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Overrated and underrated drugs

Crap weed
Alprazolam (xanax)

Really good weed
Shrooms and weed combo
codeine (you know, price and access, and cwe is super easy)
For me, Cannabis, Benzo's and Alcohol are the most over rated drugs.

In my experience, I just don't see what all the fuss is about.

The most under rated drug in my opinion is Lyrica (Pregabalin)
Overrated: cocaine, tobacco, NBOMe's, amphetamine salts, shake and bake speed, buprenorphine

Underrated: cannabis and it's various forms and extracts, MDA, diazepam, temazepam (in my city it's not often heard of), cimetidine for potentiation purposes, K (again, in my city it's underrated only ever so often do you find a dealer w K and hope they stick around), methadone
Under-rated = kratom. Energy, focus, happy thoughts. Drawback = ocular migraines after too many happy thoughts, almost like being skullfucked.
Underrated: dextroamphetamine, tramadol

Overrated: regular weed, alcohol, percocet,
Most who list coke as underrated have never IVed it and felt and heard that choo choo train hit them and ring their bell. Gooddd, so good. Glad I quit doing it bc it and h nearly ruined me.

Most overrated: DXM by far. I did a ton of this shit in high school. So I've given it a fair turn, granted that was nearly a decade ago. I just felt dirty and nervous the whole time while trippin balls and time slowing to a crawl.
MSContin: I've swallowed them, shot them, snorted them and even plugged them. Sure, they kept me from getting dope sick a few times, but even before I was a junkie, I didn't get much outta them. And I love opiates.

Most Underrated:
Mushrooms. It seems like everyone is going for LSD or Ketamine these days which is fine (even tho acid is rarely actual LSD, at least from what I've seen) but shrooms are an incredible experience. It was like spiritual. I felt like I was happier for a whole week after my first time...and nearly every time since. You don't have to mix it with anything. In fact, I'd say it's a waste of shrooms to combo it with anything other than weed.
over rated - marijuana. under rated - adderall. I'd honestly chose addy over coke any day since it lasts longer, feels less addictive, and is a hell of a lot easier on your bank account. i also get euphoria from addy. Idk why no one else seems to but it's just as good as coke most of the time as long you take enough and do it right
First post from a longtime lurker, past experience primarily with IV sadly (jumped straight from weed to IV hydromorphone by sheer fate) but happily in recovery :) I have 3 cats who tell me all about their drug experiences :)


1. IV crack: too impure; also it seems that smoking is much more euphoric, which my cats never tried. None of my 3 cats at home ever got much out of it, and they certainly did not enjoy the vinegar shot (led to an abscess at one time).
2. IV oxycodone: why, when you can have hydromorphone?
3. Heroin: again, why H when you can have hydromorphone? Access to quality heroin takes a lot of leg-work.
4. IV Meth: mixed feelings. Yes, my cats say it feels great, they like how their brains start tingling. Purity is often good. But the compulsive re-dosing and the physiological damage from repeated use just makes my pet cats scratch their heads in bewilderment and shame when they crash. When they binged on IV meth, it was so shocking to their feline brains that they had the first epiphany that drug use was killing them. They stopped doing IV drugs after that, especially considering how anxious they are when sober.


1. Tramadol! As someone else posted, I would take this with me if I had to take one drug on a desert island. 100 mg/day with no dosage escalation has been by far the most effective anxiolytic and antidepressant for my cats, or so they say, and tramadol even has empathogenic/talkative effects. Sex on tramadol has forced me to break up multiple orgies, because they were having marathon sessions with each other.
2. Clonazepam: my three cats at home suffer from severe anxiety/depression/low self-esteem, and 0.5-1.0 mg clonazepam PRN has changed their lives, even removing their need to self-medicate with opiates and other drugs.
3. IV hydromorphone: often criticized for its short duration, but that 5-10 second rush is incomparable! This drug was my 3 cats' DOC, although it eventually lost its magic after about 3 months of daily use.
3. Cannabis: if you don't have paranoia or anxiety, cannabis is one of the safest recreational drugs and seems to attenuate a lot of problems during stimulant comedown, esp. if combined with low-dose benzos.
4. Mushrooms: one of my cats had a bad trip (not nightmarish though), but the other two cats experienced pure nirvana for hours. Revelatory.
5. Mirtazapine: far and away the best antidepressant out there...side effects include appetite increase and somnolence. Many of us who have done drugs (esp. stimulants, which are NOT my DOC) would kill to be able to pass out and binge eat after staying up for 3 nights.
6. Propranolol: My cats having the anxiety that they have, propranolol really helps with the tremors and surging pulse during anxiety attacks. Non-addictive and not scheduled. Almost as effective as benzos in combating the adrenaline that comes with fear response.
7. Codeine: not used recreationally, my cats save it for sex so they can last longer in bed. Not that they even use the bed most times...
8. IV/IM Ketamine! (from the veterinarian): my cats really had some special experiences on this one during surgery. The first time since shrooms that they had felt like they were beyond all space and time. And music!
Being a longtime lurker how have you not noticed nobody on here uses the 3rd person "cats" thing or swim or any of that shit
Reading the bluelight guidelines is obviously over rated ;)

Personally I feel good cocaine is under rated. Not every one wants the long drawn out high that meth inflicts. A few lines with a couple of whiskey with mates, then fall to sleep by midnight is often exactly what I want. I spend more on good bottles of wine with dinner, which are personally over rated imo
Overrated: 3-Meo-PCP and PCP because people claim you will do just about anything on them, I just found them to be nice additions to my dissiocative stash, nothing more. :\

Underrated: Tramadol since it was my first opiate ever and it shall always remind me of the great and powerful nods I had on them. Also 4-MAR (4-MethylAminoRex) is way underrated IMO since people consider it to be just another designer stimulant but it is IME the best stimulant one can ever get their hands on since the comedown is so benign and the high is just so... actually I can't find any words to describe to high and rush from 4-MAR (Hence my nickname on the internet heh? ;). Also MDPV when taken in combination with Heroin or Cocaine (maybe even Dichloropane aka RTI-111) rocks my socks off. :)

--» Peace o/
The most overrated drug to me, and without reading through the thread I'll bet it's come up loads is, Cocaine.. Stupidly expensive for uncut, the buzz is, meh. Although I am told IV is meant to be pretty lovely but a sure fire way to bollocks up your veins in no time. .

Most underrated drug i think is decent amphetamine sulphate, it's not my favourite substance and it's been a fair while since I used any however I'm thinking of rectifying that. It's got a great buzz, can be used just as a bit of, get up and go or all out flying off your tits.. All for pennies too

eh I hate saying it has a physical withdrawal, because people who have been in opiate/benzo or any serious withdrawal will laugh at that. But if you just take the word for what it is, you will realize cannabis does have a bit of a physical dependence. I recently took just under 2 week tolerance break, didn't sleep well the first few nights, night sweats, and wasn't hungry. I was taking nothing else so in my mind it was the weed. Is it anywhere near as serious as stronger drug withdrawals? no, but it still is a withdrawal. Your body is uncomfortable in some way, and when you take the drug those uncomfortable feeling fade. That to me is being dependent on something. Again it's not very serious, and probably wouldn't be noticeable for most if they took something else while taking a break from cannabis.

for overrated I would say alcohol by far, makes me feel sluggish/dumb and sometimes depressed then followed by dehydration. It's got it's times but i never got much out of it, I would much rather eat a benzo.
-Ecstasy & empathogens in general


Personally I feel good cocaine is under rated. Not every one wants the long drawn out high that meth inflicts. A few lines with a couple of whiskey with mates, then fall to sleep by midnight is often exactly what I want. I spend more on good bottles of wine with dinner, which are personally over rated imo

Completely agree with that. I like meth but I'll always prefer good coke. Staying up all night isn't any fun unless you've got someone to stay up with ;)
amphetamine is pretty underrated.
It's probably my favorite stimulant. It gets its job done... it's effective, long lasting, not very addictive and you get a light "euphoria" on top of it.
It's useful in school & work/ It gives you a little bit of confidence/ You can also use it to party.

I have no comedowns from it, and I can always fall asleep after doing it.

Plus it's really cheap.

This ^
Ive experience mind blowing euphoric trippy effects of high doses too.

Adderall. When it first came out, it was being touted as the new meth. No offense to anyone that loves it and gets that awesome euphoric, happy, speedy feelings from it. I just don't get it. I have zero tolerance for uppers now after being completely off them for ten years. Now my meds of choice are benzos and opiates. I do consume a moderate amount each day to keep my PTSD under control and that works for me. Thing is that I also suffer from severe depression which is why I used to take uppers. Meth was my fave. I never plugged, just snorted, and it made me feel at first euphoric and then contented with lots of much needed energy. I took a ten year break because it was lowering the quality of my lifestyle and my health. Now, my Dr just prescribed me 10 mg Adderall XR caps and told to take one in the morning. I researched the ingredients and wow-it's a speed pill! I was hoping so much that it would give me that energy and feeling of contentment but IT WAS LIKE TAKING A SUGAR PILL!! I. never insufflated before but I was so pissed off that I snorted 20 mgs first making sure that I crushed the beads into powder, and all I got was a slight tingling feeling in my body, felt depressed, and fell asleep. How can that be? They were fresh from the pharmacy and brand name. Why do so many people rave about how speedy it makes them? Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can take them and get the desired results? I also mixed them with 200 mgs of Modafinil and they cancelled eachother out. I don't plug so what's left? Your feedback would be appreciated.


Cocaine (especially snorted as it's hardly worth doing that way but Crack and IV coke are also a big waste as they are all kick no high)

Benzodiazepines: Well for recreational purposes anyway. Out of Alprazolam, Lorazepam (both orally and up to 8mg's IV from hospital vials), Valium (orally and IV from hospital ampules), Oxazepam, Clonazepam and Temazepam the only one i got any real euphoria from from Temazepam.


Ntrious Oxide


Oral Morphine
