Opiate Withdrawal.

Alcohol always made it worse. When I did pass out I would flail violently. I think weed and benzo the ticket. Also I have stretched just a couple subs over a week period, tapering down to 1mg a day. Worked

Do not take naltrexone!

Alright so I am on Day 2 of my withdrawal to opiates, more specifically Methadone & Oxycodone. I was on about 50mg (popped) & 100 mg Oxy (popped & insufflated) so im pretty much feeling like SHIT right now & its probably going to get worse. No discredit to all the dope shooters that are on here, being DOPE sick Im sure is nothing compared to me. But I was wondering, since I have no access to gabapentin anymore, will Alcohol help at all ? Will getting drunk help with opiate withdrawal symptoms ? Is sober the only way to feel opiate withdrawal ?
. Small H habit. Quit 4 days ago. Split a 8mg strip 4/2/2 consecutive days. Took 50mg naltrexone pill last night at midnight..within the hour..omg I nearly called for an ambulance. I have kicked cold turkey many times. Nothing and I mean nothing compared to how awful this was. By 5am. My unbearable anxiety began to settle (no benzos y'all). I was coming completely unglued, freezing, heart rate way high, pupils took over entire eye, things flying uncontrollably from every orifice. Was within minutes of calling 911 as the symptoms and intensity kept ramping up.

Managed 2 hours of "sleep" got up, Googled what the fuck just happened...I had no idea. Jesus. It's 18 hours later, feel relatively well. Stomach pain at times. Lethargic. Nose run. But overall much better. Yeah don't do this without heavy sedatives/benzos and maybe an observer. I swear I was strongly considering an ER visit at the peak..about 3 hours in. Bad move. Get clean. Stay clean. Fuck this nonsense

Why not get (3) 8mg suboxone strips.

Day 1. 8mg
Day 2. 4mg
Day 3. 3mg
Day 4. 2 mg
Day 5. 2 mg
Day 6. 1 mg

I ride out at 1mg, even maybe last 2 days 1/2mg....don't get sub habit, feel zero withdrawal. Win/ Win
I'm down now to 45mg/day oxy. I'm really considering cold turkey again. Tapering is like pulling off a bandaid really slowly, and I'm a really hairy guy!

Sorry tried to post direct to you. Use subs, three only needed, and be done in week.
Just saying hi, on day 9 now... some really awesome and good people posting here..lots of great encouragement! I did have insomnia pretty bad last night, but split a 150mg Lyrica in half... I guess I need the whole one. Will try that tonight. I also made an appointment, although it is still two weeks away, with my new PCP. I will be curious to see what he will will give me for sleep issues.

Hi sista, 150mgs lyrica is pretty much standard dose i would take it without splitting one. Hope you get better sleep tonight!
I have high functioning Autism. I used alcohol for many years to control anxiety. Quit that when Dr put me on Baclofen before my first spine surgery. Now I can't drink alcohol( horrible hangovers). I have been using the oxy to regulate my mood in addition to helping with the pain from the screws in my back.
Long story short..... Suboxone means coming clean to my Dr about the reason I still ask for oxy. He'll give me the Suboxone, and two weeks later I'll be in a psyche hospital and won't be able to work or feed my family. I'm back up to 60 mg/day oxy and trying to keep the Ativan @ 3mg/day, all scripted. I go back to work in a week after being on disability for a LONG time. The stress of not having a crutch will end me, and that wouldn't be fair to my wife and kid. So I lie about the severity of my physical pain so the Dr will keep giving me the only Rx that has ever really helped with the voices in my head.
It sucks.
hey guys. I'm on day I guess one. I washed all my cottons. Over and over today. Yesterday I had maybe a half of point of b in the am. I had a 8 mg strip I split between my babe and I we shot two mgs. Which fucked us up in a bad way but after sleeping a bit I feel better we put the rest under our tongues. So that was it. We have no b no cottons no sub's. So now it begins...we've kicked before but it seems like each time its worse and worse. My legs hurt so bad right now. We just moved to Vegas and are staying with family. We are broke so I can't go get anything to make us feel better. I have a connect here already lol but no money. I want to stop shooting heroin so bad you guys. I want my life back. I miss my son. He's in Arizona with his dad. He's doing amazing but I know he's scared for my life. I've died once and seized once. So I am aware it could be worse but why does it have to be you know?! I just need some love and guidance. Thank you.
hey guys. I'm on day I guess one. I washed all my cottons. Over and over today. Yesterday I had maybe a half of point of b in the am. I had a 8 mg strip I split between my babe and I we shot two mgs. Which fucked us up in a bad way but after sleeping a bit I feel better we put the rest under our tongues. So that was it. We have no b no cottons no sub's. So now it begins...we've kicked before but it seems like each time its worse and worse. My legs hurt so bad right now. We just moved to Vegas and are staying with family. We are broke so I can't go get anything to make us feel better. I have a connect here already lol but no money. I want to stop shooting heroin so bad you guys. I want my life back. I miss my son. He's in Arizona with his dad. He's doing amazing but I know he's scared for my life. I've died once and seized once. So I am aware it could be worse but why does it have to be you know?! I just need some love and guidance. Thank you.

Hi Hazebaby, So you guys split the subs you had and you have nothing left? Theres lots of good info to follow here im hoping you guys succeed! Its not easy without comfort meds but sounds like you have good reasons and lots of determination which means everything. Best of luck to both of you!
After reading Hazebaby's and Libertine's posts, I need to stop whining. Seriously. Being out of clonidine and gabapentin is noticeable; having withdrawals, I guess that is what I call them. Achy, insomnia, blah.... I guess what they call mild withdrawal symptoms. I need to hang here, b/c I do not have an alternative. I am not going to try subs now at day 10....doesn't make sense. So, taking some aspirin, a little ativan, and waiting till later to take the 150mg Lyrica, which did not work all that well last night... I prefer gabapentin, but so grateful to be kicking that "addiction" of 7 days now.
I hope everyone keeps hanging in there... it seems like we have a good day, a couple bad ones, and back to good. Whatever. I am done. Seriously.
Thank you so much. One thing I do have is determination. We've been clean before. I had never done b before but I had to experience it, understand it, because babe did it. So I did and I get it now better than ever. I've conquered addiction many times in the past but as you know its an on going battle. However I am 33 and I'm tired. I've only been using iv for a year and I believe my mother is my guardian angel and she is like "ha ha bitch. You wanna do it this way good luck". Lol my arms are tired. I'm scared though. This drug knocked me on my ass and I've so many times said " OK this is it. I'm done eff you b. I'm getting clean." Then I'll get 3 maybe 6 months but it always calls me back. Since I've been using iv. I can't seem to get over 4 days. Its the obsession with the ritual. I won't go to in depth but I know you get what I'm saying. The fucked up part is we do it! We make it thru the kicking. The sweating, the rls, the running to the bathroom, the anxiety and insomnia. We begin to feel normal and then it's "we got this" we can go get a dub. Who the fuck does that?! Seriously?! Can someone explain to me why I do this to myself over and over?! Oh and yea I put a half of sub in the spoon. Horrible idea. Lol even being split between the two of us. However I washed that cotton a few mins ago and it eased the rls and some of the pain. We fly home Weds for court. We have minor wreckage to clean up. Just misdemeanors this time thank GOD. So that will be maybe 45 days in jail which SLO County Jail is like church camp. LoL it isn't anything like East Saint Louis jail. Haha last time we went home we had shots waiting for our arrival. This time we will be being picked up by my brother in law, his sobriety has been shakey but he is well aware I want us to stay clean so I am praying he will not have any oxys or anything when we get there. Cause if its an op. we will bang it then we are off and running again. So today I'm asking you guys to please keep us in your prayers. I know above everything else I do have a higher power and I forget to ask for guidance sometimes but the power of prayer is stronger than us two addicts. Thank you guys for talking to me and being positive reinforcement. I really do appreciate you.
Hang tight. I pray I can make it to a day 10. I've not made it past day 4 since I've started using b iv. Much love and light. My experience with sub's. You still kick from them. They are nice for a milder crash landing when you have 3 strips and taper down starting 12 to 24 hrs after your last op of choice. This time we only had one strip. The last time we did too, we split it on day 4 of kicking then drove home to cali on day 5 and went on a hard core week and a half bender and here we are again. I'm grateful it was only a week and a half. This time has been worse in some ways but today, I don't feel so bad physically, but my brain will not stop feinin for a shot. Not that I feel like I NEED it. But I want it. Sigh. XxOo
haze: Wow... you have a lot going on... I will definitely send you positive and healing thoughts so that you kick your drug for good. It definitely sounds like you need "more"...once the physical w/d is over.... 12 step meetings... even if you do not agree, just sit there and listen for one hour... you are safe for the hour... maybe you hear something that keeps you clean another day.... whatever... will you be clean in jail? I am on day 10... stilll feeling whiny, lol. I like to feel perfectly fine... do not like any thing messing me up. Keep trying Haze... you will get it one of these times for good.... never, never give up!!!!
haze: Wow... you have a lot going on... I will definitely send you positive and healing thoughts so that you kick your drug for good. It definitely sounds like you need "more"...once the physical w/d is over.... 12 step meetings... even if you do not agree, just sit there and listen for one hour... you are safe for the hour... maybe you hear something that keeps you clean another day.... whatever... will you be clean in jail? I am on day 10... stilll feeling whiny, lol. I like to feel perfectly fine... do not like any thing messing me up. Keep trying Haze... you will get it one of these times for good.... never, never give up!!!!

your kickin ass sista, dont do subs at this point you got this! Your gonna have insomnia maybe for a while im not saying your going to get use to it but your body will reach a point
where you start to get some better sleep. Every little bit of sleep helps your sanity i just slept the last 5 nights with no help from nothing and average 5 hours a night which for me is a breakthrough hang in there sista better days are coming!!
Hang tight. I pray I can make it to a day 10. I've not made it past day 4 since I've started using b iv. Much love and light. My experience with sub's. You still kick from them. They are nice for a milder crash landing when you have 3 strips and taper down starting 12 to 24 hrs after your last op of choice. This time we only had one strip. The last time we did too, we split it on day 4 of kicking then drove home to cali on day 5 and went on a hard core week and a half bender and here we are again. I'm grateful it was only a week and a half. This time has been worse in some ways but today, I don't feel so bad physically, but my brain will not stop feinin for a shot. Not that I feel like I NEED it. But I want it. Sigh. XxOo

Hang in there haze, i wish you guys had a couple sub strips to make it less painful but does sound like you guys have been here before and are a tough couple. After all my years on oxy im saying it does
get better in time. I have no craving anymore because if i did what would instantly come to mind is having to dose multiple times everyday just to live fuck that im done with that!. Do it this time for each other you guys are in my prayers!!
TLD- you're right. I have been on oxy every day for a year now and I have to dose every couple of hours to avoid full wd's.
Keep it up haze,and never go back!
Hey guys,

Poke mama I am SO proud of you woman! Day 10 wow! You have got this! Well done. Get yourself some supplements now or whatever people use to help the post acute withdrawal. Your going to be feeling so great soon! I'm really proud of you!

I hope sunrise is doing okay too. Good Luck to the newcomers too. I will most definitely be praying for you guys!
You are so right that prayers are WAY strong! You are ALL in my prayers here. I understand we are all just doing the best we can and have different needs here.

I had a way shitty ;) 12 hours of cold turkey while waiting for my refill. I have just about managed to get tapered back down to my prescribed dose. It has been hard. I doubled my dose for about 4 weeks due to major seizures and some other problems. I had some kind of bad attack. Possible stroke. They are doing tests on me still.
Tapering is miserable. I forced myself to do it the best I could but still ended up 12 hours cold turkey. That was way worse.
I'm so glad that is over.
I'm starting to feel almost stabilized again on my regular dosage. Thank God for that. My body is in too bad of shape to take such a shock to my system anymore. I was thinking that I would try to get my Doctor to raise my dose but now, I saw his wisdom on keeping me on a very low dose all these years. He is right.
Hopefully 2 more days and I will be stabilized and feeling okay. I don't think I can come off this shit at this point. My pain/ injuries are too bad. I can't stop moaning or hardly move. I guess the best I can do is stick to this low dosage no matter what.

Sending you all lots of love and encouragement. You guys can do this! If you don't have a lot of health issues, you will feel better!
Self esteem improves, sex is way better! Think of all the positives! Keep on keeping on guys.
Poke- you must be around day 14. I remember the two week mark was where life gets normal again. Sleep patterns, sex drive, etc. congrats!
stay strong mate id personally avoid alcohol things will eventually get better, take care.
I just got of 80-100mg of immodium a day for 7 months..i started taking it to ease the withdrawals from daily kratom use of around 8 months. I took 30 mgs of immodium for a few weeks, then 12 mgs at night before bed and now nothing for about 5 days. I am still experiencing leg pain and restlessness. Its amazing how something that doesn't even really get you high can make your body go through living hell. I had severe opiate withdrawls from hydrocodone about 4 years ago and now this. In my mind i have much motivation to never take it again. However, I have been taking OTC stimulants that feel like adderol to help with keeping me focused at work. I am now on my last couple of doses with this.
Just posting here to keep this thread alive.
I've been on oxy for a year now. Trying to taper down but every reduction feels like cold turkey.