing too major but instead of feeling really pleasant and unobtrusive, it feels a strange mix of pleasant and edgy and somewhat obtrusive.
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