Opiate Withdrawal.

Havent tried Kratom to combat opiate withdrawals but since it hasnt been made illegal in Ireland as of yet, if I for whatever reason relapse again I'll definitely consider it.

Took a couple of codeine tablets today just to ease the sweats and the pain but other than that its been a week since I've used, and when I did use it was only for two consecutive days after having another week clean before that. My withdrawls are due to a month long run after getting clean for a while so I'm pretty sure I'll be out of the woods by next weekend (as in the one *after* this one). Until then I'll stick with the benzos to kill the anxiety.

Erinben0103 I should think it would depend on how long you were using and to what severity your addiction was; ie how much you were using per day or per week if not daily. I know how much of a killer cold turkey can be, but you're going to have to go through withdrawals when you discontinue Kratom anyway so just bare that in mind and be careful.
Hey Closesu,

I really hope you are doing better ! I know how much this sucks! Hang in there try and Get sober for your Son, try some NA meetings. I hate them! But always get some sort of information out of it. And at least don't feel so damm alone !
Sending you good vibes my brother !
Hey Squeaky- I admire all that you have done here, you are amazing! I had to change my meds as the oxycodone was no longer a good thing for me. It caused pain instead of getting it gone!
Look into kratom. And if anyone is interested in trying it for opiste withdrawal or chronic pain. Look up Natures Gifts(herbal store) on facebook. Kratom saved my life.
Thanks GRSH. I have been considering that my pain killers may actually be pain 'enhancers'. We'll all find out if I ever manage to taper off of them.
I didn't taper off, I just switched. Of course I had a bunch of my 30 mg pills left, but after trying to 'supplement' with them for a couple of days I just stopped using them at all. I can't tell you how relieved I was when I just let the new meds work!! It's night and day different! Having the oxycodone for a while felt like a cushion, as I have relied on these for a long time. But within a week I realized that they were doing more harm then good. I can't tell you how much better my life is now, I have time with my family that is not spent trying not to cry, or hoping that if I just take one more I will not hurt. There are no words to get that feeling across!

A quick question: I was taking diazepam for years, then all of the sudden my doctor just yanked them. The last two weeks have been a quick trip to hell, followed by a long stay. How long does the benzo PAWS last? I keep reading conflicting statements there. If it weren't for the additional pain relief I think I might have done something horrid.

Thanks for any help with this!
Oxymorphone, or Orpana and no benzo at all. My doctor says the benzo with the pain medication could make me stop breathing, so I am using something else a muscle relaxer. Not sleeping, and now I am suffering horrible mood swings, my legs- can I just cut them off? I am exhausted, and while it's been 3 weeks it isn't getting much better! How long do I get to be this horrible?
The new muscle relaxer is methocarbamol 750- anyone know if this mixes poorly like carisprodol?
Ive seen in this thread that nothing help opiate wd... I can agree when it come to long acting opiate, you will be forced to endure at least a part of the pain.

But I find long acting dissociative godsent for opi withdrawal (O-Pce, MXE, things like that). You can almost subhole you for the two worst day, but generally things don't have to be that far, less important doses can help too.

I detoxed last year from subutex with O-Pce, I took it 5 days (you can't take really more as after, there is tolerance problem, and the risk that the dissociative taking a toll on your health, OPce is not light dissociative), it made all the WD process far easier. When you begin to feel better, you can begin to take speed for energy, benzo for sleeping (no more than 5 days for benzo as you are generally forced to take high dose like at least 1,5mg of xanax, you risk addiction) - speed is useless while in worst of the WD, it will just make you far worst, feeling like you are ODing on speed.
Ive done that, and I'm no more into subutex, neither in benzo or speed (far less addictive than opiates).
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GRSH- Your Doctor was pretty irresponsible in pulling your Benzo cold turkey like that. People regularly have seizures and die from benzo withdrawl. It is possible that your PAWS could last for a year or more. I tried cold turkey after only about 6 months on Lorazepam and didn't sleep for two days and had a small seizure. I went straight back on the pills and tapered off without trouble. You can research 'The Ashton Method' for tapering benzo's. I would recommend after 2 weeks off your benzos, get back to your dr asap and take 25-50% your previous dose 2 hours before bedtime every night. That will stop all of your trouble within 24 hours. Then get on a good tapering plan.
Your Dr is correct that the combo of opiates and benzos does lead to death, but only when people abuse them and usually only when they add something else that wasn't prescribed like alcohol(and lots of it!) I have personally been on heavy doses of Lorazepam and Oxycodone for a year now and had zero trouble.
The worst part of opiate withdrawls seems to be insomnia and all of the problems that come with not sleeping. Life just generally sucks in many ways if you haven't slept good. Most of the things we do that would cause us to sleep through a bad situation come with side effects that make life suck even worse(try a hangover from cheap tequila on day 3 of opiate withdrawls. I'd rather die). I have a prescription for Ativan and that has worked awesomely since it is a short acting benzo. If you take a lot of it, the 'hangover' is pretty mild. And you can usually get away without becoming dependent if you only use it for a few days.
ANYTHING you can do to get sleep will help. If I could stay in bed asleep for a week I would quit the oxy today. Insomnia + withdrawls = where the F are my pills!
Squeaky- thank you for your advice, your words in this string are an inspiration!! I really appreciate your knowledge and experience (though I am sorry you had to go through it all, I am glad you shared your experiences). I am going to see my doctor tomorrow! I was on the Oxycodone and Diazepam for 5-8 years, with no problems. So I don't know why the sudden need. She knows that I don't abuse my meds, but with all the guidelines the DEA wrote, there is so much fear for doctors now. Even more impacting in my neck of the woods is a drug ring bust a year ago at a local car dealership. The doctor who had written over 60 false scripts was jailed for manslaughter after one of the customers died while using and drinking. I think there are a lot of scared docs in these parts now. Still haven't slept in weeks, and this spreads its effects through out my life everywhere.
GRSH- now might be a good time to start reducing your oxy use on your own without telling the Dr. Bank some pills and get your tolerance down in case you get kicked off the pills in the future. That's what I'm doing right now. It's really rough but I think it's better than doing it on their terms later. I should have done it months ago, instead if using up the stash I had. I'm getting used to my daily pain now, along with the withdrawls.
The human body was never designed to hurt this much for this long. I'm pretty sure mine will still hurt after the pills are gone, but hopefully less pain in less places.
Best of luck to you squeaky!! I know what you are talking about when you say that the docs are getting more strict about prescribing opiates. I live in VA. and close to WV. and MD., and every pain management doc is on high alert because of all the overdose going on with the fentanyl laced heroin!! People are dying every day around here and it seemsto make front page headlines in the local news everyday. I used to be prescribed oxy30s along with oxycontin 60s. but now I am prescribed half of what I was getting, and I fear that things will get worse in my area with all of the overdosing going on everyday in my neck of the woods. ?
Bestof luck to everyone going through withdrawal, I know that feeling. :(
GRSH- now might be a good time to start reducing your oxy use on your own without telling the Dr. Bank some pills and get your tolerance down in case you get kicked off the pills in the future. That's what I'm doing right now. It's really rough but I think it's better than doing it on their terms later. I should have done it months ago, instead if using up the stash I had. I'm getting used to my daily pain now, along with the withdrawls.
The human body was never designed to hurt this much for this long. I'm pretty sure mine will still hurt after the pills are gone, but hopefully less pain in less places.

Squeaky- How messed up is it that people have to live in fear like that? I had changed pharmacies a while back, and for months they shorted me. I finally remembered to ask them to count my pills before I touched them, and sure enough they were short! Of course they had to count them 3 times before they believed me (the fist time with so much attitude I was shocked), and when they talked to their manager, she yelled that I had obviously taken the pills out before they had a chance to count them (I think she has a habit of her own!). They had to explain to her twice that I couldn't have, as I never even had the bottle in my hand! They treated me like a criminal and a junky because I take pain meds!
My point? I have valid reasons for the meds I take, anyone can take a look at my x-ray, mri, or CAT scans if they doubt me. On top of the break in my T spine, I have arthritis riddled all over my spine, and a bunch of oddities in my skeleton to complicate the rest. I have not gone to a single doctor that would recommend my coming off of the meds yet. I actually argued against them for a long time, now I am just glad I won't have to go without unless I choose to ever again!
The worst part for me is knowing that all those years my doctor prescribed the oxycodone, and then her saying 'that (oxycodone) can actually cause pain' and being right! I spent the last 5 years on that stuff knowing it wasn't working, and the last 2 thinking that I had no where to get better pain relief. That was fear!
Having found a better solution for myself is awesome, comforting, and such a relief. I no longer feel the need to make sure I have extra, or anything like that. Sure, the switch was rough, but nothing like what you have described for yourself even while on the oxycodone. I really suggest talking to your doctor about something that works better, for me it eased up that fear I recognize in a lot of your more recent posts.
I hope you go back and read some of your old stuff, and realize that you are amazing! You give others so much courage to face their selves and their medication head on. I thank you every time I read your stuff, even if it is not up here for you to read.
GRSH- Thank you for your kind words. I really started posting as sort of a public diary to help anyone else see what it was really like to quit cold turkey, day by day.
Now it's the same for tapering.
I have had only one time for sure my pharmacy made a mistake. They mixed up my Lorazepam for something completely different. Now I at least rip the bag open and check to see the pills are correct before leaving the cash register. I don't think they are stealing, but who's going to believe if I get home and discover my bottle of oxy is full of m&m's!
I did 75 mg oxy yesterday. Not yet my target of 60, but way down from the 150 a couple of months ago and less than my scripted 90/day. It took 4 days really to drop from around 105/day to 75. I felt ok yesterday so I will try hard to hit 60mg today. Cutting my pills smaller and dosing more frequently REALLY helps.
Well I learnt a sobering (no pun intended) lesson this week and I would like to reassert this as advice for anyone else tending towards making a similar decision to me.

A few years ago I got rxed tramadol for pain and got very keen on them, causing the start of a 9 year battle with opioids. This year things got bad and after a few months doing well on subutex I fucked up and relapsed into heroin use. Before I knew it I have got to using 3 bags/day (approximately ~300mg/day) which is a pretty hefty habit.

This week I ran out of dope and decided NOT to spend my last remaining money left on more gear and instead I foolishly bought 100 x 50mg IR tramadol caps. With the express intention of using them to stabilise myself a taper down before transferring back onto the subutex. THIS WAS A HUGE MISTAKE! There's NO safe dose of tramadol that can take the edge off a 300mg diamorphine daily habit and I ended up on the verge of a seizure in terrible withdrawals yesterday. To make matters worse, I then had the tramadol taken off me and was left with sweet fuck all.

Today, I did something I am not proud of and used the money to buy a shitload of gear and intend to use them just slowly to stave off the intense withdrawals before getting put on methadone, but shit ... if you have a big habit, do not try and use tramadol to control withdrawals.
I get little fantasies about how many pills I'm going to have leftover this month. If I cut myself back to two pills a day instead of three, and then next month it'll be only one pill a day....... Then an hour later the wd's hit and all of that is gone out the window.
I have been using more than prescribed and now I will have to cut back just so I won't run out.